hi where can i exp sagittarius after reaching 80? no daily quests. no archer parties at swampland as it used to be at the beginning of core. any suggestions? thanks
first of all u must do daily q at your lvl,secondly,try to farm some adena and buy vit items and go swamp even alone. if u got a good friends they can take u to soa. if u got adena go buy powerlvling. regards.
thank you both. i tried swampland solo. maybe i was in wrong part of it cause it was too hard. nevertheless i'll try again. it sounds like only solution. daily quest after 80 lvl? you sure there are any?
there's one on imperial tomb spawnpoint,take it from the npc,and got an another one in shrine of loyalty spawnpoint. both quest is daily.
after tauti update only characters 85 and above can enter to soa. look up for chest out there they are easy to kill try to exp at imperial tomb aswell and see how it goes 76 - 81 + level quest one-time : http://l2wiki.com/grasp_thy_power http://l2wiki.com/purgatory_volvere http://l2wiki.com/bloody_good_time http://l2wiki.com/succubus_disciples http://l2wiki.com/that_place_succubus if you have not made these one time quest yet i suggest you to do them they give good exp + some reward. 76 - 81 + level quest daily : http://l2wiki.com/in_nomine_patris http://l2wiki.com/tomb_raiders
other easy daily 2 q's are in mitril mine,they gives 1kk+ adena and about 5%. npc is located inside mine at one of altars. only from all those daily q u got plenty of exp+adena. regards. @wolf32 u can enter soa on main 85+ and change to sub.but it doesnt apply to this guy.
http://l2wiki.com/grave_robber_rescue http://l2wiki.com/lucien's_altar - after tauti update daichir was moved from schuttgart to mithril mines. from both quests you only get 19kk + exp n 1kk adena not so plenty , lol my point..