hello, i would like to ask you about sence of playing elf mage. i heared the rumours that there is the max. limit of casting speed. if is this information truth and this max c. speed can be aquire by for example de mage (accu sa, robe c.speed bonus, + iss buff) there is from my point no sence of playing elf mage due to his extremly low int in basic stats. thx for answer.
it's not a rumour, since a few chronicles casting speed was capped to 1999. in regards to not playing elf mage anymore others can discuss this
ah ok and is what is c. speed of de mage after awakening with (acu sa, robe c. speed bonus and iss buff)? is it 1999? for me it seems like some stupidity, because in my eyes it is like when somebody said that max m. dmg can be 3000.
de mage cast speed is like 1.6-7 with buffs i guess (i`m de healer and thats what i get without dyes and mages are not much diff). if u`re gonna make mage-go for de imho, as it have most m.att+ u can keep empowering echo + some other skills after awakening to boost even more m.att. also de have good racial skill, good for pvp and farm.
yeah i know that de is the strongest mage, but like this it seems that elf mage just dont have chance no mather what you are doing. because the basic diference of 11 int between them is crazy(worst int mage and the best int mage). when you look at wit difference between (the best and the worst) nuker it is just 7.
im elf mage and i can kill very easy de mages, i stop they cast allmost ever, doesn't matter matack when they hit me once i have hit them 4 times its just like in previous cronicles you need to spam your skills and cut other casts maybe you use frost+ice daguer instead of other atacks cause you disturb the others cast, its just to types of playstyle, with a de if you get to hit you will kill others.
the point is if it isnt because of lvl difference or better items. because if is truth that for full buff awekened mages is difference in c. speed between de and e mage jsut 300-200. it will not be so significant difference as 11 int (i dont know how big impact on dmg has 11 int).
ok thx for answer. i am playing the elf mage too but i am still low lvl so i didnt do a lot pvp here. and i was quite shocked about 1999 cap of c. speed :-d
and what is rapshody? some self buff or equip? because if yes the elf mage is useless after awakening.
it's an iss skill: battle rhapsody lv.1 – buff skill doubles party members p.atk., m. atk., atk. spd., and casting spd. for 30 seconds.
questions answered, thread closed and moved to archives. if anyone wishes to discuss this topic further please let me know in a pm and i will re-open and move the topic to the general discussion section. regards.