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[Promo] Heroes Welcome (Core only)

Тема в разделе "2011 ~ 2017", создана пользователем CM Fragola, 25 апр 2017.

  1. Fragola

    Fragola User

    We are all ordinary.
    We are all boring.
    We are all spectacular.
    We are all shy.
    We are all bold.
    We are all heroes.
    We are all helpless.
    It just depends on the day.”
    Brad Meltzer
    It's been a while since you stepped a foot on the ground of Elmoreden.
    It's been a while since your weapon told a deadly story.

    Your labours are not forgotten! Come back to Lineage 2 now, test the new update and receive gifts.

    Every returned hero will receive his gifts during maintenance on 25th of April 2017.

    Conditions for receiving the gift:
    • your account was inactive for 90+ days.
    • your account has at least 1 character Lv. 40+ with 2nd class change quest complete.
    • your account didn't have a box from the previous "Returning Hero" promo.
    Where you can find your gift:
    • A "Returning Hero's Support Box" was added to the inventory of the character with the most EXP on the account (1 per account).

    Here's what you are getting if your account meets the conditions. The first box is a container of other boxes:


    Contents of Support Box:


    As you can see you get "High-grade Support Box" from the very first box.


    Contents of "High-grade Support Box"


    As you can see you get "Support Top-Grade Box" from "High-grade Support Box", that contains a lot of useful items for PvE and PvP.


    Contents of "Support Top-Grade Box":


    You also get "Support Cube" and when you click it, you receive 1 random item from the list. Cube stays for 14 days and can be used only once per day.


    Possible items from "Support Cube" (1 random item per day):


    "Returning Hero's Marks" can be exchanged for equipment and Soulshots/Blessed Spiritshots at Dimensional Merchant in any town.




    All unopened boxes (basic, high-grade, top-grade) will be removed during the maintenance on the 27th of June, 2017.

    All users that meet the conditions for this promotion will see the box in their inventory right after the maintenance.
    If you have the box from the previous promotion in your inventory, it is updated to the current version

  2. patrykos12345

    patrykos12345 User

    hi i was away for over 90 days from core but played on same acc on ramona why i didnt get any boxes??
  3. Fragola

    Fragola User

    Because your account was active (on Ramona)