Topic for works. Recommend to state the following information at the beginning of your work: Discussion and requirements
Server : Skelth Character NickName: 2EasY Link of the Original Mask : Black Feather Mask.
Server -- Skelth Character Name -- Eriot Process: Finished: It's probably at least 25 years since I sown anything lol
Server Name: Core + Ramona Character Name: QueenNehelenia Accessory Name: Cat Ears Wip photos Finished Accessory Will try and take photos of the accessory on my head tomorrow with daylight
Server: Core + Ramona Character name: WindCry Accessory: Savior's Mask Creating process: First, I've made a model from the background pattern in a sample mask in Photoshop, then printed it. Cutted, then glued it in cardboard. To painting, I've chosen metallic nail polish, because it's brighter and cheaper for the project. Painted the mask. Corrected colors and shape, and painted the details of mask in metallic white. After dry, repainted with the copper/gold and finished. To stick in face, used double sided tape on the cheek area.
Server: Skelth Character name: Nomoredie I love artisan's goggles cause i think they suit perfectly on a girl artisan dwarf. Thats the reason i didn't craft just the hat but the model too. Also , female dwarf is the only class that changes their appearance by adding some cuteness with that fluffy top! Made out of polymer clay and patience ~~~~~~~~ Спойлер: WORK Original: ~~~~~~~~ Sorry for the huge photos... They didn't appear that big on the preview ~_~
Refined CArinival circlet -мвлюди.jpg Server : skelth name : TernoN
Server Name: Core + Ramona Character Name: Kingsyaoran Accessory Name: Monocle This is the accessory i wanted to construct. Work In progress: Getting started Silicone is too difficult to use in Summer!!!! Just need to get the paint to dry so i can wear it. Finished accessory. Monocle +3 INT: This is me wearing it. I wonder why these things are not in fashin anymore. It adds a bit more prestige, don't you think? I hope you like it.
Hello there! For this event I have chosen the Black Half Mask! This is how it looks in game: Спойлер: Black Half Mask Click along to see how I crafted this one To acomplish a fine result, we will need the following ingredients: Спойлер: Ingredients Now its time to begin! Oh, I forgot to mention the last ingredient.. a human..a human lab rat! Once you managed to find ur lab rat, it's time to start mummifying it Joking, just the face is enough! Спойлер: Human Lab Rat! Let the victim sit there while the mask dries out. When it has dried out completely, it's time to apply some joint compound: Спойлер: Applying Joint Compound 24h later it is supposed to be dried, and ready to be polished. Should look like this after polishing: Спойлер: Polished mask After that, it's time to paint it and draw the embelishments: Спойлер: Embelishments Easy right?! And this is how it looks finally on my sister's face: Спойлер: Final Mask Here are somemore shots, looks cool! Спойлер: Mask Спойлер: Mask Спойлер: Mask Спойлер: Mask Спойлер: Mask This is all folks! I hope u liked it! Server: Skelth Char: Aerys
Hi guys! Thank you so much for all the great hats (and not only hats) you crafted. We need some more time to choose winners. They will be announced tomorrow during the maintenance. See you soon and thank you for your patience!
Greetings heroes! The Lineage 2 worlds are now available and it's time to sum up the results of the contest. I was happy to see all the crafts you sent. Even the most severe and experienced warriors put down their weapons and took a needle and thread. To be honest I would even take off my hood to try on some of these hats. Well, not for long. And now I am proud to announce the winners! The main winner is Nomoredie who not only crafted Artisan's Goggles but also Dwarf Artisan herself. Спойлер: Dwarf Artisan Great job! We want to encourage her with an x2 prize. I would also like to mention three more award-winning works. First is awesome Refined Romantic Chapeau by Kloek. Спойлер: Chapeau Next comes Aerys and the Black Half Mask made with love. Спойлер: Mask And the last prize goes to Eriot and his Wizard Hat. Спойлер: Wizard Hat Congratulations to the winners and thanks to everyone who took part in our contest! In order to take your prize please send me a direct message with a subject line "GIVE ME MY PRIZE".