Get Lucky Coins by spinning Dovmihr's legendary WIN-WIN Machine and from some other Activities. Exchange your accumulated coins with Dovmihr in Prontera (/navi prontera 145/96). For 1600 or 700 Coins, you will receive 1 random Legendary Item from Dovmihr's Reward List. You can exchange coins for items from the Reward List an unlimited number of times. Спойлер: Reward list (1600 Lucky Coins) Each item on the list has the same drop rate chance. Antique Refine Cube +12 (x1) Perverse Demon Mask (x1) Seraphim Coronet (x1) Ring of Jupiter (x1) Magician's Gloves (x1) Happy Balloon (x1) Kardui Ears (x1) Gambler's Seal (x1) Blacksmith's Gloves (x1) Antique Refine Cube +12 Спойлер: More [Available Items] Old Rune Circlet, Old Casket of Protection, Old Bone Circlet, Old Shadow Handicraft, Old Magic Stone Hat, Old Wind Whisper, Old Mitra, Old Blazing Soul, Old Camouflage Bunny Hood, Old Maestro Song's Hat, Old Dying Swan, Old Driver Band (Red), Old Driver Band (Yellow), Old Midas Whisper Weight: 1 Number of slots: 0 Perverse Demon Mask Спойлер: More This accessory can only be equipped in the left accessory slot. Class: Accessory Weight: 60 Requires Level: 80 Usable By: All Jobs For every 18 base Str, Int + 3 Bypass 15% of hard magic defense of All Races when performing a magical attack. For every 18 base Agi, Luk + 3 Perfect Dodge + 1 For every 18 base Vit, Dex + 3 Reduces the variable casting time of skills by 1%. For every 18 base Int, Str + 3 Reduces the global delay of skills by 1%. For every 18 base Dex, Vit + 3 Max HP + 1% For every 18 base Luk, Agi + 3 Bypass 15% of hard defense of All Races when performing a physical attack. Number of slots: 1 Seraphim Coronet Спойлер: More Class: Headgear Position: Middle Defense: 0 Weight: 30 Requires Level: 70 Usable By: All Jobs Str + 2 For every 8 base Int, Atk + 5 Increases the recovery rate of recovery skills by 1%. Increases the variable casting time of skills by 1%. If the user's base Int is 108 or higher, Additional Atk + 50. Increases the recovery rate of recovery skills by an additional 5%. Increases the variable casting time of skills by an additional 4%. If the user's base Int is 120 or higher, Additional Atk + 125. Increases the recovery rate of recovery skills by an additional 10%. Increases the variable casting time of skills by an additional 6%. Set Bonus Seraphim Coronet Seraphim Feather Increases the recovery rate of recovery skills and recovery items by 5%. Increases the recovery rate of incoming recovery skills by 5%. Reduces damage taken from Demi-Human race enemies by 2%. Reduces the variable casting time of Coluseo Heal by 100%. Immune to Bleed and Chaos. Reduces the variable casting time of skills by 1% for every 8 base Int. If the user's base Int is 108 or higher, Reduces the variable casting time of skills by an additional 4%. Increases the recovery rate of recovery skills and recovery items by an additional 10%. Increases the recovery rate of incoming recovery skills by an additional 10%. Reduces damage taken from Demi-Human race enemies by an additional 2%. If the user's base Int is 120 or higher, Reduces the variable casting time of skills by an additional 6%. Increases the recovery rate of recovery skills and recovery items by an additional 15%. Increases the recovery rate of incoming recovery skills by an additional 15%. Reduces damage taken from Demi-Human race enemies by an additional 4%. Number of slots: 0 Ring of Jupiter Спойлер: More When equipped to Right Accessory (1): For every 10 Base LUK, ATK +15, MATK +15. If Base LUK is 125 or higher, additionally ATK and MATK to Boss Type Monsters +15%. When equipped to Left Accessory (2): For every 10 Base VIT, Max. HP +2%, Max SP +2%. If Base VIT is 125 or higher, DEF +300, MDEF +50, damage inflicted by player characters -3%. Class: Accessory Defense: 2 Weight: 50 Required Level: 100 Jobs: All Number of slots: 1 Magician's Gloves Спойлер: More By wearing them, you can better control the flow of magical energy. Fire, Water, Wind, Earth and Neutral properties magic Damage +5%. Ignore MDEF of all race monsters +50% Variable Cast Time of all skills -10%. Class: Accessory Weight: 50 Requires Level: 80 Usable By: All Jobs Number of slots: 1 Happy Balloon Спойлер: More This item cannot be upgraded. Class: Headgear Position: Lower Defense: 0 Weight: 1 Requires Level: 1 Usable By: All Jobs Increases the experience given from monsters by 5%. Increases the drop rate of items by 10%. Number of slots: 0 Kardui Ears Спойлер: More MATK +2 for every 10 base Dex. If base DEX is 108 or higher, Variable Cast Time of all skills -10%, MATK +60. If base DEX is 120 or higher, additionally Variable Cast Time of all skills -5%, MATK +100. Class: Headgear Defense: 0 Location: Middle Weight: 30 Required Level: 70 Jobs: All Number of slots: 0 Gambler's Seal Спойлер: More Class: Headgear Position: Middle Defense: 0 Weight: 50 Requires Level: 70 Usable By: All Jobs Crit + 3 Increases critical damage on targets by 3%. Reduces damage taken from Arrow Storm and Gates of Hell by 10%. Reduces critical damage on targets by an additional 2% for every 10 base Dex. Additional Crit + 1, Atk and Matk + 2 for every 10 base Luk. Additional Crit + 5 and increases critical damage on targets by an additional 10%, if the users base Luk is 108 or higher. Additional Crit + 10, increases critical damage on targets by an additional 17% and reduces damage taken from Arrow Storm and Gates of Hell by an additional 30%, if the users base Luk is 120 or higher. Set Bonus Gambler's Seal Heart Card in Mouth Aspd + 1 Additional Aspd + 1, if the users base Luk is 108 or higher. Additional Aspd + 2, if the users base Luk is 120 or higher. Increases critical damage on targets by 2%. Increases critical damage on targets by an additional 2%, if the users base Luk is 108 or higher. Increases critical damage on targets by an additional 4%, if the users base Luk is 120 or higher. Increases critical damage on targets by an additional 2% for every 10 base Dex. Reduces damage taken from Demi-Human race enemies by 2%. Reduces damage taken from Demi-Human race enemies by an additional 2%, if the users base Luk is 108 or higher. Reduces damage taken from Demi-Human race enemies by an additional 4%, if the users base Luk is 120 or higher. Reduces damage taken from Critical Slash by 100%. Enables Splash Attacks, if the users base Luk is 120 or higher. Number of slots: 0 Blacksmith's Gloves Спойлер: More Increases physical damage on boss monsters\r by 5%. Reduces the global delay of skills by 10%. Bypass 15% of hard defense of All Races when\r performing a physical attack. ---------- Class: Accessory Weight: 50 Requires Level: 80 Usable By: All Jobs Number of slots: 1 Спойлер: Reward list (700 Lucky Coins) Each item on the list has the same drop rate chance. Temporal Refine Cube +11 (x1) Heart Card in Mouth (x1) Red Pope Ribbon (x1) Celine's Dress (x1) Angel Mirror (x1) Verus Core (x1) New Wave Sunshades (x1) Seraphim Feather (x1) Wings of Fortune (x1) Temporal Refine Cube +11 Спойлер: More A legendary refine cube created by Kronius the Multiplied, a time traveler who exists in six versions of himself. Allows you to guaranteedly increase the refine level of Sixtus Armors or Chronocloaks to +11. Weight: 1 Number of slots: 0 Heart Card in Mouth Спойлер: More Class: Headgear Position: Lower Defense: 0 Weight: 30 Requires Level: 80 Usable By: All Jobs Increases critical damage on targets by 5%. Set Bonus Gambler's Seal Heart Card in Mouth Aspd + 1 Additional Aspd + 1, if the users base Luk is 108 or higher. Additional Aspd + 2, if the users base Luk is 120 or higher. Increases critical damage on targets by 2%. Increases critical damage on targets by an additional 2%., if the users base Luk is 108 or higher. Increases critical damage on targets by an additional 4%., if the users base Luk is 120 or higher. Increases critical damage on targets by an additional 2% for every 10 base Dex. Reduces damage taken from Demi-Human race enemies by 2%. Reduces damage taken from Demi-Human race enemies by an additional 2%, if the users base Luk is 108 or higher. Reduces damage taken from Demi-Human race enemies by an additional 4%, if the users base Luk is 120 or higher. Reduces damage taken from Critical Slash by 100%. Enables Splash Attacks.if the users base Luk is 120 or higher. Number of slots: 0 Red Pope Ribbon Спойлер: More Increase magic damage to all size monsters by 10%. Type: Helm Defense: 2 Location: Middle Weight: 10 Required Level: 100 Jobs: All Number of slots: 1 Celine's Dress Спойлер: More It is covered with some dark spots... Is it blood? MATK +50. If refine rate is +7, Variable Cast Time of all skills -10%. If refined to +9, all property Magic Damage +10%. If refine rate is +11, cooldown of all skills -10%. If refine rate is +12, cooldown of all skills -5% additionally. [If equipped with Evilspirit Gloves] ATK +10%, Perfect Hit Chance +10%, MATK against all size enemies +15%. With a certain chance, magic damage to monsters of all types (except players) increases by 15% for 10 seconds when performing a physical attack. [If equipped with Celine's Ribbon] Holy, Shadow, Poison and Ghost property magic damage increases depending on the total refine rate of Celine's Ribbon and Celine's Dress. If total refine rate is +19 or higher, MATK +15%. If total refine rate is +23 or higher, Magic Damage to all property monsters +20%. [If equipped with Celine's Brooch] MATK +10 per every refine level of Celine's Dress. If refine rate of Celine's Dress is +9, Variable Cast Time of all skills -5%. If refine rate of Celine's Dress is +11 or higher, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth and Neutral properties magic damage +10%. If refine rate of Celine's Dress is +13, it becomes indestructible. Class: Armor Defence: 40 Weight: 50 Required Level: 130 Jobs: All Number of slots: 1 Angel Mirror Спойлер: More They say that whoever looks at it will see the reflection of their soul. Cannot be destroyed. ATK +10 for every 2 refine levels. [If refined to +7 or higher] ASPD increases (Attack Delay -10%). [If upgrade level is +9 or higher] Ranged physical damage to all enemies +10%. Cooldown of all skills -5%. If upgrade level is +11 or higher, Cart Cannon and Arm Cannon damage +15%. [If equipped with Holy Cannon Ball] Physical damage inflicted on Shadow property monsters +10%. [If equipped with Dark Cannon Ball] Physical damage inflicted on Holy property monsters +10%. Class: Shield Defense: 100 Weight: 250 Required Level: 100 Jobs: Merchant Jobs (3rd Job) Number of slots: 1 Verus Core Спойлер: More Class: Accessory Weight: 50 Requires Level: 80 Usable By: All Jobs Perfect Hit + 20% Aspd + 10% Increases physical damage on Neutral, Water, Earth, Fire, Wind, Poison, Holy, Shadow, Ghost and Undead property targets by 5%. Number of slots: 1 New Wave Sunshades Спойлер: More Or from some weird school for gifted youngsters. 10% reduction in delay after skill. Class: Headgear Location: Mid Defense: 0 Weight: 10 Required Level: 1 Jobs: All Number of slots: 0 Seraphim Feather Спойлер: More Class: Headgear Position: Lower Defense: 0 Weight: 30 Requires Level: 80 Usable By: All Jobs Increases the recovery rate of recovery skills by 5%. Set Bonus Seraphim Coronet Seraphim Feather Reduces the variable casting time of skills by 1% for every 8 base Int. Reduces the variable casting time of skills by an additional 4%, if the users base Int is 108 or higher. Reduces the variable casting time of skills by an additional 6%, if the users base Int is 120 or higher. Reduces the variable casting time of Coluseo Heal by 100%. Reduces damage taken from Demi-Human race enemies by 2%. Reduces damage taken from Demi-Human race enemies by an additional 2%, if the users base Int is 108 or higher. Reduces damage taken from Demi-Human race enemies by an additional 4%, if the users base Int is 120 or higher. Increases the recovery rate of recovery skills by 5%. Increases the recovery rate of recovery skills by an additional 10%, if the users base Int is 108 or higher. Increases the recovery rate of recovery skills by an additional 15%, if the users base Int is 120 or higher. Increases the recovery rate of incoming recovery skills by 5%. Increases the recovery rate of incoming recovery skills by an additional 10%, if the users base Int is 108 or higher. Increases the recovery rate of incoming recovery skills by an additional 15%, if the users base Int is 120 or higher. Increases the recovery rate of recovery items by 5%. Increases the recovery rate of recovery items by an additional 10%, if the users base Int is 108 or higher. Increases the recovery rate of recovery items by an additional 15%, if the users base Int is 120 or higher. Immune to Bleed and Chaos. Number of slots: 0 Wings of Fortune Спойлер: More Wearing this brings good luck. ATK +5, MATK +5 Cooldown of all skills -4% Class: Headgear Defense: 0 Location: Middle Weight: 10 Required Level: 1 Jobs: All Number of slots: 1