[WTF?] NO Proper duals at b/a/s grade! am i missing something?

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by tallum, Dec 9, 2011.

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  1. OmGwTf

    OmGwTf User

    Likes Received:
    i remember signing some online petitions about games for game studios/companys at http://www.petitiononline.com

    maybe we can try this and send to ncsfot... ofc it should be properly explained why and what do we want from them then announce to the concerned players ingame and encourage them to sign it.
    we can get an actual number of how many ppl are concerned with this matter this way.
  2. hells

    hells User

    Likes Received:
    about glads i agree isnt easy/fair.

    but when you speak about bd i reallly dont care... they cand dance and sit in a archer party (like the randoms do in my cp).

    when 85 comes will be equal / less unfair to all i think
  3. Snapax

    Snapax User

    Likes Received:

    here the answer

    goddess of destruction - harmony dual weapons production

    one of the hotfixes to update harmony developers have reduced the cost of making twin weapons of all kinds. attention! data rates in the current update goddess of destruction awakening (patch 0824) does not apply!

    there are several ways of making double weapons: swords paired d-r99 ranks, paired daggers s-r99 ranks and paired dubin r-r99 ranks. items db rank duplicate in any blacksmith forge, items a duplicate rank mamon in any city and subjects s-r99 ranks geminate maestro ishuma gludio in the harbor. basically need for doubling of aden, but in some cases additional materials. permit for making swords can be paired with the manor, and permission to manufacture dual swords - rank r is available at the store for 3.600.000 adena. in patch from 30.11.2011 to update harmony in korea greatly reduced the cost of doubling items
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    dual swords
    information about the cost of manufacturing dual swords da rank available in this material. the table below you will find the cost of manufacturing dual swords rank s-r99

    dual sword item 1 item 2 material cost

    tallum blade * dark legion
    blade tallum
    dark legion permission to manufacture a pair of swords 3,240,000 adena
    tallum blade * dark legion - thunder blade tallum - destruction
    dark legion permission to manufacture a pair of swords 3,240,000 adena
    tallum blade dark legion - thunder permission to manufacture a pair of swords 3,240,000 adena
    twin swords sword dynasty dynasty dark legion permission to manufacture a pair of swords 3,747,300 adena
    twin swords dynasty - dynasty sword of the earth - earth dark legion permission to manufacture a pair of swords 3,747,300 adena
    rank s80
    dual sword item 1 item 2 material cost
    dual swords icarus icarus jagged sword dark legion permission to manufacture a pair of swords 5,172,000 adena
    dual swords icarus - destruction jagged sword of icarus - destruction dark legion permission to manufacture a pair of swords 5,172,000 adena
    twin swords of venus venus cutter blade sirri a permit for making paired swords 7,168,000 adena
    twin swords of venus - venus destruction cutter - thunder blade sirri a permit for making paired swords 7,168,000 adena
    twin swords sword charm charm sirr blade 1 resolution for production of pairs of swords 9,975,000 adena
    twin swords sword inexhaustible being inexhaustible being forgotten blade permission to manufacture a pair of swords 13,939,000 adena
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 13, 2011
  4. Snapax

    Snapax User

    Likes Received:
    manufacturing pair of swords and higher rank r is different and presented in a separate table

    twin swords of npc item 1 item 2 material cost
    bound twin swords requiem blacksmith mammon ckovanny forgotten blade - focus rezak requiem bound for production of a resolution pair of swords - r 0 rank
    maestro ishuma ckovanny forgotten blade - focus rezak requiem bound for production of a resolution pair of swords - r rank 0
    twin swords requiem blacksmith mammon forgotten blade cutter requiem permission to manufacture a pair of swords - r rank 0
    maestro blade cutter ishuma forgotten requiem permission to manufacture a pair of swords - r rank 0
    blessed twin swords requiem blacksmith mammon forgotten blade cutter blessed requiem permission to manufacture a pair of swords - r rank 10,000,000 adena
    maestro ishuma forgotten blade cutter blessed requiem permission to manufacture a pair of swords - r rank 10,000,000 adena
    bound twin swords of apocalypse blacksmith mammon ckovanny forgotten blade - focus rezak bound apocalypse permission to manufacture a pair of swords - r rank 0
    maestro ishuma ckovanny forgotten blade - focus rezak bound apocalypse permission to manufacture a pair of swords - r rank 0
    twin swords of apocalypse blacksmith mammon forgotten blade cutter apocalypse permission to manufacture a pair of swords - r rank 60,000,000 adena
    maestro blade cutter ishuma forgotten apocalypse permission to manufacture a pair of swords - r rank 60,000,000 adena

    blessed twin swords of apocalypse blacksmith mammon forgotten blade
    blessed cutter apocalypse permission to manufacture a pair of swords - r rank
    10,000,000 adena

    5771 crystal: s grade
    maestro ishuma forgotten blade cutter blessed apocalypse permission to manufacture a pair of swords - r rank
    10,000,000 adena

    5771 crystal: s grade
    r95 rank
    twin swords of npc item 1 item 2 material cost
    bound twin swords phantasm blacksmith mammon ckovanny forgotten blade - focus rezak bound phantasm a permit to manufacture pair of swords - r rank 0
    maestro ishuma ckovanny forgotten blade - focus rezak bound phantasm a permit to manufacture pair of swords - r rank 0
    twin swords phantasm blacksmith mammon forgotten blade cutter phantasm a permit for manufacturing pair of swords - r rank
    179,557,000 adena

    900 crystal: rank r
    maestro blade cutter ishuma forgotten phantasm a permit to manufacture pair of swords - r rank
    179,557,000 adena

    900 crystal: rank r
    blessed twin swords phantasm blacksmith mammon forgotten blade
    blessed cutter fantasies a permit to manufacture pair of swords - r rank
    130,000,000 adena

    5000 crystal: rank r
    maestro ishuma forgotten blade cutter blessed phantasm a permit to manufacture pair of swords - r rank
    130,000,000 adena

    5000 crystal: rank r
    r99 rank

    twin swords of npc item 1 item 2 material cost
    bound twin swords helios blacksmith mammon ckovanny forgotten blade - focus rezak bound helios 1 resolution for production of pairs of swords - r rank 0
    maestro ishuma ckovanny forgotten blade - focus rezak bound helios 1 resolution for production of pairs of swords - r rank 0
    paired helios blacksmith mammon swords forgotten blade cutter helios a permit for manufacturing pair of swords - r rank
    475,793,500 adena

    1000 crystal: rank r
    maestro blade cutter ishuma forgotten helios 1 resolution for production of pairs of swords - r rank
    475,793,500 adena

    1000 crystal: rank r
    blessed paired helios blacksmith mammon swords forgotten blade
    blessed cutter helios 1 resolution for production of pairs of swords - r rank
    400,000,000 adena

    9000 crystal: rank r
    maestro ishuma forgotten blade cutter blessed helios 1 resolution for production of pairs of swords - r rank
    400,000,000 adena

    9000 crystal: rank r

    paired kinzhalyrang s
    twin daggers item 1 item 2 material cost
    twin daggers dagger of the dynasty dynasty murderer a permit for making paired swords 4,395,000 adena
    twin daggers dynasty - the great storm dynasty dagger - earth murderer a permit for making paired swords 4,395,000 adena
    rank s80
    twin daggers item 1 item 2 material cost
    twin daggers icarus icarus killer spray a permit to manufacture dual swords 6,089,000 adena
    twin daggers icarus - icarus spray confusion - confusion murderer a permit for making paired swords 6,089,000 adena
    twin daggers venus venus spearhead a naga storm permission to manufacture dual swords 8,577,000 adena
    twin daggers of venus - the great storm of venus spearhead - the great storm storm nagi a permit to manufacture dual swords 8,577,000 adena
    twin daggers skull dagger skull storm nagi a permit to manufacture paired swords 12,280,000 adena
    twin daggers dagger mamba mamba killer angels a permit for making swords pair 17,867,000 adena
  5. Snapax

    Snapax User

    Likes Received:
    manufacturing pair of daggers and higher rank r is different and presented in a separate tablitserang r
    twin daggers npc item 1 item 2 material cost
    bound twin daggers requiem blacksmith mammon ckovanny killer angels - speed ​​bound requiem spearhead a resolution to manufacture dual swords - r rank 0
    maestro ishuma ckovanny killer angels - speed ​​bound requiem spearhead a resolution to manufacture dual swords - r rank 0
    twin daggers requiem blacksmith mammon killer angel island requiem for a resolution making pair of swords - r rank 0
    maestro ishuma killer angel island requiem for a resolution making pair of swords - r rank 0
    twin daggers blessed requiem blacksmith mammon killer angels blessed requiem spearhead a permit to manufacture pair of swords - r rank 10,000,000 adena
    maestro ishuma killer angels blessed requiem spearhead a permit to manufacture pair of swords - r rank 10,000,000 adena
    bound twin daggers apocalypse blacksmith mammon ckovanny killer angels - speed ​​bound spearhead a permit for the apocalypse production pair of swords - r rank 0
    maestro ishuma ckovanny killer angels - speed ​​bound spearhead a permit for the apocalypse production pair of swords - r rank 0
    twin daggers apocalypse blacksmith mammon killer angels of the apocalypse spearhead a permit to manufacture pair of swords - r rank 60,000,000 adena
    maestro ishuma killer angels of the apocalypse spearhead a permit to manufacture pair of swords - r rank 60,000,000 adena

    twin daggers blessed apocalypse blacksmith mammon killer angels
    the point of the blessed of the apocalypse a permit to manufacture pair of swords - r rank
    10,000,000 adena

    5771 crystal: s grade
    maestro ishuma killer angels blessed spearhead a permit for the apocalypse production pair of swords - r rank
    10,000,000 adena

    5771 crystal: s grade
    r95 rank
    twin daggers npc item 1 item 2 material cost
    bound twin daggers phantasm blacksmith mammon ckovanny killer angels - speed ​​bound phantasm spearhead a resolution to manufacture dual swords - r rank 0
    maestro ishuma ckovanny killer angels - speed ​​bound phantasm spearhead a resolution to manufacture dual swords - r rank 0
    twin daggers phantasm blacksmith mammon killer angel island phantasm a permit to manufacture pair of swords - r rank
    179,557,000 adena

    900 crystal: rank r
    maestro ishuma killer angel island phantasm a permit to manufacture pair of swords - r rank
    179,557,000 adena

    900 crystal: rank r
    twin daggers blessed phantasm blacksmith mammon killer angels
    the point of a blissful fantasies permission to manufacture dual swords - r rank
    130,000,000 adena

    5000 crystal: rank r
    maestro ishuma killer angels blessed spearhead a phantasm permission to manufacture dual swords - r rank
    130,000,000 adena

    5000 crystal: rank r
    r99 rank
    twin daggers npc item 1 item 2 material cost
    bound twin daggers helios blacksmith mammon ckovanny killer angels - speed ​​bound spearhead helios 1 resolution for production of pairs of swords - r rank 0
    maestro ishuma ckovanny killer angels - speed ​​bound spearhead helios 1 resolution for production of pairs of swords - r rank 0
    twin daggers helios blacksmith mammon killer angel island helios 1 resolution for production of pairs of swords - r rank
    475,793,500 adena

    1000 crystal: rank r
    maestro ishuma killer angel island helios 1 resolution for production of pairs of swords - r rank
    475,793,500 adena

    1000 crystal: rank r
    twin daggers blessed helios blacksmith mammon killer angels
    blessed spearhead helios 1 resolution for production of pairs of swords - r rank
    400,000,000 adena

    9000 crystal: rank r
    maestro ishuma killer angels blessed spearhead helios 1 resolution for production of pairs of swords - r rank
    400,000,000 adena

    9000 crystal: rank r
    paired dubinyrang r
    paired clubs npc item 1 item 2 material cost
    pair bound dubina requiem blacksmith mammon bound basalt war hammer - health bound raider requiem permission to manufacture a pair of swords - r rank 0
    maestro ishuma bound basalt war hammer - health bound raider requiem permission to manufacture a pair of swords - r rank 0
    paired dubina requiem blacksmith mammon basalt war hammer raider requiem permission to manufacture a pair of swords - r rank 0
    maestro ishuma basalt war hammer raider requiem permission to manufacture a pair of swords - r rank 0
    blessed pair dubina requiem blacksmith mammon basalt war hammer blessed requiem raider 1 resolution for production of pairs of swords - r rank 10,000,000 adena
    maestro ishuma basalt war hammer blessed requiem raider 1 resolution for production of pairs of swords - r rank 10,000,000 adena
    pair bound dubina apocalypse blacksmith mammon bound basalt war hammer - health bound apocalypse avenger a permit to manufacture pair of swords - r rank 0
    maestro ishuma bound basalt war hammer - health bound apocalypse avenger a permit to manufacture pair of swords - r rank 0
    paired dubina apocalypse blacksmith mammon basalt war hammer apocalypse avenger a permit to manufacture pair of swords - r rank 60,000,000 adena
    maestro ishuma basalt war hammer apocalypse avenger a permit to manufacture pair of swords - r rank 60,000,000 adena

    blessed pair dubina apocalypse blacksmith mammon basalt war hammer
    blessed apocalypse avenger a permit to manufacture pair of swords - r rank
    10,000,000 adena

    5771 crystal: s grade
    maestro ishuma basalt war hammer blessed apocalypse avenger a permit to manufacture pair of swords - r rank
    10,000,000 adena

    5771 crystal: s grade
    r95 rank
    paired clubs npc item 1 item 2 material cost
    pair bound dubina phantasm blacksmith mammon bound basalt war hammer - health raider bound phantasm a permit for manufacturing pair of swords - r rank 0
    maestro ishuma bound basalt war hammer - health raider bound phantasm a permit to manufacture pair of swords - r rank 0
    paired dubina phantasm blacksmith mammon basalt war hammer raider fantasies a permit to manufacture pair of swords - r rank
    179,557,000 adena

    900 crystal: rank r
    maestro ishuma basalt war hammer raider fantasies a permit to manufacture pair of swords - r rank
    179,557,000 adena

    900 crystal: rank r
    blessed pair dubina phantasm blacksmith mammon basalt war hammer
    blessed raider fantasies a permit to manufacture pair of swords - r rank
    130,000,000 adena

    5000 crystal: rank r
    maestro ishuma basalt war hammer blessed raider fantasies a permit to manufacture pair of swords - r rank
    130,000,000 adena

    5000 crystal: rank r
    r99 rank
    paired clubs npc item 1 item 2 material cost
    pair bound dubina helios blacksmith mammon bound basalt war hammer - health bound raider helios a permit for manufacturing pair of swords - r rank 0
    maestro ishuma bound basalt war hammer - health bound raider helios 1 resolution for production of pairs of swords - r rank 0
    paired helios dubina blacksmith mammon basalt war hammer raider helios 1 resolution for production of pairs of swords - r rank
    475,793,500 adena

    1000 crystal: rank r
    maestro ishuma basalt war hammer raider helios 1 resolution for production of pairs of swords - r rank
    475,793,500 adena

    1000 crystal: rank r
    blessed paired helios dubina blacksmith mammon basalt war hammer
    blessed raider helios 1 resolution for production of pairs of swords - r rank
    400,000,000 adena

    9000 crystal: rank r
    maestro ishuma basalt war hammer blessed raider helios 1 resolution for production of pairs of swords - r rank
    400,000,000 adena

    9000 crystal: rank r

    1.source: http://power.plaync.co.kr/lineage2/이도+무기+제작+방법
    2.source: http://l2central.info/articles/items...nnogo-oruzhiya
  6. Babatukas

    Babatukas User

    Likes Received:
    someone should warn/ban him for spamming
  7. Snapax

    Snapax User

    Likes Received:
    better read new info...
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 13, 2011
  8. TeMePyT

    TeMePyT User

    Likes Received:
    snapax, no one talks about fakin r grades here, cant u get it in ur empty head? damn this guy is so dumb...
  9. Snapax

    Snapax User

    Likes Received:
    pliss read more carefull

    dual sword item 1 item 2 material cost

    tallum blade * dark legion
    blade tallum
    dark legion permission to manufacture a pair of swords 3,240,000 adena
    tallum blade * dark legion - thunder blade tallum - destruction
    dark legion permission to manufacture a pair of swords 3,240,000 adena
    tallum blade dark legion - thunder permission to manufacture a pair of swords 3,240,000 adena
    i tallk about s grade. +they fix dual craft stamp
  10. TeMePyT

    TeMePyT User

    Likes Received:
    u`re talking trash, just shut up srsly... go learn some english so u can understand ppl in this forum
  11. Dulis

    Dulis User

    Likes Received:
    please, moderatos, delete all these posts full of trash and useless information posted by snapax and give him a warning.
    if you dont know the current situation dont write posts full of nonsence..
    and delete this post too.
  12. Snapax

    Snapax User

    Likes Received:
    post what you wana , i was only try hellp, but see only ppls who qq and dont accept true about dualls and, dont understand 1 simple think. until new updatets innova will nothing change. you can writing petition , you can spam, you can writing petition on ncsoft , you can blame innova, but its all will be fail, because. ncsoft was say.. all fix will be at next updates..and wen updates will be up at korea, soon will be up at innova. cheers.
    p.s. (about bd, and glads. in ru off i was never see they exp solo, only at party.)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 13, 2011
  13. Shabutaro

    Shabutaro User

    Likes Received:
    yea harmony update came 6 month after god in korea.. so guess when it will come to us...
  14. Euripwnz

    Euripwnz User

    Likes Received:
    in ncsoft servers i think they fixed alredy this problem...
  15. Shabutaro

    Shabutaro User

    Likes Received:
    if they did, innova would have gotten a fix and we would get an announcement about it..
  16. Euripwnz

    Euripwnz User

    Likes Received:
    there hare people who play in ncsoft server and they can buy duals bound :s
  17. TeMePyT

    TeMePyT User

    Likes Received:
    duals s80 in aden item broker after 2 weeks :) i`m gonna watch the bidding
  18. rojasu

    rojasu User

    Likes Received:
    can anyone prove that ncsoft has solved?
  19. Shabutaro

    Shabutaro User

    Likes Received:
    would like to know that, too
  20. Delios

    Delios User

    Likes Received:
    they did not.
    they have <free 30 days +4 items for all> with duals included kind of stuff.
    but its ncwest exclusive, we wont get it here.

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