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Тема в разделе "Archive 2.0", создана пользователем syzgod, 22 апр 2012.

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  1. Etherial

    Etherial User

    my build is tw hv attack type (depending on farm zone using warrrior or knight), duals apoc dmg up. same for oly. dyes str. but in my case awakened from dwarf have more hp -cp-mp from normal iss so i am not sure it suits everyone.
  2. randomm

    randomm User

    dual s+4 give cp/hp/mp bonus so are more suitable for raids and pvp with higher lvl's cause u take much more damage. r95 duals are more suitable for pvp with same lvl's as yours and for daily farm. the patk differece i can compensate from dyes because the bonus from duals and from set on defense cover -3 con i would loose from dyes to get +3 str. so would be like this: now i have +5 con +3 str -5 dex, +2 str - 1 con from tw attack set so total is +4 con, +5 str - 5 dex. with seraph set on defense (+3 con -2 str) i have +8 con +1 str -5 dex, so i can loose +3 con to go to +4 str and compensate the hp/cp/mp difference with duals s. the main problem is i will have to spend pretty much adena to keep the stats that i have now and loosing much patk (-1 str, 349 patk from weapon and the patk bonus from set) that's why i will have to go with 2 weapons and change them depending on situation. a cheaper setup would be seraph set on attack (+3 str -2 con), leave dyes as they are and use duals s in raids and pvp with higher lvl's.

    i am awakened from orc so base stats are kinda the same at physical but way higher at int/wit/men part (dwarf str 87 dex 53 con 85 int 39 wit 37 men 40 / orc str 88 dex 50 con 87 int 77 wit 74 men 84) but i have choose balanced dyes +con+str cause i don't wanna be 1 shoot (even if atm i am when we fight vs 98+ lvls)
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