[28.03.2018] Active GMs - good or bad?

Discussion in 'Team Blog Archive' started by CM Fragola, Mar 28, 2018.

  1. Fragola

    Fragola User

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    Hey folks!


    I've read several times that many people want to see a real GM in-game. In L2 EU team we always thought that's a strange desire because GMs' job is to fix game issues, not show off at Giran square.

    Today we had a discussion that some GM events probably won't hurt, but the question is - what kind of GM events you remember were good and what kind of GM events you'd like to see more often here.
  2. BeFair

    BeFair User

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    In all respect Fragola, but i dont Think people asked for gm ingame events, even tho they nice sometimes i have to admint.
    What the people want is to see a GM online for the money they pay, a gm that is running / porting around looking for cheaters , assisting players IN REALTIME not in 10 days Tickets, showing some presence etc just like in old times when this game was still young.
    Yolina, Naito, Robby and 7 others like this.
  3. Kym Willer

    Kym Willer User

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    everything here
  4. Allab

    Allab User

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    Server full of bot in pvp/olympiad was good Gm start to log in game and check players... beacuse you guys frost is 100% fail !! useless program what detect nothing...
    Ramona and core and skelth full of bots pve/pvp...
    Ncwest at least time by time GM go in game, follow some ppl's test buff's/cp/hp... see what they doing on olympiad !!! this server have many ppl follow on hide, ati backstab, script for fakedeath when u target and anothers types...
    We make movies proving... Gm tell movie not prove nothing, screen shot's not proving nothing... what can prove? u guys have protect in game 100% fail... we waste a lot in PA/L2store and u guys dont want to make the minimum...
    Petitions very slow to answer... and start to punishment ppl equal if they are donors or not...
    If some1 offence on global or hero voice X and is donor, and some1 make same offence hero voice or global and not donor, you guys give 50x more time chat ban on the guy not donor why?
    I got some email on inactive account and friends also... you staff crying like "brave, warrior, It's been a while since we saw you in Lineage 2. So, we wanted to ask you, what has happened."
    what happen's? u guys are total fail, dont care for you players, dont care for server... 3-4 week same player in GK of aden selling adena's in shout and where GM? what work u guy's doing? I see 0 work... 0 ban... 0 answer petiton (take 9-10 days for answer,it is if you dont get your petition deleted, like i got !! w/o answer 3 times!)
    Yolina, D1rus and Preslav like this.
  5. LangleyQueen

    LangleyQueen User

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    Having active GMs on Ramona server would have make a big difference, that I can tell. Be for GM buffs or some different events with small rewards or anti-Botters oriented GM's, banning people all day long, like it was on NCwest servers back when Free to Play first came out.

    Right now those things are still necessary, but i don't think it would make much of a difference ( at least not on Ramona server). GM buffs and small reward-events aren't that much of an incentive right now, especially because the population decreased a lot after the completion of a dragon weapon on a 1year server and the announcement of a possibility of merge.

    The part of active GM's to fast-track urgent problems could come in handy. The server is having some problems with connectivity since last weekend and some people are getting their accounts stucked on logging screen. 2 People from my CP got that on saturday and it was only fixed on tuesday, without any reparation on their PA days or runes from High grade rune set. An active GM would have been able to fix that on the sunday and the guys would have been able to atend castle siege.
    D1rus, Hermeneutica and CM Fragola like this.
  6. Ptitlaby

    Ptitlaby User

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    Think of GM as a police force. The police is not only there to put criminals in prison and give fines, it's also there to deter delinquency, and do some prevention. Do you know this feeling you have when you are driving, see a police car, and you are directly checking that you are not over speeding, if you have your security belt and your phone not in your hand ? Even if you know you do all those things ? It's exactly the same with Gamemasters :)
    Robby and LangleyQueen like this.
  7. TrotTrot

    TrotTrot User

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    A nice "name and shame" event
    Whenever a gm takes action against someone, announce it in gm chat
    That's the kind of events i want :)
  8. Negnal

    Negnal User

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    after few years "ha! so you need ingame GM?"
  9. Ptitlaby

    Ptitlaby User

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    Thing is, an ingame GM is nearly useless.

    - Chasing bots ? It may work once, but it's easy to program your tool to go offline if any GM is near you, or just online.

    - Answering questions ? Hard to do when one hundred people will just pm you and the petition service got technically removed

    - Solving bugs ? That's not their places nor they have the skills for that
    D1rus, CM Fragola and Hax like this.
  10. Negnal

    Negnal User

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    so better do nothing becouse even if you ban bots there will be new one.
  11. Ptitlaby

    Ptitlaby User

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    That's not what I said, I strongly believe that active GMs being ingame is the best way to find and fight bots. But by being invisible, not knowing they are there, they are more efficient
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2018
    CM Fragola likes this.
  12. BeFair

    BeFair User

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    Its just in Innovas Case i got the Strong feeling that beeing invisible, they will NOT BE THERE lol ... so better be Visible to all, cuz even if u would be online invisible all would think ur not there, so u could save that time if u think about doing that ...
  13. Ptitlaby

    Ptitlaby User

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    I don't understand your logic sorry, could you please rephrase it again ?
  14. Siudek

    Siudek User

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    Good move from your staff and from you Fragola, its allways better when GM is online just to make some fun with players or even just to check botters or prevent from bad actions players who want to do something bad :D

    For events it can be even just like this buff yesterday to let ppl know that you are here and have some care to this server :)
    CM Fragola likes this.
  15. CarmenSpectra

    CarmenSpectra User

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    A real GM in-game is not a strange desire.
    According to Wiki: A gamemaster (GM) is a person who acts as an organizer, officiant for questions regarding rules, arbitrator, and moderator for a multiplayer role-playing game.
    The role of a gamemaster in an online game is to enforce the game's rules and provide general customer service.
    That is totally different then fixing game issues behind the scenes or show off at Giran square.
    For more info:
    As Siudek already said: having an active GM ingame makes the server feel more alive, gives the player base the feeling of caring.
    That is why L2 has the command /gmlist.
  16. mYzor

    mYzor User

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    You are dealing with "gamers". There is no right path. (nothing new for you here ;))

    If the GMs show up to hunt and ban bots they will be accused of banning "innocent players" or showing favoritism (ban this but not that one?! - type of thing)
    If the GMs show up to do events, for every one that enjoys that event, there will be 2 aholes that will complain and cry like the kids that got socks at christmass
    If the GMs show up but stay "invisible" to do their thing, they will be accuse of being aholes and not helping the players.
    If the GMs do take the time to help the players not only will they be accused of favoritism (help that guy, but not me?!), but players will vent their frustrations with the game on them.
    If the GMs show up, Putin will be popular in the chat box.
    If the GMs show up, people will yell at them to stop rushing B, ffs!

    There is no win-win situation.
    Apart from some buffs from time to time, there's not much for them to be on, unless you want them to be sort of a stress relief punching bag for the "unhappy" few, imho.
    CM Fragola likes this.
  17. MindlessTV

    MindlessTV User

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    It will be nice to see active GM's in the game moving from time to time, baning adena shouting spammers, speaking with people, do some live streaming from sieges, doing some buffs for online players and I think is enough for start. Ofc, they can so some events but nothing like "running like and idiot on the map"; better summon some boxes with random rewards that can be opened with a special item and not skills or something else that involve the players equipment because will not be fair for everyone.

    More than that, seeing an GM in the game that is interacting with players, increase trust with game publisher, make you feel that someone care about server and game and the player aka "customer" is not only a milked cow.
    CM Fragola and Hermeneutica like this.
  18. akaaWins

    akaaWins User

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    yes, active GM is the most important thing for this server right now
    CM Fragola likes this.
  19. ANGEL

    ANGEL User

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    Most important for me and i believe for most of us is that some people are using bots scripts you name it or whatever it is there. Do you know in oly someone casting giants augment for 0.00002 sec or using his skills so perfectly that such a thing could happen like 2 or 3 times a month or another thing for instance as an evis i have spalation skill chars like feohs and archers jumping right inside making even the impossible move and then kill you.In the end you want a proof like a video or smth but for you video is not a proof and lets face it how come private servers have a protection against this programs and us as an official server we have nothing like this tell me how can we the normal guys play against ppl like this
    And also whats the proof and how i can prove you guys that someone is using bots or other kind of programs
    I believe active GM is a must and it have to interact with the game like being there watching oly coc etc. Mass pvps anything answer questions etc there are so many bugs in this game which you can test for like 5 min but you always want video proof dont ask ppl to do your job testing the game for you and then sending you videos etc.In the end why dont you give us the developers emails so we can send them the videos of buggs straight away so you can have more time .
    Guys people leaving this server because they cannot see the light in the tunnel and this is all because of you
    Yolina likes this.
  20. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

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    would be nice if those active GMs log daily and check whats happening in low lvl areas. writing to support is.. well, i wont complain about that, last time i got ban for saying what i think. or even log non gm char and run around since there is some thingies who check gm's on or not.