[L2Store] Plucky-go-lucky

Discussion in '2011 ~ 2017' started by CM Fragola, May 30, 2017.

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  1. Fragola

    Fragola User

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    Fragola, May 30, 2017 | Last edited: Aug 30, 2017

    Dear players!

    Lucky game was updated. Some items stayed, some were removed and some were added! Hurry up to participate and practice Tarot reading at Fortune Teller Eve's!

    Lucky Game Rules

    You will need a special item to play Lucky Game: Tarot Card Coupon.


    Now when you have your Tarot Card Coupon, it's time to go and meet Eve, a young yet profoundly skilled astrologist. You can find her beside Dimensional Merchant.
    To make it easier to find her use command /target Eve.


    Talk to Eve, and choose Card Shop option in the main dialogue window. Exchange your Coupon from L2Store to a Tarot Card.
    1 Coupon = 1 Tarot Card = 1 game.
    Please notice: Tarot cards are displayed in Eve's shop only in case you have a Coupon in your inventory.


    It's time to play the game! Talk to Eve again, and choose Lucky Game option.
    Lucky game's main screen will appear with a magical sphere in the middle. You will also find a field where you can set a number of simultaneously played games.
    You can play games one by one or up to 50 at once. The number of available games is limited by the number of Tarot cards you possess.


    Make sure you have enough free space in your inventory. You will not be able to get your reward if you don't have enough space for it.

    Press Play button and Crystal Ball will start pulsating. In an instant you will see three cards face down. Pick one of them and get your reward! If you don't open any card in 5 seconds, the cards will open automatically.


    You will get standard reward for a card with Kat the Cat.


    After playing the game you will see a pop-up with your reward.

    If you played several games at once, you will see a full list of rewards in this window.


    You have also a possibility to get a nice royal reward! This reward appears randomly between 36th and 45th game played with the character. The royal reward is guaranteed when you are playing 50 games at once.

    Attention! While playing one game, on picking Feline King card you will get only a royal reward, and not standard+royal ones.

    Royal rewards are unique and they cannot be found in standard reward list. A card with Feline King means that you will get the royal reward.


    King card will be marked with a firework, and a pop-up window will have a ribbon signed "Fantastic". Lucky you are!


    NB: When you are playing several games simultaneously, "Fantastic" sign will not appear, but you can still find out if you had your royal reward by Feline Cat card.
    Remember that each item from both standard and royal reward lists has its own fixed chance.

    New rewards:


    Item Enhancement

    Legendary Dyes


    Rare Accessories


    Item Enhancement

    Enchant Rate Boosters


    Unchanged rewards:

    Rare Accessories


    Item Enhancement

    Enchant Rate Boosters

    Legendary Dyes

    Exchange/Craft Ingredients


    Rare accessories


    Enchant Rate Boosters

    Rewards that are no longer available via Lucky Game:

    Shirt Exchange Stone
    Appearance Stone: White Assassin Suit
    Appearance Stone: Dark Assassin Suit
    7-day Ertheia's Rare Accessory Pack
    Anakim Set Pack
    Talisman - Wind Pack
    Gemstone (R-grade) x90
    Stage 5 Venir's Talisman
    Mysterious Wind Scroll Pack
    Crystal (R-grade) x1000

    Scroll: 1,000,000,000 SP
    Octavis' Ring
    Octavis' Earring
    Octavis' Necklace
    Istina's Ring
    Istina's Earring
    Istina's Necklace
    Orfen's Soul Earring
    Stage 8 Venir's Talisman
    Superior Giant's Codex - Mastery Chapter 1

    May the cards be ever in your favor!

    Share your thoughts in this discussion thread.

    Known issues: Royal rewards also contain Frintezza Soul Necklace, we'll add the full description into the post soon.​
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