EVENT Where is the love?

Discussion in '2019' started by Artchem, Feb 13, 2019.

  1. Artchem

    Artchem Community manager

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    Tales say that somewhere in Elmoreden there is a concealed Tomb, where several generations of the royal families have been buried. Only the bravest people of the continent know its location. From time to time, they gather to challenge the current keeper of the Tomb – Frintezza, known as the immortal prince, to claim his treasures. Once, the immortal prince was charmed by one of the female warriors who had attended a raid. After the defeat of Scarlet van Halisha, Frintezza had nothing to do but see the lady leave his tomb with the bounty. After crying for a long period of time and almost giving into despair, he decided to leave his tomb and search for the lady in the whole of Elmoreden and hence get a chance to confess his feelings to her. Frintezza’s tears had flooded the Imperial Tomb before his departure. As it turned out, the royal tears had magical power. Monsters all over Elmoreden took portions of it and spread them across the continents. The prince left his tomb bearing gifts, some of which he would present to his beloved one. But he was also ready to share it with anyone, who reverences the charmed prince and helps him in his quest.

    Event Duration

    Main period: 13.02.2019 ~ 20.02.2019
    • Enamored Prince Frintezza will arrive in Elmoreden.
    • Royal Tears will start dropping from monsters.
    End of Event: 20.02.2019 (08:00 UTC+1)
    • Enamored Prince Frintezza will leave Elmoreden.
    • Royal Tears will no longer drop from monsters.
    • The following event items will be deleted:
      • Chocolate of Royal Sympathy;
      • Frintezza's Transformation Chocolate;
      • Frintezza's Friend Summon Chocolate;
      • Candy of Royal Devotion;
      • Frintezza's Transformation Candy;
      • Frintezza's Friend Summon Candy;
      • Cookie of Royal Desire;
      • Frintezza's Transformation Cookie;
      • Frintezza's Friend Summon Cookie;
    • All applied event buffs will be deleted as well.
    Royal Tears

    Find NPC Frintezza In Love in major cities of Elmoreden or starting villages to find out his lovely story.


    Go hunting and pick up the Royal Tears herb which is applied to the entire character's party once it is picked up.


    Herb will not be dropped from monsters that are 9 or more levels lower than the character (such mobs are dark-blue). It won't be dropped from monsters in the Dungeon of Abyss, from raid bosses and their minions either.


    Herb drop rate is x3 between 18:00 and 02:00 server time.

    Royal Candies

    Talk to Frintezza and he will let to choose one of the Royal Candies: Chocolate, Candy or Cookie.

    After choosing a sweet you will get 3 items of the same type (3 chocolates, 3 candies or 3 cookies):

    • Item for a buff;
    • Transformation item;
    • Item for summoning a friend.



    Sweet buffs are stacked. But as Frintezza can give you only one set of sweets you need to be in a group to get all 3 buffs. If every party member uses their type of sweets the whole group will receive all 3 buffs. Please, note, that if you want to try another kind of sweets you need to delete the previous set from your inventory and ask Frintezza for another set.

    Transformation items randomly modify your look into one of those funny creatures:


    Transformations last for 1 hour and do not have any skills. At any moment you can cancel the transformation using ALT+Click.

    Vitality Replenishing

    When giving you set of sweets Frintezza will also give you a buff restoring your Vitality in peace zones. This buff has a vivid animation that looks like a small agathion.


    Vitality buffs have no duration time and cannot be canceled. They stack with all other Vitality buffs.

    Cosmetic Buff

    For 5 minutes your weapon appearance will be modified to one of those sweet candies. The buff is cosmetic and does not boost any stat.


    Choco-candy appearance is also applied when you pick up the Royal Tears herb:

    One-handed sword (common for magical and physical weapons)


    Two-handed sword


    One-handed blunt (common for magical and physical weapons)


    Two-handed magical blunt


    Two-handed physical blunt / Spear / Fishing Rod










    Dual Dagger


    Dual Sword


    Dual Blunt






    Item Restrictions

    Event items have the following restrictions:


    Let the power of love fill your heart! :19:
    marckela likes this.