Core Daily Discussions Part 2 - Clans, PvP, Olympiad etc

Discussion in 'Activity' started by DeepBlue, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. iArawn

    iArawn User

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    Don't be sure for things you don't know little forum warrior.
    Keep up your bad propaganda in forum, think that you are something awesome when you are a bunch of **** and if you dare go out of town without siege cc and upload how izi you farm me son.
    After you do that you can still talk to daddy. Till then better go stay in basement with allab hand by hand
    Cu son
  2. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    There was several 7v7 between kengaas and us. Major part of them kengaa lost or got farmed and called 2-3rd pt. Was mainly near bosses in heine, vos, atelia etc...
    Just mitso dont remember it or dont wanna remember...
  3. iArawn

    iArawn User

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    Mitso counts 7v7 only when he is on full cp and pvp with ppl with +6 normal sets.
    Also when he has more pts with him they don't count (doesn't this mean that all en are zero according to mitsa's opinion? :O)
    Today they ported with 4 pts vs 2 ppl. We pred and mitsa was bragging in hv allready. We go back with 3 pts and they disappear... #pvpclan #chickENs #townissafe
    Like nakashima ported with full pt vs me and was braging to me to bsoe... i go with pt back and i farm my daily points :D
    Anxi the sensitive flames on pms for 10 mins, reproducing all the classic EN propaganda and lies... after that avoiding pvp cause "no challenge" and block me....
    You guys are so funny really....
  4. Kengaa

    Kengaa User

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    Nice avoid arawn.
  5. iArawn

    iArawn User

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    What i avoid kenga? I m not the one emo leave his pt when he gets buffless son nor the one that is not allowed to leave town without siege cc.
    Btw except avoiding, lieing and do some propaganda, is your clan able to achieve anything?
    Daddy sais: "i farmed some zergers today"

    PS: Typical EN responce after getting farmed:
    For even funnier ss you can check the thread "How to farm Allab" at the end of the fraps video.
  6. AdrianLFC

    AdrianLFC User

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    I also know some1 that dosent run around without riordian or poison. pretty sure you guys have +10 apo sets for the blue glow and ztifleris running around with a standard 1 sa r99 bow with dark app.
    Oct 12, 2016
    Actually most ppl that quit in the past (HarveySpecter grp, Archii and others) did it cuz BA(at that point) offered next to 0 competition on the server.
  7. iArawn

    iArawn User

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    If you try to say about my pt you would know allready (if you were allowed to port out of town from time to time) that it's everyday out for pvp with whoever is online at that time. Sory son but expecting specific ppl to go out of town is EN mentality not TH.

    As far as i see in forum older frapses it's most possible they quitted from boredom since your clan don't allow ppl to go out and have some fun or force them to pr onsight cause win > all. Ofc you now use the "no challenge" excuse and avoiding everything but sory son this counts only for your clan. Rest of server just making fun of you.
    Let's take an example, i go out of town and i find adrian pt. i m with 6 ppl cause if i ll be with 7 they ll pr on sight. we start pvp and i make one of his archer buffless. guess what is the reaction. you are right! PR!!!!!
    Sounds familiar son?

    As about my pt gear it's really funny that you try to compare it with kenga's pt. I guess it's one of the excuses you use inside your lousy clan so to feel better everytime you get REKT. From the other hand, kenga had no problem to kill my pt when we had +6 normal sets and even put as signature dmg on me when buffless :D Doesn't that mean he is proud of it? Hmmm?
    And for the end i ll make you the same question kenga did on me when he was happy killing me with 5 times my gear, adrianSON if you cannot pvp why you got in a "pvp clan"? Man up and go out to fight!
    So stay in your rathole little rats and w8 for kenga to form your cc to go and make instances/dailies outside town ;)
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2016
  8. Seivlas

    Seivlas User

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    I usually try not to participate in those flame wars (mainly because people yelling at each others are just too boring for me) by respect for harvey, and from what I remember (on phone it is dull to make an extensive research, but the post was on forum, so you can look for it), he left because kenga didn t respect what he planned for the clan and thus harvey didn t identify as a EN member
  9. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    Harvey quit because he was afraid to even accept simply challange and fight 1v1 vs Rio in oly for example. Also he was kinda frustrated Kengaa allied or cooperated with RGs instead of trying to fight as clan.
  10. Kengaa

    Kengaa User

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    Riordian is not even close to game experience/gameplay to Harvey. Riordian just had advantage inside oly and still lost hero to Harvey.
    Harvey fought way harder enemy for longer periods and always was there to compete.

    I never wanted to ally RG, it was Archii's idea and his group. I did not even contact Elronia about it, it was Archii that took care of it.

    Then you have morons like Anx that wants me to do stuff behind people's back like ditch Elronia cuz i don't need him anymore. I don't do that.
    Elronia have all my respect. I used him when i needed him and he used me when he needed me. Simple as that.
    Though we both dislike BlackAngels - BlackAngles - TheNerd - TheHorde what ever you wanna call your selves.
    At this point we didn't even care about PvP stones we just wanted to shut trash Logy down. And we did.

    Now you can type Harvey left cuz Riordian is better then him.

    P.S Abby kicked Syra and Lanz from EvilNation.
  11. DefNotMits

    DefNotMits User

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    Harvey quit because everytime he opened hero berserker/skill TheHorde did clan pr, he won hero with quickfire against a guy with old skills (this is huge disadvantage for someone without even refresh augment) and he lost it only one month that i ****** up and signed without shirts and lost to some warcryer on my first time playing archer in olympiad.
  12. {IronV}

    {IronV} User

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    clan pr we never had or gona get , he won hero coz he was getting feed since week2 and from our side was few ppl playing oly , and he lost it coz u die to spoiler
  13. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    Harvey very experienced in avoiding?
    First at all, if u wanna do something u must be brave enough to accept challenges. Harvey wasnt. 21stCentury wasnt. Vllm was close, 1 month he accepted, after getting destroyed he started also use some kind of sneaky tactics instead of accepting challenges and try to improve.

    About equip at that time Rio didnt even had giant cele, other auguments, skills +10 etc maybe even +10 shirt was missing, dont remember when we made it...

    About Kengaa story... Well if i remember correctly i destroyed u as part of BS, after BS and RG, after RG and EN, after EN and RG again. On 3rd time of your ally, u survived more, but it somehow cost RG existencie itself... So even when u thought u surviving, clan who played here from start of server was destroyed with my sweet signature under it "Your beloved friend Logy" and somehow im still here. U were predicting my over or our clan over for years already. October 2016 - Our clan still here with new objectives, new challenges, and without RGs. Till now everyone who stand against us vanished... Old BS destroyed, Defros BS destroyed, RGs destroyed, Gravedigger CP destroyed, Maximo CP destroyed, ScarletFuror CP destroyed, vllm CP destroyed...
    And somehow im still here, full of enthusiasm and ready to fight and destroy all what is standing in our way...
    Because its only way how to play this dead game. Fight vs all, ignore politics, ignore allys, enjoy game and dont be afraid and be ready to stand up if u fall... Thats what we are and we will always be if I will have word and support from magnificant members who im playing with.
    And again poor archii and anx13ty, so much excuses thrown on people... This kengaa cannot even take some responsability, does he even have some word in his clan?
  14. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    Logy do you know how important is archer full attack speed based in oly like Rio has? 1500 full attack speed almost even on knight vs quickfire it's rly big difference believe it or not, also at the start rio was playing I think even with attack speed SA's , that's why he was near useless in all kind of mass pvp because he was getting 3 shots from anyone

    About how many clans or CP's you made disband it's just funny, Old BS destroyed itself, same goes with Defro's BS, RG is in its current state not thanks to you also, while for Scalet / vlm / Maximo / GD cp's you had nothing to do with any of them disbanding, they didn't disband at all because you were even on server it's like if I say right now because I have been playing as your enemy that I made people like sprtcs or Skizzik cp's to disband, while reality it's quite different, but you can believe w/e makes you happy
  15. SnoWyz

    SnoWyz User

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    So, no1 here lose, no1 here have bad times, no1 here lose 7x7, every1 here is in disvantage, but still win. Damm, this forum looks like the 5th grade.
  16. Kengaa

    Kengaa User

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    Logy you cannot even keep your party alive, what are you gonna do with a clan?

    Please save your stories for someone that wanna hear them.

    You are just recruiting to keep your clan alive. (which is fine) your choice ur rules.

    But don't come here and talk about what is right and wrong when you have 0 quality in your clan.

    Only way for you to win EN is if we get bored enough to quit the game which have
    already started.

    Don't bother reply to me, i wont read forum anymore untill something interesting pops up.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2016
  17. DefNotMits

    DefNotMits User

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    When i last lost 7v7 assazhi was still playing dagger. Sheriff rerolled to support and noone accepts 7v7 with me anymore.
    You should write a book logy, i would definately read it as a bed time story.
  18. iArawn

    iArawn User

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    I see 7v14 vs you mitsa in "the lost package"
    You definitely won there also.
  19. DefNotMits

    DefNotMits User

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    Why are you avoiding to 7v7 my party then?
  20. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    Ill rather have giant cele and shirt
    I also think it will begin to be boring. Its started also agree. Being dead 60/90 minutes at Antharas pvp bcs we catch u a bit with items cause of new events... Imagine we would have atleast 1 archer in clan with full equipment... And better do not imagine if we gonna get 4-5 :p

    Yeah atm my objective is your clan, so we have new challange, but still lot of work...