hey guys, i'm actually playing a feoh wizard, and i find it great. the thing is that whilst farming, if i don't get any mana herb within 10mins or so, i run out of mana, and i would like to know if there's a way to recover it faster as just wait sitting (i have 8k mana, and it recovers from 20 into 20 every 5 secs... so it would take ages). ps: i use btm everytime it's up, and i /walk instead of /run. thanks.
well if you would party duo with healer, you wouldn't be out of mana, at least theoretically. fastest way to recharge mp is to have healer beside you. soloing is always bad idea.
the only way that you can solo is at an area with herbs + having together an improved kookaburra which it can recharge you. party xp is always better though...
mana potions never existed really. it is custom item developed in l2j and used by all private servers. never existed in officials.