hey. i'm new to lineage 2 europe. how is the playerbase? are there still many players, and are there still coming more, or are there slightly getting less as people are quitting? thanks.
i would like to say that there is many players but can't server is dying slowly maybe numbers will increase with glory days and lindvior update. couple of reasons why server is at state it is now. delay with mentor system and all created ******** with it. delay with evolutionary road. we got only 15% of koreans sent events.
there was no "delay" with evolutionary road, this is a custom feature and not part of the main game content. we get all the scripted events that korea decide to send us, they are always implemented unless for unforseen reasons the event will cause a problem ingame and therefore needs to be withheld, this can be for many factors so i wont list them here. please do not give false statements and propaganda to new players, if you want new players to come why scare them off with false information?
first time there is info why do we have so poor quanity of events though korean players got a looooot more with ncwest. do innova got problems with getting event scripts from korea ?
not the first time, i personally have written many times across the forum sections that we recieve scripted events from korea
yes i want new players but guy asked for honest opinion. list of koreans made events for 2012. http://power.plaync.co.kr/lineage2/이벤트 character collectors and okedongmu golden medal; cheer! draco the second story of the birth of n shop transformation festival cali's blessing to the second story hero's blessing world olympiad competition cali blessing blood crack of time crack of space crack draco's birth how many of these events we got ? or will get ? answer is round zero :d
i didn't write that i first time hear about from were do we get events. i wrote that we got poor quanity of events comparing what we had and what korean + ncwest players had and will have. just look at how much global events we missed. that's why i asked why do we have a problems with getting a good events that players usually like (like with a draco birth)? so please first read throughly and than answer.
if you want to be objective, please do not post a pic like that atm the competitive clans have serious activity problems the number of clan members are fake numbers, at least 50% of those clans are low lvl chars / inactives in clan only for clan lvl 10-11, except horde and holy there are lot of lowbie players, but after reaching ~90 or maybe 95, their enthusiasm is getting dropped day by day, and quiting soon that happened in march/april, and maybe will happen in this month due to other server starts fortunately, they noticed it, and fixed mentor system, introduced this evolutionary road, and lowering pa prices, it may attract more ppl if they do it before summer, we would have 6-8k players instead of 3k still, this is the best european server, so we play here!
i don't want to play with 6-8k players (half of them are probably bots) where you can't do anything because every single even low or high level spots are taken 24/7. this population is totally ok. lower pa, revo road and mentor system brings new players. even without them a lot people hit 97+. and now making a 85+ char just takes some days with help maybe 1 week without it.
true - there are a lot of players 75+ to 90 new discount will bring some pa buyers ... and dont tell me about ncwest server - there are like ~2k players max - rest is bot :d
hello im a very old lineage 2 naia player, i just want to ask how is possible to ding 85 in 1 week without someone help you and without use the store and with class u ding 85 in 1 week?
if u would be really "old lineage 2 naia player" u wouldn't ask such questions. lvling guide. http://boards.lineage2.com/showthread.php?t=224059 with evolutionary road u dont need to buy anything from l2 store. https://forum.4game.com/showthread.php?t=12469
any o.o mentor + nevits rune (of evolutionary road) = +200% xp (3x) 1-40 2h if u can find ppl to do raid bosses u can do like 7-10 lvls per rb (since this tuesday)... if u don't, u can do normal xp, 2 lvls per buff round easily to ~58/60, after that, one level per buff round till 70 is also achievable... it gets a lil harder after that (depending on ur class), but u can easily do 85 in a week. friend of mine did 71->77->83 in 3 rbs... i personally did 73->75->78 in 3 rbs (no mentor, no nevits)
hard to believe, that you are old school naia player if you want fast leveling: mentor (+200%), rune of xp 200%, nevit hourglass (+50%) nevit blessing 200%, vitality (+100%), rb buff (+10%) = +860% xp on naia so with this i guess isn't problem make the level 85 in a week, cuz all mobs give brutal huge xp and bosses too.
yes but rune of xp 200%, nevit hourglass (+50%) nevit blessing 200% is only with shop buyer .but for now is not bad i started yesterday with my lvl 1 pony and now im 64 (dinged now), and i played around 8-10 hour in 2 days ^^.someone tell me a item lvl 52 that give + 100% of exp is true or he joke?^^