since yesterday appeared suddenly dc's. it's annoying while kama (today i got dc before the end of kamaloka so i missed exp for that), while exp and so on. so far today 2 disconnects in 1 hour, then i wonder if it's worth or not to start some instances/ labas and so on if in anytime i can get disconnect. and it's not internet issue, i'm sure. i asked my clan mates, many of them have same problem. best regards.
i've been constant online for 18 hrs... where around 12 of them was afk with a shop. so it's not any problems with the server itself. might be nodes between you and the server though.
same thing happens to me when server gets crowded. it looks like: server is full=queue not working=kicking random people.
i'm not getting dc but i get alot of lag spikes during peak times. i think maybe the player cap is too high for this server. why are there no queues yet? is innova testing maximum load?
waldorf u have lag couse of your provider the server works just fine as far as i can see had no problem so far
1mb dsl on orange france. this is the only game i get lag in (and only during prime time). i don't know what's going on but i do know there's nothing i can do about it. so whatever, i'll just go play something else. ty for trying to help though.
i have almoust the same problem as waldorf, but i got lag all the time i play. im not talking about low fps, i mainly have more than 30fps even in crowded pleaces. to be more specific, whatever i order my character to do (walking, targeting, using skills, ect.), it does with 0,5-1,5sec delay. i from poland and i have 6mb internet connection provided by tp (telekominikacja polska ). in addition i use only internet voice communicator called mumble, and i dont have this problem with other multiplayer games, and l2 serwers.
hi, i used to have orange too, and got many dc. since you have 1mb (wich is not enough in crowded places like toi) i guess you are on a small city. i switched my isp from orange to free because of the poor service. i'm from france too and i get no dc even in toi with maximum range for pc and npc (sometimes a big a lag but if i reduce the "very wide" setting for pc its ok)
this is an issue that had been from the begining. you were lucky to have a perfect peering till yesterday. i have them also but i think it's my connection with them.
are you sure about this? i'm no pro but i was under the impression that mmos used very little bandwidth. i mean l2 is 7 years old, not many people had 1mb connections back then. but yeah orange is kind of crappy, i'll change when i get the chance.
yes 1mb is realy enough to play but this situation is specific, there is realy much much much players in toi where there is many mobs, and everyone is moving, using skills, etc.. even mobs all these data is sent to the client, and 1mb seems not enough to handle all of this, but i may be wrong
ofc u are wrong.bandwidth has nothing to do with dc-ing.packets u recive from server are small and u can play l2 easy with 256kbps. on link below are walls of qq but none cares.not even to post smth like "wait,we`r working on it".it`s miracle u didn`t had this isue before.imo suffer dc-ing or find another place to play.
orly ? http packet is small too, but you can ddos with it. ever heard about that: ? client has to maintain a session to keep behing connected to server. session are maintained by packets, otherwise you could just unplug you ethernet cable and plug it again without suffering dc. too much packets = packet loss, including session ones. and i was not answering to all dc ppl are suffering since the launch of the pts. i was just trying to help this guy
yes i've noticed them as well, hopefully with tomorrows maintenance it's gonna work normally again. : )
we'd like to inform you that this topic is being closed, since it is inactive, and will be archived at the 1st of the month, as planned. regards .