= New update - new looks! = Start your journey in a trendy way - defeat Helios and look marvelous! To make you way to Helios smooth and fast we have also updated our Store with items useful for hunting. All items have been added to L2Store for unlimited time. Let's start with brand new appearance items - a great chance to personalize your character in a new way! Which role are you going to choose: a noble citizen of Elmoreden, an undaunted musketeer or a dexterous cowboy? Спойлер: Outfit Appearance Спойлер: Outfit Appearance Спойлер: Outfit Appearance Спойлер: Outfit Appearance Спойлер: Outfit Appearance ...Or a reckless pirate? Pirate outfits are back! Спойлер: Outfit Appearance Спойлер: Outfit Appearance Let's go on with the specialties: useful runes, consumables and Entrance Passes. Outdated High-grade Runes Sets have been replaced with the new ones: for 7 and 30 days. Runes with bonus drop have been reshuffled a bit: new Maphr's Runes (+100% item acquisition, but without adena drop and spoil rate bonuses) have been added to L2Store, and the well-known Prestige Runes are now available in High-grade Rune sets, or can be dropped from Shabby Caskets. New Maphr's Runes: Normal Maphr's Rune stack with Prestige (or High-grade Drop Rate Rune) in terms of drop rate. And now a bit about discounts! A large variety of already existing items now available at a lower attractive price! Deleted Products: ProductPriceScroll: Increase Vitality (High-grade)0,29Scroll: Increase Vitality (Top-grade)0,39Entrance Pass: Spezion (Epic)0,29Rune Set (7-day)9,29High-grade Rune Set (7-day)15,59High-grade Rune Set (30-day)37,49Top-grade Rune Set (7-day)23,39Top-grade Rune Set (30-day)59,29XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 50% Pack (1-hour)0,59XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 50% Pack (5-hour)1,79XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 50% Pack (7-day)12,29SP Rune 50% Pack (1-hour)0,19SP Rune 50% Pack (5-hour)0,99SP Rune 50% Pack (7-day)3,29Prestige Rune 100% Pack (1-hour)0,35Prestige Rune 100% Pack (5-hour)1,39Prestige Rune 100% Pack (7-day)6,99 Known Issues: Item «Expertise Rune Pack (R99-grade) (30-day)» has an incorrect name in shop interface: «Dual Expertise Rune Pack (R99-grade) (30-day)».The items itself has a correct name: «Expertise Rune Pack (R99-grade) (30-day)». Be careful upon purchasing the pack: this item works both on main and dual classes. The icon of «Vitality Suspending Potion» buff does not correspond to item's icon. Red/White Noblesse Garment model clips with cloaks Discussion thread: https://eu.4gameforum.com/threads/598346/
Due to technical problems the update is unavailable now. Our specialists are fixing the problem. The items will be available soon.