Some daily pvp on Blackbird

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Anxxonymous, Mar 26, 2017.

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  1. iKoobu

    iKoobu User

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    iKoobu, Mar 27, 2017 | Last edited: Mar 27, 2017
    HAHA tell me more plx we are full of items yes.
    I don't expect anything else for you than a ******ed guy who think that you do something based on the amount of times your name appear on screen in blue.
    Welcome back to the ignore list, pm me ingame when u learn some basics.
  2. Anxxonymous

    Anxxonymous User

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    Guys , check this moment of the video , 2:38 Brah going on hide and then Poison coming on the location from the opposite of the fight. I didn't know Poison was a genius.
  3. Padj1l

    Padj1l User

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    To be honest he used hide right in front of him, poison just had to follow 3 steps in the direction he was going before and aoe, come on man he even got reset just before he used hide x)
    Kym Willer likes this.
  4. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    U can see damage to Eshonai from video. He receive 60k on bulseye. Without bulseye damage is not so high. So he is not 2 shot without bulseye.
  5. Anxxonymous

    Anxxonymous User

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    I was asking opinions on it. But tbh , never saw Poison doing such a thing before. If I had to report him for obvious reasons , I would use other moments where clearly it shows everything , but this is going off topic.

    Thank you for your opinion.
  6. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    yLogy, Mar 27, 2017 | Last edited: Mar 27, 2017
    Sure, now she also lagged. 2 months ago it was sudden DC in the end.

    And yes u said it, u lost even when u had no lags.
    And lets compare gear: Aboriginal has better bow and Ruby 5 comparing to TDA.
    Adich has/had at that time same bow and ruby 5 comparing to Hax.
    Maximo vs Jik... Jik better gear, but its mage vs dagger, on this chronicle and for 7v7... But ok..
    Poison wasnt using bless antharas at all, bcs we made deal we wont use it, so ultimated will have chance to land silence on both healers
    Also we made deal we will not use lv6 brooch buff.

    And u still lost? So question is how u lost, not how my cp mates won U.

    And yes my cameras dont see facts correctly, but somehow useless parties like Syra and DM are still farming gainaks and usefull gainak protectors parties like yours are nowhere to see. Are u sure about my cameras dont see all correctly?
  7. iArawn

    iArawn User

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    So aboriginal gear > TDA. I ll say to abo to play without b.anthy, coc belt etc... oh snap... i forgot! he doesn't use such things anyway... i guess he do it just to give you advantage.... logy at his best!
    adich gear > hax.... we have discussed it allready... 15 bow with 2 sa is better than 14 with 3. we know logy we know... aaa btw adich didn't have the clan lindvior on him :( sadly gear difference can go even deeper but anyway...
    maximo vs jik. you dare to even compare? what exactly? because it's dagger vs mage. OK BRA. the fact that maximo is completly undergeared (not even full pvp set) we won't mention it so we don't blow your bubble
    poison wasn't using b.anthy, this gives us advantage of what exactly? did you tell him to also use a weapon WITHOUT 3rd sa or you removed his lvl 6 jewels? btw miitsu was playing without b.anthy for the same reason... to give you a chance, that's why she didn't use the hero skills also...and ofc she unequipped coc belts, shirts, lindviors, valakas, lv 5-6 brooches etc... for real now, what you saying is not even joke anymore. if you believe the words they coming out of that thing you think is a mouth then sory son but you need a doctor visit ASAP
    the fact that you didn't use brooch br/ud doesn't change anything logy, in an equal geared fight you would be perma carpet.
    And son, keep in mind that you get confused of what your cameras saying to you, what you believe and the reality... try to find only one road to follow or you ll lose your mind.
    PS: I never forget, regret or forgive ANYTHING
  8. Takanodan

    Takanodan User

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    welcome to logy's world, where he's always being zerged, undergeared and always winning.. iz life :p

    and don't forget that players on TH > everything else, and if they win it's a proof of that, and if they lose there'll be 100 excuses to explain why the pro players lost to the noob ones.. :p
    SnoWyz and Naito like this.
  9. iVoid

    iVoid User

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    They are pro and everythung untill they leave TH.
    Afterwards they become carried trashes and useless.
  10. ElHebi

    ElHebi User

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    Brah je t`aime.
    U guys have no chance till mitsa quit, or dies or go military. Whatever happens first u can claim a win.
  11. SnoWyz

    SnoWyz User

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    You forgot that he always farm his enemies.
  12. [Adich]

    [Adich] User

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    where do you actually see me?

  13. iArawn

    iArawn User

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    Cameras working 24/7 and watching everything. Even things that never happened.
  14. Bonasky

    Bonasky User

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    Behind chat window ofc, how cant you see this
  15. PowPow

    PowPow Banned

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    hahhahahah i love at this guy, Logy for President! Logy Trump!
  16. iArawn

    iArawn User

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    Stop twisting his words plz, it's not what he really meant, it's a typo...
    He just don't speak England very best, that's all
  17. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    General discussion wasnt about that PvP. Mitsubishi first DCed there, not after 2 months we know sheeven lagged, in 2 months that PVP didnt even happen :) Read whole topic, if u wanna react corectly, please.

    Quote whole sentence, no? When Ultimated CP decided to leave, they had problems with gainak "Rules". They wanted to prove basically daily how bad rules are, so they were keep going to gainak and keep killing Syra and DM just for fun and just because there were no "Rules". So they kept killing them, kept calling them useless parties. After few weeks, i put them on black list of Gainak for doing this unnecessary drama. It ment, they cannot farm free gainak and whenever they port there, we will consider them as enemies. They went full mad and left clan. Created own clan, own gainak system and went to gainak. And what happened? Lanz logged Syra, DM logged and smashed Ultimated CP from Gainak within 3-4 nights.
    So words and opinions about useless Syra. useless DM, useless iAgro and i dont know with who everyone they had some problems were kinda reversed, since time showed up, who is currently farming gainak and who is nowhere to be seen for 2 months.

    So, u classified difference between 3/4 brooches and 5/6 as "U cannot even say its better, because difference is much higher than better"
    And now when we compare your 2 Archers with Ruby 5 and our 2 Archers with lvl 4 Ruby, it doesnt even matter? 8% damage difference from Rubies doesnt matter, but difference between Chef Monkey Belt and CoC Belt 2%+2% its so huge that u have no damage to kill us? Ultimated CP no equip, Arawn confirmed. Archers with +15/+12 PVP bows and Rubies 5 cannot kill poor Logy with not even full PVP set. For sure items are problems and u getting heavily overgeared by Hax and Rio and their ultra OP items.
  18. Kengaa

    Kengaa User

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    Logy winning L2 together with Syra.
  19. SnoWyz

    SnoWyz User

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    Told you, TH always farm it's enemies.
  20. iArawn

    iArawn User

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    iArawn, Mar 28, 2017 | Last edited: Mar 28, 2017
    There is no chance you ll accept the truth ever, so here it is, gz logy you are the best player ever passed from this game. I wonder how they didn't hire you for playing with the pros and give hints to developers.

    Holy ****! Logy provides some solid proves from cameras! DA **** IS REAL!
    Let's dance tho, no?
    The only one calling clan members/parties "useless" is you and your co. I bet the same ppl were calling the rest "useless" still doing it, no? You, iron, hax, accuser, etc. Since you got some gear you are all the best players EVA and all the rest were "garbages, useless, noobs, ******* non english speakers, etc"
    Let's go to gainak. Your rules were the "strongest dog ****s" remember? So when we were going to gainak and it was full, we asking for pvp for spot, if noone accept we choose random. So what exactly is your problem with following your rules? Yea i understand that syra and dm got mad about it, but it's your fault logy.... your rules, your game ;)
    And now let's go one step farther... how dm, syra and half of the clan (only the "cameras" part of the clan tho) knew one week earlier that you gonna make drama with us and kick us from clan? I m sory logy but you had licks :S
    You can say things the logy way but reality is that you got mad since ulti told you that he doesn't want to help you in leading anymore since you ****** everything he did. Like you kicked almost all clan from 120 ppl 'cause "they were useless", "they are garbages", "we don't need such players".
    History repeats. The garbage bag you have in head instead of mind is filled with **** and cannot even be some creative and say or do something different :)
    Dm and aggro were trying to ks our mobs. We ***** their ***, we killed their mobs and they cried to you. After cries you put us in "blacklist" since you "saw from cameras" that we started that fight... Truth is that DM and aggro was told to start the drama from you, no?
    Circus master logy you try hard i aggree, but you failing even to lie son.

    Let's put it this way since your **** bag cannot get it different:
    addich lvl 5 ruby/ hax lvl 5 ruby on overall hax gear is +++++++++++++++ from addich
    abo lvl 5 ruby/jik lvl 6 saphire on overall jik gear is +++++++++++++ from abo
    max1mo lvl 4 ruby/ rio lvl 4 rubi on overall rio gear is +++++++++++ from max1mo

    I can even post analytics with what we wear and what your pt "use". Don't forget that also your "pt" never goes out of town with lvl 4 jewels, so yeah logy, keep entertaining me!
    You try to convince who exactly that we have same gear as pts? Cause no matter what you do... you cannot! It's simple facts. As i said in previous post i guess that even dm cp has more items than us atm since i know that all dm pt has at least b.anthy when our pt is not only b.anthys that missing... :)
    Now take your banana, put some honey on it and continue your *********. I have a big pack of pop corn and i promise i won't miss a post!

    PS: I proved you that when i want to farm gainak i do it. Easy and simple as that. I can keep coming with 2 ppl just to force you again being full clan/all day in ships for gainak.
    I did it for a week and i was laughing with your reactions :D
    Are you considering a success to farm an uncontested gainak sony? Want me to make your ppl to no sleep again for a week or maybe 2? Hmmm?
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