your install is not good, sometimes it works sometimes not! you have too many issues with it! my problem: downloaded it normally yesterday and played with no problem. it didn't even ask for the visual c thing. witch by the way is just wrong... because windows 7 already have all needed visual c++, thing! today: after a windows install, it asks me to reinstall it. ok so i did. downloaded the install, tried to install: 1st problem. visual c++. uninstalled it. 2nd problem after uninstall i try to install your launcher again but other issue stops me: the next button is there, and i press it but nothing happens it is blocked.. and it stays like this for some time. my pc is not the problem for sure, it got no problems with any game before, nothing! and now what? a little launcher is messing with it..
i know it is a beta! but fix your launcher 1st, than the game. i think that your launcher has more issues than the game itself
yeah, i and a lot of ppl have always dc,dc,dc,dc and dc....and big lags all time ;/ i can't check nothing
3rd issue on same computer! and trust me i do everything right, same as 1st time. 3rd issue: now after a "succesful" install, guess what it is not downloading lineage... it just stays at 11.20% and when i enter on web it says update. and so i press update and it changes to 11.21% and so on.. i hope i don't have to press update till 100%, because i'm not going to do that. if you aer keeping it this way. when ppl are actually coming to play.. they will be stopped by this issues. i think you shall fix them all, fix the launcher once and for all.. and than focus on the game issues! we are not supposed to uninstall programs or to install the launcher 12314435 times or to download the game 123124 just for a game.. come on do something!
we are somehow beta testing the launcher. i think you should have start it when your launcher was ready.
actually if you want to start playing game do what i do.... deinstall and reinstall everything. browser, visual c++, the .net 4.0 ,launcher, delete your previous launcher folder + l2 folders, also clean your cookies, temp files. that is the only why to fixx a issue! but the download speed is veeerrrry baaaad i got a very fast internet 100 mb/s and i download with 3000 bps that is something like 3kb/s ?? i think the whole launcher idea should be like this: download the original lineage 2 from a website... and than direct the launcher to it. or at least do a working launcher
good day, you can see actual solutions and issues' statuses here: additional instructions cound be found here. if you can't find a solution for your issue you always can ask for moving the theme back into the main branch. and now i'm closing this thread as irrelevant.