How the staff treats us.

Discussion in 'Technical Issues (Archive)' started by Rafael Gz, Jan 31, 2017.

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  1. Rafael Gz

    Rafael Gz User

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    Good afternoon to everyone,

    I would like to start this post talking about what happened to my account and how we are ignored by Core staff, Specifically the GM Doctor.

    On 12/28/2016 I made an effort saving some money to activate the premium account, which was on sale (three months for only 15 euros).
    I did a recharge on my international master card and made two recharges in the 4game account. The first value was 15 euros and the second was 3 euros, 18 total. Since in my mind everything was settled, I was playing happly.

    On 01/13/2017 I received This message from 4game:

    I immediately went to check my credit card statement. There I could se that a few hours later my purchase had been chargedback. I spoke with MASTERCARD and they told me that SKR *
    EU.4GAME.COM canceled the 15 euros purchase.

    Wed, 18th Jan 2017 11:17 Doctor answered me:

    "Dear user,

    We didn't cancel your payment. Skrill has requested a chargeback. We have already had same issues with prepaid cards. Some cases has been successfully resolved.
    Could you please contact Skrill support directly and ask them them about issues with your payment? It can help us in our case between 4game and Skrill.

    Unfortunately, your account remains blocked till the end of the investigation. "

    As everyone can see in the image below, On 01/18/2017 4game announced on twitter he was having problems with skrill But had been fixed.

    Aware of this, I immediately made myself available to solve the problem. Then, I sent another reply saying:

    "As you saw in the first image, I had balance money for the transaction.
    The purchase was made And then canceled. I still believe that it was a 4game and skrill problem but, I got the money back.
    All I want is Pay that money again And keep playing happily.
    You only have to tell me what to do,
    even though I am aware that I am banned for a mistake I have not made."

    on Mon, 23rd Jan 2017 11:48 i send another reply saying:

    "Good Morning,

    I know there is not only my problem for you to solve. But I'm getting annoyed with this delay to resolve.
    Tomorrow 2x event will start and I beg you Try to solve this as soon as possible.
    Thanks for listening."

    Today is 01/31/2017 and I am still waiting for an answer.
    We are simply ignored.
    Besides players, we are 4game clients and I demand to be respected as such.
    I am starting to feel angry about the situation and since I know my rights as a consumer, I am thinking about bringing the law on this.
    For now, I still want to resolve this Friendly.

    thank you everyone for the attention.​
  2. krege

    krege User

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    The payment issues could require very long time to be resolved, please be patient. Remember, all discussion on them should go in Support ticket system only.

    (you have been answered, check your ticket)
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