(13.12-21.12) Limited Offer: Lucky Treasures Sets

Тема в разделе "Shop Updates", создана пользователем Ragnarok Online Prime, 12 дек 2023.

  1. Ragnarok Online Prime

    Ragnarok Online Prime Innova Group

    UPD: The offer has been extended until 21.12

    From 13.12 to 20.12, you will have the exclusive opportunity to get your hands on the Lucky Treasures Sets in 4game launcher.


    Small Lucky SetMedium Lucky SetBig Lucky Set
    Serpent King Treasure1Serpent King Treasure8Serpent King Treasure20
    Woodland Treasure1Woodland Treasure8Woodland Treasure20
    Summertime Treasure1Summertime Treasure8Summertime Treasure20
    Harenival Treasure1Harenival Treasure8Harenival Treasure20
    Guyak Pudding7Taoist Pills30HE Bubble Gum10
    Dead Branch20Big Bun30Bubblegum Battle Manual10
      Kafra Card20Bloody Branch10
        Guyak Pudding30
    Serpent King Treasure
    Do you hear that hiss too?
    Open the box and receive one of the following items:
    - Toxic Mist
    - Arachno-8
    - Snake Head Hat
    - CD in Mouth
    - Neuralizer Box
    - HD Oridecon
    - HD Elunium
    - Reset Stone
    - Snake Turban
    - Serpent King's Crown
    - Poison Spore Hat
    - Inf. Giant Fly Wing Box (1 h.)
    - Spring Mana Potion
    - Mrs. Mew's Treasure
    - Warlock's Treasure
    - Harenival Treasure
    - HE Battle Manual
    - HE Bubble Gum
    - Enriched Elunium x2
    - Enriched Oridecon x2
    - Bloody Branch x2
    - Superhuman Sweets x2
    - AGI Biscuit Stick x4
    - DEX Biscuit Stick x4
    - INT Biscuit Stick x4
    - LUK Biscuit Stick x4
    - STR Biscuit Stick x4
    - VIT Biscuit Stick x4
    - Party Assumptio 5 Scroll x4
    - Party Blessing 10 Scroll x4
    - Party Increase Agi 10 Scroll x4
    - Archmage Potion
    - Special Blessing of Tyr x10
    - Special Kafra Card x15
    - Guyak Pudding x25
    - Mind Potion x3
    - Water of Life x7
    - Superb Fish Slice x25
    - Dried Yggdrasil Berries x70
    - Yummy Skewered Grill x25
    - Guyak Candy x35
    - Hoddmimis Seed x25
    - Big Bun x20
    Weight: 1
    Number of slots: 0
    Woodland Treasure
    You might not remember that time you fed squirrels in a grove near Payon, but the forest never forgets!
    Open the box and receive one of the following items:
    - Flower Footprints
    - Swallowtail Wings
    - Leaf Umbrella
    - Neuralizer Box
    - Amistr Hat
    - Unicorn Glamour
    - Inf. Giant Fly Wing Box (1 h.)
    - Dovmihr's Chest
    - Krathong
    - Bunny Queen Wreath
    - Frog Hood
    - Fairy Feathers
    - Dancing Butterflies
    - Universal Battle Manual x2
    - Universal Job Manual x2
    - HE Battle Manual x2
    - Enriched Elunium x2
    - Enriched Oridecon x2
    - Bubblegum Battle Manual
    - Water of Life x10
    - Archmage Potion
    - Bloody Branch x2
    - Special Token of Ziegfried x5
    - AGI Biscuit Stick x4
    - DEX Biscuit Stick x4
    - INT Biscuit Stick x4
    - LUK Biscuit Stick x4
    - STR Biscuit Stick x4
    - VIT Biscuit Stick x4
    - Guyak Pudding x30
    - Spec. Kafra Card x15
    - Superb Fish Slice x30
    - Special Abrasive x11
    - Taoist Pills x15
    - Dried Yggdrasil Berries x70
    - Yummy Skewered Grill
    - Guyak Candy x35
    - Hoddmimis Seed x25
    - Hoddmimis Fruit x100
    - Big Bun x20
    Weight: 1
    Number of slots: 0
    Summertime Treasure
    Open the box and receive one of the following gifts:
    Poring Basket
    Wildflower Wings
    Sakura Wings
    Battle Manual (24 h.)
    Job Manual (24 h.)
    Bubble Gum (24 h.)
    Neuralizer Box
    Druid's Hat
    Paradise Cage
    Inf. Giant Fly Wing Box (1 h.)
    Summer Bloom Hat
    Flower Poring Hat
    Yellow Petal Hat
    Cherry Hairpins
    Poring Fedora Hat
    HE Battle Manual x2
    HE Bubble Gum x2
    Enriched Elunium x3
    Enriched Oridecon x3
    Infinite Berserk Potion Box
    Convex Mirrorx10
    Infinite Awakening Potion Box
    Infinite Concentration Potion Box
    Sesame Pastry x35
    Honey Pastry x35
    AGI Biscuit Stick x4
    DEX Biscuit Stick x4
    INT Biscuit Stick x4
    LUK Biscuit Stick x4
    STR Biscuit Stick x4
    VIT Biscuit Stick x4
    Small Mana Potion x18
    Token Of Siegfried x6
    Yggdrasil berry x10
    ASPD Potion x11
    Acaraje x20
    Water of Life x7
    Small Life Potion x35
    Universal Golden Catalog x20
    Kafra Card x14
    Rainbow Cake x7
    Baked Mushroomx35
    Weight: 1
    Number of slots: 0
    Harenival Treasure
    What, you don't have long ears or a pom-pom tail? Here, look in this box!
    Open the box and receive one of the following items:
    - Orange Rabbit
    - Hat Certificate
    - Lunatic Twins
    - Rabbit Hood
    - Sixtus Armor Box
    - Inf. Giant Fly Wing Box (1 h.)
    - Niflheim Bunny Hat
    - Piamette's Hairband
    - Rabbit Headband
    - Time Gem
    - HE Bubble Gum x2
    - HE Battle Manual x2
    - Universal Battle Manual x2
    - Universal Job Manual x2
    - Enriched Elunium x3
    - Enriched Oridecon x3
    - Bubblegum Battle Manual x2
    - AGI Biscuit Stick x4
    - DEX Biscuit Stick x4
    - INT Biscuit Stick x4
    - LUK Biscuit Stick x4
    - STR Biscuit Stick x4
    - VIT Biscuit Stick x4
    - AGI Transmutator
    - DEX Transmutator
    - INT Transmutator
    - LUK Transmutator
    - STR Transmutator
    - VIT Transmutator
    - Superb Fish Slice x25
    - Bloody Branch x2
    - Party Assumptio 5 Scroll x4
    - Archmage Potion
    - Water of Life x7
    - Guyak Pudding x25
    - Special Kafra Card x15
    - Token of Ziegfried x5
    - Party Increase Agi 10 Scroll x4
    - Aspd Potion x11
    - Guyak Candy x35
    - Yummy Skewered Grill x25
    - Big Bun x20
    - Hoddmimis Seed x25
    Weight: 1
    Number of slots: 0
    Guyak Pudding
    Movement speed +100% for 5 min. (the effect is cancelled when the character moves to another map)
    Weight: 1
    Number of slots: 0
    Dead Branch
    Summons a monster when used.
    Weight: 5
    Number of slots: 0
    Taoist Pills
    Secret of their manufacture is owned by the old Amatsu Taoist who lives on the sacred mountain.
    Recover 100% SP.
    Weight: 1
    Number of slots: 0
    Big Bun
    Restores 100% HP.
    Weight: 1
    Number of slots: 0
    Kafra Card
    A card issued by the Kafra Headquarters.
    Allows to open the Kafra storage.
    Weight: 1
    Number of slots: 0
    HE Bubble Gum
    A High Efficiency bubble gum that packs double the punch.
    Item drop rate +200% for 15 min.
    Replaces the effect of a common Bubble Gum.
    Weight: 1
    Number of slots: 0
    Bubblegum Battle Manual
    A book about combat arts, written on delicious bubblegum paper.
    After reading the page you can chew it and blow the bubble.
    Exp/Job rate +50% for 30 minutes.
    Item drop rate +100% for 30 minutes.
    Replaces the effects of a common Bubble Gum and Battle Manual.
    Weight: 0
    Number of slots: 0
    Bloody Branch
    Summons stronger creatures than regular Dead Branches.
    Weight: 1
    Number of slots: 0
    Последнее редактирование: 19 дек 2023