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[Guide Contest Winner] Sigel Eva's Templar In-Depth by Palkah

Тема в разделе "Guides", создана пользователем Palkah, 6 май 2018.

  1. Palkah

    Palkah User

    Sigel Eva's Templar In-Depth by Palkah

    Last Update: 08.05.2018
    Changed: Some Olympiad tactics
    Game version: Salvation

    With help of @Takanodan also known as TAKANODAN FROM GENOCIDE.


    Basic information

    Tank classes have 3 primary goals in a group play, both in PvP and PvE:
    • stay alive - can't be useful if you're hugging the dirt, right?
    • keep your party alive and free to engage enemies
    • be a cancer - debuff enemies so they can be easily wiped by your party
    Before you start

    First of all, if you want to create a good tank, you will not follow the Balthus Knights path, but level it up from 1-85, because you are required to keep some old skills to be extremely useful to your party.

    Your most important parameter is how much you can survive, which is determined by your Max HP (capped at 150k without a Dragon Weapon). Therefore you should choose a race with as much CON as possible.

    Your race should be a Human (made from Dark Avenger) - for overall excellence in Olympiad, and in Mass PvP vs Physical Debuffs, 82 CON. It has the same CON as an Elf, but is much better in Olympiad due to old skills.

    After leveling up your Dark Avenger to 85 and Awakening with the classic way, you should use a Chaos Essence to change your class to Eva's Templar.

    Skills to NEVER learn

    • https://l2wiki.com/Raise_Shield_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar - first of all, the tooltip description is wrong. The real description should be: P.Def + 100%, Damage Reflect +10%, Chance to receive a P. Critical Hit -100%. Why do we not learn it? You are a tank, a class with second highest P.Def in game, second, -100% P.Critical Hit applies only to autoattacks, and autoattacks versus a tank deal around 1 damage. Also, whenever you use any other shield skill - and 90% of your skills are shield skills - this buff gets cancelled. What you get instead (Dark Avenger's old skills):
      • https://l2wiki.com/Reflect_Damage_-_Dark_Avenger - this buff is permanent +20% to your Reflect Damage, however it can't be used with Sonatas, that's why we use it only inside Olympiad, but it's not gamebreaking. It's always +1 buff for the enemy Buff Cancel effects.
      • https://l2wiki.com/Shield_Deflect_Magic_-_Dark_Avenger - this is one of the best skills versus Feoh Wizards. For 8 seconds, with around 25 second cooldown, you have 50% chance that any Magic Damage dealt to you will be reflected to your opponent while you take 0 damage from that attack. There is a small restriction here. You cannot reflect more damage in a single hit than 3.5x your own M.Def. For example, if you were to get hit for 200k, while having 30k M.Def, you would reflect 3.5*30k = 105k damage only (while still taking 0 from that particular hit). Now 105k damage reflected will turn to around 20k due to enemy's Resist Reflect Damage and PvP Damage Reduction, and after getting through the Feoh barrier it will end with removing 500-1k MP from a Feoh Wizard. Hey, it's something \o/
    • (debatable) https://l2wiki.com/Superior_Mental_Attack_Resistance_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar - this is a though one but I've decided to not buy it for now. On maximum level, the skill grants 34% resist to all the debuffs mentioned, but as a 105 tank the only debuff you should ever get is Feoh Storm Screamer's Feint, and this skill will not help you to defend versus that debuff. What you keep instead:
      • https://l2wiki.com/Fortitude_-_Evas_Templar - 30% permanent resist versus Stun and Paralysis. The skill says toggle, but, what we haven't covered yet, Sigel Eva's Templar has infinite mana allowing you to use this skill 24/7, losing 4% on maximum level
      • https://l2wiki.com/Health_-_Evas_Templar - doesn't really matter because no class ingame uses these debuffs effectively
      • https://l2wiki.com/Wisdom_-_Evas_Templar - gives you part of the resistances (20% out of 34%) to Hold, Sleep, and Mental Attacks. Nobody uses Sleep, only tanks use Hold effectively, and with this guide you will have the sickest Mental Attack Resistance of all the classes anyway so the 14% is skippable because of the:
      • https://l2wiki.com/Physical_Mirror_-_Hell_Knight - I have performed multiple tests of this skill and it indeed reflects 1/3 of all the physical debuff attempts on you back to the enemy. This includes: archer's stun, dagger's knockdowns, every debuff from Tyrr Warriors, tank debuffs, Eviscerator's debuffs. Maaaan, we're livin' the dream with this skill. It also gives you the 10% you would get from the passive.
      • Overall we lose 2 STR but that stat is not important since it governs only tank's skill mastery, and that is something I write down in a calendar once a month when it happens.
    • (debatable) https://l2wiki.com/Shield_Boomerang_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar - this is a hard one again. Personally I took this skill mainly because of the Olympiad, because dem mongrels be runnin' away from ya all day long so a ranged slow comes in handy. The problem is, this skill has a high land rate, but it's not 100%. What you can get instead is:

    Skill breakdown (active only)

    I will not cover the skills mentioned above since they've been already explained pretty well. The skill enchants chosen by me will be bold.


    There are only 2 tank auras, and you can use them at the same time, the rest is useless.
    • https://l2wiki.com/Provoke_Aura_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar - used to pull mobs on PvE, a speed buff on PvP/Olympiad
    • https://l2wiki.com/Guardian_Aura_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar - this is your most important party skill. It's a toggle, which you should never switch off. It gives your party 20% P.Def and M.Def, 10 Speed, 100 Defense Attributes (which without going into much detail is 10% Damage Reduction), -15% Damage from Physical and Magic Critical Hits, 7% Cooldown Reduction and 15% of Clarity - less Mana consumed for skills. According to tests done by TAKANODAN FROM GENOCIDE this buff gives your party ~40% Damage Reduction vs Feoh Magic Critical Hits. This aura requires you to position yourself in a way where everybody in your party will get it, but that's something to work on with your party. Enchant routes:
      • +P.Def/M.Def - with 10% of both at +20
      • +M.Def - with 20% at +20 simply because Feohs are more dangerous than Yuls

    Cubics are buffs that last 15 minutes, and activate every few seconds granting you effects from the description. You have 2 of those, and they are extremely strong.
    • https://l2wiki.com/Summon_Spirit_Hawk_Cubic_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar - the first trigger occurs after 3 seconds from summoning it, granting you a 7 second buff from the description. From that moment you will have cycles of 7s ON-10s OFF until the cubic disappears (15 minutes). While it's P.Def and M.Def aren't worth mentioning, 30 Speed is a lot, and you also get FULL DEBUFF IMMUNITY. This means no debuff in the game except for the hero skills can land on you during those 7 seconds. You are the only Tank class with a Cubic granting FULL DEBUFF IMMUNITY, other tanks only get some percentage of Debuff Resist with their cubics.
    • https://l2wiki.com/Summon_Othellot_Cubic_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar - the name should be Ocelot Cubic to resemble cat's ability to recover mid-fall, and all the 9 lives theory, but I guess the translation from Korean went wrong. The cubic will trigger immediately after summoning, and then every 10 seconds. It gives back 10% of Max HP, 10% of Max MP, and removes all of your debuffs. In 1 minute, it's 60% Max HP and MP This is what I meant by infinite mana. I have tried many times, even under https://l2wiki.com/Dark_Backfire_-_Aeore_Cardinal and no matter what skills I spammed, I could not lose my mana, it was always full. As for the heal - with 150k Max HP its 15k HP every 10 seconds. The heal is important only in Olympiad (where it's 5-6k HP per tick), but overall the cubic is very effective.
    Reinforcement Skills (self-buffs)

    • https://l2wiki.com/Noble_Sacrifice_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar - 50% of the damage your party members receive is instead dealt to you. You cannot die (but your party can) under this effect, but you surely will die when it's over, unless your healer stabilizes you or you use the skill below. Enchant routes:
      • -P.Crit Dmg Received - absolutely useless, works only for autoattacks, should also work for Dagger Blows since they use the same formula, but according to TAKANODAN FROM GENOCIDE it does not
      • +M.Def - because it actually gives something useful
    • https://l2wiki.com/Final_Ultimate_Defense_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar - this is your trump card. During your UD the only way to die is to receive a lot of hits from a lot of people in a short time (with 150k hp it's 300 hits for 500 damage). This buff basically makes you immortal. You should combine it with https://l2wiki.com/Noble_Sacrifice_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar to mitigate the damage transferred. Enchant routes:
      • +Time - legend says this skill has other enchant routes but I have never seen them in my life.
    • https://l2wiki.com/Protection_of_Faith_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar - this is the best skill you have to protect your party. It's caled Party UD. Works the same as single UD, except for the Party effect, and also grants your group +80 Speed (this is HUGE) and immunity to Stun and Hold attacks. When it ends, it applies a debuff, where for 1 minute you cannot get another Party UD or https://l2wiki.com/Nine_Aegis_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar . You should always use this first and Nine Aegis later (after waiting the 1 minute). Enchant routes:
      • +Time - same story as before
    • https://l2wiki.com/Nine_Aegis_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar - this is a 15 second aura (your members have to stand around you in a circle), granting the effects mentioned. This is your second party UD, much weaker, but still useful, especially with the Debuff Immunities mentioned. You should always use this Party UD second, because it's weak. Enchant routes, as before:
      • +Time - good things should last longer ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    • https://l2wiki.com/Guardian's_Frenzy_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar - your basic survival skill with around 2m30s cooldown in PvP. Gives you Shield Defense - not as good as P.Def but still - M.Def, Attribute Resistance (which is about 8% Damage Reduction), and some offensive stats for PvE or certain Olympiad Matches. You should always use it on cooldown in PvP, unless you have a better UD or Celestial Shield on you. It allows you to reach those yummy 40k M.Def values and ignore non-Dragon-Weapon Feohs completely. Enchant routes, as you can guess:
      • +Time
    • https://l2wiki.com/Focus_Shield_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar - This buff pretty much doubles your M.Def and you get M.Crits on your face less often. Lasts 10 seconds, with around 25 seconds cooldown, and every time you get hit it has a chance to reduce it's cooldown by 5 seconds (because of a certain passive skill). You will have it on you most of the time, however, when using any other shield skill, the buff gets removed. It's good for moving around before picking a target or just tanking some serious damage from Feohs. Casting this buff also gives your party Eva's Presence for 5 seconds: +45 Attribute Resistance (4.5% DR) and +15% P.Def/M.Def And, you guessed, we enchant it for:
      • +Time
    • https://l2wiki.com/Two-Hand_Stance_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar - it's a toggle with a cast time to get it on and off. It's mainly used for solo PvE, however, it has certain applications during Olympiad, which we'll discuss later.
    Cancer Skills

    • https://l2wiki.com/Shield_Charge_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar - can be cast from 300 range, jump to your opponent and slow him by -120 Speed, lands very well because it can only be resisted by Physical Debuff Resistance which is tied to CON and some buffs. The only jewel helping to resist it is https://l2wiki.com/Earth_Wyrm_Heart_Ring and not every class can wear it. I have it enchanted for Power for Olympiad, because during PvP I use it only to close a gap between me and enemy, so I can debuff him with more useful skills. Enchant routes:
      • +Power - for the Olympiad, since it lands pretty much all the time anyway
      • +Chance
      • +Slow
    • https://l2wiki.com/Shield_Bash_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar - single target stun + autoattack block, both effects are separate from each other, quite useful on Olympiad, on PvP used only to stop a guy in his tracks for a short while to pop another debuff. Enchant routes:
      • +Chance - for the landrate since a lot of people carry Stun Resistance Jewels, while you will almost never use Stun Attack Jewels
      • +Power
      • +Hex - P.Def decrease, not much, forget about it
    • https://l2wiki.com/Vanishing_Stun_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar - also called 'The Fanclub' by my best friend from Ramona: DangerNoodle. Slows down enemy's Atk.Spd and Cast Spd - useless. The important effect is the silence - both magical and physical. It is a Mental Attack, and your most important debuff. What good is a Dragon Weapon when the owner is perma silenced and can only cry on your PMs during PvP? :D Once you silence an enemy one time, your main job is to keep the silence on him at all times so he cannot cast any skill and can be picked of by your party. The best targets for this skill are Feohs and Healers. Enchant routes:
      • +Chance - this thing has to land no matter what
    • https://l2wiki.com/Reversal_Stream_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar - your target and people around him get pulled a bit to you, and slowed after. This is governed by Pull Attack/Resistance and lands on everybody all the time. Useful for catching people who run away and to bring ranged mobs closer to your party. Enchant it for:
      • +Chance
    • https://l2wiki.com/Shield_Impact_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar - a knockback + detarget, can cancel enemy skill casts even under Debuff Immunity effects, lands pretty well, especially on mage classes. Enchant route:
      • +Chance - you are a cancer, so your debuffs must land
    • https://l2wiki.com/Shield_Wave_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar - a mass stun, which is not that important, but also a 10 second buff granting +50% P.Def, which helps you survive the archers. It can not be used together with https://l2wiki.com/Focus_Shield_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar , but you can use other skills and the buff will not be cancelled. Enchanted, like all the other debuffs:
      • +Chance
    • https://l2wiki.com/Rising_Smash_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar - negates enemy healing, lands all the time, AOE, used to finish off targets. Enchanted for:
      • +Power - for the Olympiad, since it lands all the time anyway
    • https://l2wiki.com/Chain_Gust_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar - AOE root, lands all the time because nobody has Root jewels. Remember, root is not a Mental Attack, it's a Root. Useful in PvP to stop runners, and in Olympiad to keep enemy in 1 place while you pop your combo.
      • +Chance
    • https://l2wiki.com/Chain_Strike_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar - single target pull, use it to cancel enemy casting and move him closer to you for them deadly silences, enchant for
      • +Chance
    • https://l2wiki.com/Superior_Aggression_Aura_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar - known as Mass Aggro, changes the target of people around you, and makes them unable to change it back for 5 seconds. You use it in PvP to take people off your healers, and in Olympiad to make people unable to cast target-requiring self buffs (Angel Touch, Sayha's Talisman). As with everything else:
      • +Chance
    • https://l2wiki.com/Maelstrom_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar - imagine a single tick from Feoh Snare, but centered on you. That's what this skill does, and it lands extremely well. Use it to set up a multikill for your pet Feoh.
    • https://l2wiki.com/Gigantic_Wave_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar - a Mass Pull similar to https://l2wiki.com/Reversal_Stream_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar, but draws people exactly to your position. Extremely useful to catch whole groups of people who are running away.
    Important macros and class mechanics

    • /useskillforce Chain Strike - allows you to pull enemies nice and easy without bothering for the CTRL button, and is perfectly safe since https://l2wiki.com/Chain_Strike_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar deals no damage.
    • Cubic Extension - recasting https://l2wiki.com/Summon_Spirit_Hawk_Cubic_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar 3 seconds before it's buff ends allowing to extend the duration of Debuff Immunity to 14 seconds instead of 7.
    • BEING A CANCER - spamming https://l2wiki.com/Vanishing_Stun_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar on whatever enemy Feoh Wizard or Aeore Healer you hate the most nonstop, without a break, pulling him when he jumps away, just for the tilt.
    • Casting skills smart - you should always cast your important skills like UDs, Party UDs on some sort of protection - either Hawk Cubic, Celestial Shield, or Detarget, to avoid getting your cast cancelled.
    • Controlling enemy party's buff state - you need to know if the enemy party has a Mass Cleanse or Celestial Shield or other Debuff Immunity effect on, so you do not waste your debuffs while they reflect it. It's also your job to call if they use any important skill like Party UD, Brooch BR, Celestial Shield, Battle Rhapsody etc
    • TELEPORT PULL - this works on everybody who doesn't have a top tier PC. You can observe it in my 2nd video below, at 1:50-1:57. The idea is to cast your https://l2wiki.com/Chain_Strike_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar on a Feoh jumping directly away from you. If done correctly, the game will recognize a change in position of more than 1500 grids, and the player in question will get a black screen for 1-2 seconds like during a teleport with the gatekeeper. Extremely useful to tilt people. Use with care.
    Dyes, certifications, ability points, Revelation Skills


    Your first goal should be getting any +15 CON Dyes, even +15-6 are okay, but your endgame is Lv. 5 Legendary CON Dyes x3. This is for the 'staying alive' part of your job.


    Your basic certifications should be +P.Def/M.Def, +Atk.Spd/Cast Spd, and the third one doesn't really matter - either P.Atk for 1.33% of Skill Power, or Crt.Rate if you have a Tyrr Dualclass for PvE

    As for the Dualclass Certifications, you have 4 points to spend, on the next update it will be 7 points. You should take:
    • Physical Trait Increase (2p) - for debuff landrate and resistance
    • Mental Trait Increase (2p) - for debuff landrate and resistance
    • (next update) Light of Protection (3p) - for ultimate survivability
    Ability Points


    This is the setup I use. The last point is debatable - if your Attribute Resistance is more than 250 than the enemy's attack Attribute, this skill will not work, while the Damage Reduction when immobilized will always work. I would personally stick to 50 Attribute Resistance, unless you manage to reach 1100-1200 points of resistance on every attribute.

    Revelation Skills

    You should have two different setups for PvP and Olympiad. I will include Mysterious Dyes since I believe they are mandatory.
    • PvP
      • [​IMG] Unbind - to cancel your debuffs if you got debuffed right after your https://l2wiki.com/Summon_Spirit_Hawk_Cubic_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar trigger ended, or to set up a safe cast of one of your UDs
      • [​IMG] Prevision or [​IMG] Undying Will - the first one requires a pre-cast but gives you 50 Speed and so much Magic Evasion that Feoh Wizards will almost never hit you, and it lasts 15 seconds. The other lasts 5 seconds, but grants you immortality on the verge of death. However, if you get a hit that one-shots you, Undying Will shall not trigger
      • [​IMG] Gravity Exile - allows you to block a resurrection of a single character for 30s every 10 minutes, he can only get up with Feather of Blessing, tap To Village, or wait for the debuff to wear off. Casting this on a dead enemy Damage Dealer or Healer secures a PvP victory most of the time
    • Olympiad - in addition to the first two from the list above, you need:
      • [​IMG] Disparition or [​IMG] Soul Protection - just for the extra debuff protection and survivability

    In this section I will cover the equipment list needed by our tank for every situation.

    For PvP and PvE:
    https://l2wiki.com/Bloody_Helios_Avenger or https://l2wiki.com/Dark_Helios_Avenger (Cutter is okay too, Avenger looks better for me)
    • First SA: Health
    • Second SA: Health+Haste, unless you can reach 150k HP without it then just Haste. Other option, if you cap both HP and Attack Speed: take Casting Speed, for quicker Noblesse Blessing Recast
    • Third SA: Sigel, for extra HP and 5% Damage Reduction
    • Augment: PvP Damage Reduction 10%/Mental Attack Success Rate 30%/Pull Attack Success Rate 30%/(my personal favourite) Active: Single Target Fear (Range 600, 9 seconds cooldown, 5 seconds duration, lands crazy with our jewels)
    Same as above but has to be Dark, in addition you might want to have Insane Tauti versus some classes but it's not necessary. What you need 100% though:

    https://l2wiki.com/Insane_Kelbim's_Dagger for the active skill, that's your main source of damage.


    For starters, +8 https://l2wiki.com/Dark_Eternal_Breastplate Set on Defense option. You will eventually need +10 but the Adena needed to reach +10 from +8 is something that can be spent more efficiently on other things, that's why a +10 set here shouldn't be your top priority. You do not need Ultimate Set for now, on the next update however, with new spots introduced, you might want to consider it if damage from mobs turns out too high. As for the shield, any shield is good, obviously the more enchanted Eternal Shield the better, but the difference is not that huge to spend money enchanting.


    https://l2wiki.com/Ruler's_Authority There's 1 belt in this game, and this is it. It gives you so much damage reduction it's a joke. Enchanting this gives extra P.Def, but it's not something you should focus on early.


    Nothing new here, either https://l2wiki.com/Cloak_of_Light or Radiant if you're the clan leader, if you can afford it though you should definitely go for https://l2wiki.com/Nevit's_Cloak_of_Light for ultimate tankiness.


    You need:
    +10 https://l2wiki.com/Shiny_Elemental_Shirt for Olympiad, and for Salvation during PvP/PvE
    +10 https://l2wiki.com/Magical_Reflect_Shirt for Olympiad, and PvP
    +10 https://l2wiki.com/Physical_Reflect_Shirt for Olympiad


    You should start with https://l2wiki.com/Advanced_Aria's_Bracelet#CON for +4 CON and 5 Talisman slots, and make your way towards https://l2wiki.com/Dimensional_Bracelet_-_Stage_6 with +CON, for the 6 talisman slots.

    Talismans to use in these 6 slots while on PvP and PvE:
    Hair Accessories

    You have 2 slots in which you should put 2 accessories. On Olympiad it will most likely be https://l2wiki.com/Exalted_Tiara but for the open PvP and PvE you should have (at the same time):
    • Any accessory with CON + M.Def.
    • Single slot accessory that takes the upper slot, with +10 Speed Augment

    There are many good Zodiac Agathions to use but the ones I like the most are:

    Your core should be:
    Minimum level 4, the higher the better. In the two slots left you have few possibilities:
    • https://l2wiki.com/Greater_Cat's_Eye for debuff reflect and the active Celestial Shield
    • https://l2wiki.com/Greater_Opal for the extra 7% Damage Reduction
    • For handicapped people who are going to say "blah blah Tanzanite": 1. 50k is nothing on open PvP, it's something you can heal with an Elixir. 2. Damage blocked by Tanzanite in Olympiad counts to the damage dealt to you by the enemy (but damage dealt to Iss Barrier does not), so it's only worth using it for 1-time life-save while waiting for some UD, and then switch to some other jewel
    Boss Jewels selection


    Your main necklace 99% of the time is https://l2wiki.com/Lilith's_Soul_Necklace for the Mental Attack which is your most important stat. It's the only necklace giving Mental Attack and Defense. For Olympiad you can use https://l2wiki.com/Blessed_Valakas'_Necklace for the extra damage but only versus certain matchups, as for the https://l2wiki.com/Frintezza's_Soul_Necklace - only versus Tyrrs.


    You need 3 earrings, 1 that you will have all the time, and 2 for switch.

    There are a lot of good rings and you need most of them for certain reasons.


    In this section I'll talk over all the buffs you can get in your party. It's important because with all the UDs and self buffs you will always have overbuff problems, so it's better to fix them before they happen. The Olympiad buffs will be covered in the Olympiad section.

    Iss Buffs
    Healer buffs


    Leveling in this game is: boring, repetitive, absolutely disgusting, a thing that has to be done. As a tank you have the worst job of all the classes, but we'll get to that later. The worst part is levels 85-100, after that hell there is even more hell.

    • P2W and buy Scrolls of Growth from the Market until you get 100-101
    • Be a slave and experience hell that will harden you more than a Bronze V Ranked in LoL

    Levels 85-89

    Group Kartia is your main place of XP If you can borrow gear from a stacked friend, you can duo it with an Iss or Healer on https://l2wiki.com/Two-Hand_Stance_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar . When you do your 2 daily Kartias with the Entrance Pass, all that's left is either a relog and continue next day, or go to either https://l2wiki.com/Fairy_Settlement or S3 on Kamael's Island, and farm solo AOE with borrowed gear, or get a friend DD to kill mobs for you while you pull them.

    Levels 90-94

    Same story as before, but you can also do https://l2wiki.com/Fortuna one time for the extra money.

    Levels 95-100

    Kartia 95, starting from 97 you have https://l2wiki.com/Baylor , https://l2wiki.com/Balok , and starting from from 99 https://l2wiki.com/Infinite_Depths . The problem is, nobody needs a tank for those instances. So what you do is: you go near the instance entrance, sit down, beg everybody for a party, and wait for somebody who played a tank in his life at least once to invite you out of pure pity, because he feels sorry for you.

    Levels 101-105

    Now this is the paradox of hell. Everybody needs you EVERYWHERE. Your main job is pulling mobs for AoE XP groups in https://l2wiki.com/Atelia_Fortress , https://l2wiki.com/Giants_Cave Lower, https://l2wiki.com/Superion_Fortress , or https://l2wiki.com/Shadow_of_the_Mother_Tree . You also have to pull ranged mobs to the center of your farm spot so that they don't wipe the healers. The main problem is: you are the only class that can't put on a macro and go AFK. You have to be active ALL THE TIME, running, pulling, saving your party because healer went afk without turning on the macro, or Iss is MIA since 25 minutes and sonatas since 37 - just your daily Core XP. Few months of that and you're 105 and done with leveling until the next update where hell begins again. On spots like https://l2wiki.com/Atelia_Fortress , where there are no ranged mobs, it is possible to pull on in-game macro if you are heavily stacked and all you have to do is bring mobs and don't have to control them. The way you do it is: you set up dead pets with distinct names in places where you want to go, turn on the https://l2wiki.com/Provoke_Aura_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar and build a macro where you target a dead pet, run to it, put some delay, target another pet, run, delay, and target pet in the middle, run, delay. You have 3 slots left for things like Cubic Recast, popping a https://l2wiki.com/Superior_Elixir_of_Life_(R-grade) or your https://l2wiki.com/Guardian's_Frenzy_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar .

    Dualclass choices

    Your dualclass is important since it needs to reach 105 too for the next update. If you want to have gear compatibility, you have 2 choices: Tyrr or Iss. I chose a Tyrr Titan mainly so I could finish https://l2wiki.com/Exalted_Quests (they were impossible with low-geared tank), but Iss is a good choice to fill a party when a support is missing. You can always pick one and wait for Red Libra which happens twice a year to switch it.


    Before I start this section, there are things to be said. No guide, no matter how well written, will teach you how to play in PvP. Only experience can do that. It's like learning to become a surgeon. You can't just read a book, you have to cut your pile of people with a scalpel first. All I can give you is some guidelines of possibilities and recommendations. The truth is, most of your actions on a tank have to be subconcious so you can focus on the action. Things that you should do without thinking:
    • Cubic Recasting
    • Positioning - Takanodan could write a book about tank positioning. You have to: be around your party so they get your aura, while also being close enough to your enemies to pull and debuff them, while also making sure you and your party are not too deep into enemy, because that's an ez wipe. It's impossible to show examples because your positioning can change in 1 second from good to bad when enemies jump into your group, it's all fluid, and you have to FEEL IT. There's no other way
    • Controlling enemy buff state, so you can for example predict when is the next https://l2wiki.com/Brilliant_Purge_-_Aeore_Evas_Saint coming, or if the one on the enemy group is their first or second. If you do it correctly, you can check your target's list of buffs, and 10 seconds later safely cast a mass debuff knowing they have no protection, while you have a different target. Knowledge is power, and knowledge about enemy buff state is the power to tilt them
    • Putting a token on a target you are about to successfully pull, and calling the token, so your team can quickly wipe the target
    • Ressing your dead party members, healer has much better stuff to do
    • Using Elixirs for HP and CP when you know your healer can't be bothered by your low HP problems
    Now, getting that out of the way, there are 2 types of PvP in this game for a tank: 7v7 and Mass PvP.


    This is where you shine. On 7v7 you dont have to worry about 5 dragon weapons focusing you, and you can predict a lot of damage and enemy actions. In this type of PvP you have to be aggressive. Most common party setup is: Tank, 2 Healers, 2 Isses, 2 DDs (Feoh/Yul/Othell). I will not talk about target selection for the party, since that's usually not my job, but I'll tell you what to do overall.
    What you should always remember, there will never be a situation where you say "oh, this is where I play offensive/defensive". These 2 playstyles are fluid and you should use both of them at the same time, according to the needs of the fight

    Mass PvP

    There is not much difference in terms of Tank gameplay in 7v7 or Mass PvP. You still have your Offensive and Defensive playstyles, the only thing that changes is how you use them. I believe that on Mass PvP you should focus more on AoE debuffs and protecting your party. Positioning here is crucial, because if you get caught in a crossfire between multiple parties, you're dead. Your main job here is pulling stragglers to your party for easy kills, and going into enemy CC on full UDs to pop that sweet https://l2wiki.com/Gigantic_Wave_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar and set up a multikill for your Feoh Wizard. You should also keep your block res for the enemy Dragon Weapon user parties, mostly their healers. Apart from that, there isn't really much to tell about Mass PvP, you just have to learn it.

    If you're interested more in 'being a good cancer', you can watch one of my PvP videos from the previous update on Ramona - skills changed but the idea is the same. Keep in mind that Ramona was an ez server so I didn't have to do most of the defensive stuff mentioned here, but it might still be a valuable lesson to some.

    The cancer starts at 7:00

    If you want a video showing the importance of positioning (good vs bad), watch this (again the previous update):

    Grand Olympiad

    In this section I will cover Olympiad matches versus every class you can encounter, including the buff selection, overall tactics, and jewels I would wear. There are few things to remember. Your https://l2wiki.com/Insane_Kelbim's_Dagger is your best friend, and main source of damage versus many classes. If you don't have it, Olympiad will be much harder, if not impossible. Second, even with the top gear, don't expect to reach more than 120 points alone unless you're lucky. Tank is a team player and needs team to get a lot of points. Some of the matches you will outright lose before they even start, and all you can do there is to waste enemy's Shirt skills so your mates have it easier versus him on the next wave. I will only describe fights versus class archetypes, since making a guide for every single of 3X classes would take too long. As for the shirts: you should use them according to your needs, and when every skill you wanted from the https://l2wiki.com/Shiny_Elemental_Shirt is on cooldown, you should wear https://l2wiki.com/Magical_Reflect_Shirt or https://l2wiki.com/Physical_Reflect_Shirt for the passive defense boost.


    Tyrr Warrior

    Tyrr Warriors are quite diversified. We have the Dreadnought who focuses on buff cancels, and mass stuns. Then there's the Duelist who has the most PvP buffs. Titan who has his https://l2wiki.com/Berserker_-_Tyrr_Duelist split into https://l2wiki.com/Frenzy_-_Tyrr_Titan and https://l2wiki.com/Guts_-_Tyrr_Titan . Grant Kalamari.. pardon, Khavatari who's the tankiest because of his https://l2wiki.com/Wolf's_Cry_-_Tyrr_Grand_Khavatari . Dorf, also known as Maestro, that would rather craft shots on the market than have to deal with you. Doombringer who stuns you and has an extra https://l2wiki.com/Disarm_-_Tyrr_Doombringer. The rough idea of the fight is: if you do not die during the battle, pop Kelbim on cooldown, and force the enemy to use https://l2wiki.com/Power_Revival_-_Tyrr_Grand_Khavatari and run away from you, you will probably win by damage. You only need https://l2wiki.com/Mental_Shield_-_Cleric versus the Dreadnought, for his buff cancel, since Tyrrs have no Mental Debuffs. Now, to the character setup:
    This is a simple straightforward fight. For all the non-Titan Tyrrs: the Tyrr will usually start with https://l2wiki.com/Berserker_-_Tyrr_Duelist + https://l2wiki.com/Brave_Spear_-_Tyrr_Duelist or, if he is smart, use them one after another. If he pops them both you should immediately go on https://l2wiki.com/Final_Ultimate_Defense_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar engage (spamming Kelbim) until https://l2wiki.com/Berserker_-_Tyrr_Duelist is over. Important: every Tyrr can cancel all your skill casts, no matter what protection you have, by using https://l2wiki.com/Eruption_-_Tyrr_Duelist . This means you must hide away from him, or behind an obstacle, to cast anything important. If your UD is over and he still has the buffs, or his https://l2wiki.com/Brave_Spear_-_Tyrr_Duelist went on mastery, you can pop https://l2wiki.com/Protection_of_Faith_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar but I'd rather keep it for later while running away. After it's done, I'd normally go on https://l2wiki.com/Guardian's_Frenzy_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar and do some damage - usually Pulls, Silence, and Root and Slow work pretty well here, but don't even expect to Stun or Knockdown a Tyrr. In a face-off like this you have the upper hand. At one point, his Berserker and Boost(Brave Spear) will refresh. That's where you should do a kinky combo: pop https://l2wiki.com/Nine_Aegis_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar and during the last second of it, pop https://l2wiki.com/Protection_of_Faith_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar . This doesn't work the other way around, but allows you to have 2 buffs one after another without triggering the limit. This should allow you to run away during the first buff, engage during the second, and run away for the rest of his https://l2wiki.com/Berserker_-_Tyrr_Duelist . If the guy took https://l2wiki.com/Wizard's_Harmony_-_Iss_Hierophant , he will have this combo 3rd time, and thats where you have to keep your 2nd https://l2wiki.com/Guardian's_Frenzy_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar . You should never engage in that time. If it's a Duelist, he will have other buffs between his main Berserker combo. During that time, if he uses them without Berserker, you can easily CC him by pulling, doing some 2-3 skills for damage (starting with silence), ending with a root and running away until your skills refresh.

    With a Titan, a fight is quite different. He has two major buff combos: https://l2wiki.com/Guts_-_Tyrr_Titan + https://l2wiki.com/Brave_Spear_-_Tyrr_Duelist , and https://l2wiki.com/Frenzy_-_Tyrr_Titan + https://l2wiki.com/Furious_Slasher_-_Tyrr_Titan . He can start with either of them. Basically you should counter Guts + Boost with your UD and deal damage while throwing Kelbim at him, and counter Frenzy with Guardian's Frenzy. During the Frenzy I usually go on https://l2wiki.com/Two-Hand_Stance_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar and pop a Brooch BR to see who's the better Titan. The only reason this works is that your Shield Defense Power boosted by Guardian's Frenzy is converted to 150% of your P.Atk, and you get 75% Critical Damage. When a Titan sees how you decimate him, he will start running away, but you have your Pulls, Root, and also your Silence that will decrease his P.Def allowing for even more damage. When that's done, turn off the Stance and chase him until he goes on his Guts again. You can fight him on Guts only, but run away from https://l2wiki.com/Brave_Spear_-_Tyrr_Duelist . When he pops second Frenzy, you should use your Double Party UD combo mentioned before and fight him all-out with everything you've got. If he took Wizard Harmony, he might have his Guts 3rd time, thats where you use your 2nd Guardian's Frenzy to run away throwing Kelbim. If he took Knight, he is safe to engage on Guardian's Frenzy until the end of the match.

    With https://l2wiki.com/Physical_Mirror_-_Hell_Knight a Tyrr will be debuffed from his skills more often than you, including the Disarms, and reflected Eruptions. This makes the fight much easier.


    Sigel Knight
    This is a pretty straightforward gear fight.
    There isn't much to tell in terms of strategy. Dont pop any UD, or even Guardian's Frenzy first. You should always counter what your opponent is doing unless it's braindamaged actions like Triple UD. If he pops a Guardian Frenzy - run for a while to decrease remaining time, pop yours, and engage. Repeat the same with every defensive skill there is. The reason you should do that is because when his buff wears of, you will still have ~10 seconds left of yours, giving you free time to engage while he waits for cubic to pop something else.

    As for Rules of Engagement: fight only when your cubic trigger is on to avoid debuffs, run for the rest of the time. If both of you have cubics, it's okay to spam everything. Keep in mind you are the only tank with Debuff Immunity Cubic, so you can engage tanks on their cubics as much as you want, as long as you're protected. Silencing the enemy gives you time to spam your rotation of skills for free. Don't forget the If your opponent is stupid enough to use UD without protection, pull him and you win. If your enemy doesn't use Cat's Eye, in the end you will get around 1-2k extra damage from https://l2wiki.com/Reflect_Damage_-_Dark_Avenger . Remember that https://l2wiki.com/Shield_Wave_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar is a very good defensive buff, it's worth to use it if you get pulled to your enemy during running stage to mitigate his damage.



    If he has much better gear than you, then just pop a Chant of Relog honestly. Your average fights versus an Othell will be: him 4m50s on Hide, other 10s on celestial + detarget + UE + Angel of Death to do 2 stabs on you and 'win' by damage. If you really want to try and fight because the Othell is not so good, or you outgear him, take a Knight's Harmony, and Stun + Knockdown resist Jewels for his https://l2wiki.com/Shadow_Chase_-_Othell_Ghost_Hunterr and https://l2wiki.com/Jawbone_Blow_-_Othell_Wind_Rider . Chase the guy down, pull, root, counter UE with UD and Angel of Death with Guardian's Frenzy. If the fight starts with him on Hide, prepare a Shirt Disparition or Celestial when he jumps out, just so you can use your Kelbim and maybe some UDs if it's required. If done correctly, you will have dealt more damage than him, forcing him to engage again. If you see him going on Hide after, you have a lot of non-target AOE skills to reveal him, and deal some damage. This is where you can use Prevision for a speed boost to reach his hide place.



    Also known as the master chickens. Guy's gonna run 5 minutes and all you have to do is chase him down, try to slow, pull, and root him while spamming that sweet Kelbim. Silence helps greatly since he cannot attack nor jump away while it's on.

    The start of the match determines everything. If he starts on 101 skill, you should start with your UD. If he doesn't, you should go on Guardian's Frenzy. Here's the deal. No matter what you do, you need your https://l2wiki.com/Final_Ultimate_Defense_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar for his 101 skill, because he will automatically Hide after that, and both of you waste your important skill. If you get baited into using it without his 101, he will just shoot you to death later. When he pops his https://l2wiki.com/Final_Ultimate_Escape_-_Yul_Trickster you still have 50% chance to land a hit, so you should focus on pulling and silencing the guy because he will try to use it as a free damage opportunity. If he took Wizard Harmony, he will have 101 two times, you should negate the 2nd time with Double Party UD combo. Don't expect to kill an archer unless he doesn't know how to run. You should win by damage by ensuring that every single one of his attempts to do damage is negated by your pull and silence, or simple hiding behind a pillar.


    Don't get me started. If it's a Soultaker, you have a chance. If it's not, well... take one for the team unless you outgear him. Just read this: https://l2wiki.com/Embody_Mana_Armor_-_Feoh_Storm_Screamer . On maximum level, it's 95%. That means all your damage is 1. divided by 20 and 2. dealt to his mana. Which he can regenerate with https://l2wiki.com/Ultimate_Body_To_Mind_-_Feoh_Storm_Screamer , Shirts, Sayha's Talismans, and whatever else they introduce to restore mana inside Olympiad. Next: any damage dealt to mana does not count to damage dealt in terms of Olympiad, so unless his mana is 0, you will finish that match with 0 damage dealt. Assuming that enemy Feoh has 18k Mana (and some have even more), and uses Shirt Rebirth, you need to deal 720k damage before you can hit him, and that's assuming he doesnt use Body to Mind, and he will. Most of the time all you will be able to do is forcing the enemy to use his shirts so he doesn't have them later, by using that Kelbim on cooldown. However, if you outgear a feoh or have at least equal gear, you can take the Wizard Harmony, Full Mental Jewels + Lindvior, and see how your Root and Silence lands. If it's landing all the time, you can go on Guardian's Frenzy + Two-Hand Stance + Brooch BR while defending yourself with Shield Deflect Magic, and do this: pull, silence, root, autoattack, and repeat that until your Guardian's Frenzy is over. You will do sick damage this way. For the rest of the match you should keep pulling, making sure silence is on all the time so he cannot cast his Body To Mind, and use Kelbim on cooldown. If you keep the enemy silenced while his health is low, you can finish it with Kelbim. It's even better if you cancel his Shirt Rebirth, but even if you don't, you still have a chance if you can keep the silence going.


    This matchup is pure cancer on both sides. If he lands his 4 marks on you like 3 times in a row and they stay there for at least 5 seconds each time, you're done.
    This fight is simple but hard. You should start on Guardian Frenzy and prepare both Extended Cubic and Unbind before you engage. You have one job: KEEP THE SILENCE UP. Pull, root, whatever you like, the silence has to be on the enemy all the time. Root helps you much, same with the slows. Your first engage should be on Extended Cubic, and you should recast your Cubic every time your silence fails. You can prolong engages with Unbind, but only if you can't land the silence for some reason. If you fail few times and your HP is below half, wait for your cubic (or pop the Unbind if you don't have https://l2wiki.com/Mark_of_Trick_-_Wynn_Spectral_Master on you) and use your Ultimate Defense to heal up. You should use Kelbim only when your cubic is on to avoid the debuffs. What's also important, is your https://l2wiki.com/Rising_Smash_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar on the pets. If summoner can't heal them and their HP falls down to 1, his Damage Transfer stops working, and that's where you start dealing ~triple damage. Silence stops him from re-summoning the pets, and at that point he will panic, meaning he will not cast marks but focus on his pets.



    This is my favourite type of fight - both of you will never die, it's just about who deals more damage.
    The fight is pretty straightforward. You start on Guardian's Frenzy, which you can use 3 times during the match, increasing your M.Def by 120%. Then you have https://l2wiki.com/Focus_Shield_-_Sigel_Evas_Templar and https://l2wiki.com/Shield_Deflect_Magic_-_Temple_Knight to mitigate his damage. I usually start the match with Focus Shield to bait the enemy Celestial. When it's done I go on Two-Handed Stance, and chase/pull the guy to bait Mass Cleanse. When that's done I land a silence, root, open Brooch BR, and deal crazy damage. You can 4-shot a healer in +8 PvP Set and Jewels 4 while using an Apo weapon easily. Don't expect the healer to die, but he will have to focus on healing himself and waste his shirts, which is hard during silence. This trick gives you enough damage to win the match. For the rest of the match you run like a chicken (unless your silence is perma), and engage only on UD, Shield Deflect Magic, and such, and extend the fight for as long as silence is on.


    Iss Enchanters

    There are 3 types of Iss Enchanters for a Tank. Doom Cancers, Sword Cancers, and everything else. Versus a Doom Cancer you have the Chant of Relog or you can swallow your pride and MAYBE, IF YOU"RE LUCKY, waste his Shirts. As for the Sword Cancers: they are Tanks, but better. No other Iss is as tanky as SM. As for the fight: take Knight Harmony, Mental Jewels, you can also mix some Knockdown if you use a Tauti's Axe. What he will do: https://l2wiki.com/Polymorph_-_Iss_Doomcryer to run away for 15 seconds and then https://l2wiki.com/Angel's_Touch_-_Iss_Hierophant to fight you for 15 seconds - that's where you use your Kelbim. You should always have an Extended Cubic ready for his Angel Touch so he cannot debuff you. Counter his Battle Rhapsody with UD, the rest of UDs just pop on cooldown when he goes out of the stone. The only thing you can do to increase your chances is to Mass Stun/Mass Aggro him when he is on last 1-2 seconds of Polymorph. This blocks his Angel Touch, allowing you to cast a silence. You have to keep that silence and aggro for as long as possible while using other skills to damage him. Again, nobody will die, this is a damage fight.



    So, Eviscerators are an extremely hard matchup. https://l2wiki.com/Fluid_Weave_-_Eviscerator on max level allows them to block 3 debuffs for 3 seconds, with 2.5 second cooldown. How's that anywhere close to fair? Luckily, your Kelbim ignores that skill completely, and it's your main source of damage. Take Stun jewels mixed in with anti-Knockdown Jewels, Knight's Harmony, and you're all set. Start on a Guardian's Frenzy. The Evi will run until it's over, or engage shortly on some sort of Celestial Shield. You have to use your Kelbim to force his Steel Mind. He can cancel all your skill casts with his rushes, same as Tyrr's Eruption, so you have to hide and use your UD. During UD you should ALWAYS engage the enemy. You will deal much more damage than him, probably lowering him down to 1, where you can use your Kelbim and finish the match. If that doesn't happen, continue chasing and using Kelbim, wait for his mistake with Fluid Weave to pull and silence, and have Double Party UD prepared for his second Steel Mind.


    Sayha Seers
    Oh boy. Imagine Othells but a bit easier. If the enemy is good, you have one chance at this, unless it's open arena where you can predict movement and catch him in Hide. Start with your Guardian Frenzy, stand in a corner of your Olympiad Box (near the door), and get a good Buddy on Teamspeak. He has to tell you when Sayha uses his buffs, because that means he's about to engage. When that happens you have to wait 1-2 seconds, pop and Unbind, and hopefully you will not get any CC. If that happens, pop Mass Root and Mass Stun. If Root lands, Ertheia can only jump back inside your box. Thats where you go with your second AOE, and Mass Pull to de-hide him. If you're lucky enough to land a silence, keep it on for as long as you can while spamming every single CC you have to keep the damage (including the Kelbim) going. At this point you are winning by damage and Ertheia HAS to engage you. Until the end of the match spam Cubic, and every defensive skill you have while running around, hoping that another attack from the enemy will not land any CC on you. If it does - your defensive skills will mitigate most of the damage. If it doesn't, you have another chance for Root and Mass Pull, just to land a silence again and get more damage going.

    You have reached the end of this guide, and the word count is over 9000 (it really is tho xD). Remember: no guide will teach you how to play, it can only give you some basic idea. Practice and experience is your best friend.
    Последнее редактирование: 8 май 2018
    TimeWaste, Liumang84, Malysmall и 12 другим нравится это.
  2. Hax

    Hax User

    thx for sharing secrets with our enemies
    SK111 нравится это.
  3. SnoWyz

    SnoWyz User

    Whats the point to fight bad enemies? Palkah is a nice guy!
  4. Palkah

    Palkah User

    Man's gotta work for his 15 Eva Runes
  5. yLogy

    yLogy User

    Nice guide, but sadly, your game knowledge is limited, so potential of this tank in part "be cancer" is greatly limited by bad setup of character :(
  6. Palkah

    Palkah User

    I have 14 years of tank experience, access to hidden game knowledge, including most of damage formulas, and this guide didn't even reach the parts where I explain how to play in PvP.
  7. Sinin

    Sinin User

    Like anything in there is a secret. Basically just a list of skills with descriptions. Im still waiting for first bright person to actually trade something useful for eva runes.
  8. Palkah

    Palkah User

    Takanodan knows everything in terms of tanks that I do anyway so it doesn't matter if I reveal any big secrets since there are none.
  9. TrueStoryBrah

    TrueStoryBrah User

    I would argue that aqua is better than garnet since u can use ur cubic with cd 10-13sec and i do believe every since cd matters
  10. Palkah

    Palkah User

    I'd probably use it in one of the extra slots as a cheaper fill if I didn't have the Opal for example, but 5% Cooldown from a Lv. 6 vs 20% Debuff Resistance from a Lv. 4 Garnet (and even more on higher levels + extra cleanse) is not a very good trade. Tank is a class that's supposed to walk through 10 Snares and ignore them, and Passive Debuff Resistance lets you do that without thinking while with Cubic you have to think about it more often.
    Последнее редактирование: 6 май 2018
  11. Oscar

    Oscar User

    nice, almost makes me want to play L2 again :D
  12. Hax

    Hax User

    a guide with the help of genocide members? ugh, I leave this thread
    {IronV} нравится это.
  13. darthblade

    darthblade User

    With the new 2-hand skill and tauti axe / dps jewels tank makes for a half-decent (or a quarter) of a dd... k95 duo is possible, people might take you kama just to get party solidarity lvl 3. Still exp <101 sux balls for tank :D

    Nice guide
  14. Balchov

    Balchov User

    It does not make sense to keep a ref.dmg skill as it is meaningless against strong heroes, I was thinking the same way until I found myself alone in this. You also did not learn the two most important passive of ability points for tank....
    Can you take one screen of Character Status best of your stat?
  15. Geburah

    Geburah User

    about dagger stabs:
    iirc critical damage reductions were "removed" for stabs in lindvior update (i never saw a patchnote of this, but i saw several coments on forums), but i tested it myself on later updates and they still worked, but not the full amount of the reduction.

    i haven't tested on the current update, but i bet it's still like the last time.
  16. Palkah

    Palkah User

    Well I agree they should work, since Normal Attack Critical Damage from epic jewels applies to Blows, so in opposition whatever reduces those should reduce blows damage too. According to tests by Takanodan however, they don't, which is weird but I trust him on this. There's a possiblity that only a double critical (on blow) damage gets reduced, but I didn't test that myself, because I don't have a dagger character to do it. Also it would be hard to test without doing like 100 blows due to the random damage, so it would be the best to send it as a question to experimentarium where they can disable the random damage.

    Reflect Damage isn't good anymore, yes. It's only another buff to cancel on Olympiad. But Shield Deflect Magic is extremely helpful versus Mages. I came from Ramona with 0 Yuls, that's why I am yet to see how it works here and change accordingly. Raise Shield would be good if it were up during skill use, but since casting almost any other skills cancels it, it's only good to run around. Using it to survive a Yul burst doesn't make sense since if you can protect yourself but not your party, your party will die 3 times until you die anyway, and you can't just recover from 1/7 alive situation. As for the passives - not really. I did not learn only 1 passive, and all I lose is 2 STR, 4% Stun/Paralyze Resistance, 14% Poison/Bleed Resistance, and 14% to Hold/Sleep/Mental. With that high CON and the epics I don't get stunned at all, paralyze will land anyway because we can use only 1 jewel to resist it - Lilith's Necklace, nobody uses Poison/Bleed, Hold is used only by other tanks, Sleep from healers doesn't land since like 10 updates, and Mental - with this build I have 4/5 to 5/5 Mental Jewels on my character. During 5 months of sieges on Ramona enemies landed like 3 Hero Silences on me. And the only debuffs except that were the ones which don't have any traits assigned to them (like Aggro, Marks) and Feint, about which we still know almost nothing. As for the stats of my character - I don't have all those items yet, and I'm running -6 STR Dyes because there is always something else to improve, but right now I have 117 CON on my character, and working on my PVE weapon - and that still might not be enough to reach 150k HP, unless I suddenly get adena from heaven for some brooches 6.
  17. Balchov

    Balchov User

    I say again I thought in the same way as, I'm here without Freya art of seduction i can reach 1100+ atr def and more dan 200K p.def... trust me you do no need Shield Deflect Magic and ref.dmg

  18. Palkah

    Palkah User

    I'd rather see for myself. These numbers mean nothing versus a Dragon Weapon Feoh, especially when it's level 2 (sup IronV). He will have more attribute than you by 250 easily, for maximum damage bonus. Shield Deflect Magic has the benefit of reducing half of hits you receive to 0, and nothing else except for celestials can give you that.
  19. SK111

    SK111 Banned

    I don't agree at all with the raise shield choice but it has to be said that this is the best guide ever made about Lineage 2, ever.
    Hax is right, like always. No tank will ever say to you anything at all about his set up. Palkah used 9.000 words to say it.
    I will be surprised if Fragola doesn't give to Palkah a reward of some sort.

    As for the rest i don't want to sell my house to play a videogame. Salvation is better but i will stick with classic.
  20. Palkah

    Palkah User

    This is a guide for a contest https://eu.4gameforum.com/threads/657016/ , and one of the main rewards is a spear/2h blunt that looks LIKE A PENCIL (aaaand I'm happy for the Eva Runes, and the CON + Skill Cooldown agathion). What can be better than having a pencil ingame to write a solid F after enemy's mediocre PvP skill display? :D