hello, i just finished pailaka q @ 49lvl and when i had to choose a reward i was all lost-i couldnt figure out what type was each of the most rewards, google didnt help me either. as a bd i wanted a pair of duals so my best bet would be the keshanberg(as it's a sword itself) just to find out it's the single one. the item is still in unidentified version, so can i exchange it with the duals? if i can't i think i'll just give up l2..bd won't level up with a sword ^^ so if any gm can do me this favour i'd be very pleased. thanks in advance
you want to quit l2 at lvl 49 because of a mistake like that? just go aden weapon shop and buy shadow dual delusion,problem solved. and fyi dual keshanberk is a grade which you can't use until 61 and you can't make yet because no dual craft stamp yet. bd is a support class,if you want to solo a bd you are going in the wrong direction.find parties and you can lvl up your bd to 85 with dual sabers
hell i didnt know there still existed shadow items.. havent actually played l2 since c4 and since then i only got info about the game from friends and yeah i would give up l2.. i only got a few hours per week to play so 49lvl is still high for me.anyway thanks for the reply m8 hf ;d
closing old/inactive thread. for information: gm's will not be able to change items/class choices due to missclicks/mistakes made by players. moving thread to archives.