[Event] Ignite the magic Christmas flame

Discussion in '2011 ~ 2017' started by CM Fragola, Dec 20, 2017.

  1. luraki

    luraki User

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    it was not included in 1st list, why it changed during event ?
  2. DeadlyIllusion

    DeadlyIllusion User

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    DeadlyIllusion, Jan 9, 2018 | Last edited: Jan 9, 2018
    There was a "Banana event" which gave us chef monkey belt. - so it's passible.

    From every P2W events we can have some pernament items (dragon boxes: Dragon elemental potion (and weapons but...) | Fishing event - Fancy Rod etc... - for example)

    For christmas event there was (few years ago) christmas talisman with "ALL stats +1/2/3...), or you could at last let us keep "Regular Dish" or even this Useless but cool looking christmas rod - it's at last somethink.

    Ofc there was a chance to get ParaPara cat scroll but ... 2k Match girl gift and i got ****... only few UNTRADABLE 14-days appearance scrolls (at last one year ago there was pernament tradable items/scrolls/app)

    My personal event summary:
    + Free talismans always welcome and helpfull durring PvE grind
    + AWESOME 2h 150% exp buff - nice !!!
    + ParaPara cats - well I belive some1 got it (i'am not)

    - rest of items are pure craps which should be renamed to "PLS DELETE ME ASAP"
    - Fishing rod: looks awesome / but it's useless **** considering that fishing is even more useless.
    - Hats which cannot be traded/used or even (think so) used as appearance item
    - Santa outfit (armor) is kinda nice but the one from last year was way better (at last tradable/pernament)

    For geared ppl with lvl 105 this event was simply USELESS

    PS: Could you tell me/us
    1) When we can expect free augumenting event
    2) Will there be a option for Seed Talisman upgrade durring Red Libra event (like Koreans had)
    3) Any info for new cloaks event (i suppose it will be next P2W event)
    4) Same goes to "new" upgraded Shirts
    5) "Jewels of Gods" will be implemented here ?
    6) Same with Ultimate eternal sets

    would be nice to know :) thank you in advice
    I've put a lot of effort in this post soooo make it so GMs :)

    Sorry for bed inglisz
  3. andrius3022

    andrius3022 User

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    My try:~500 gifts... Sadly 99% of my rewards will be deleted tomorrow :(
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