Lineage 2 Essence Patch Notes [NOT FULL LIST] Translated by myself.

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by 6thsense, Sep 27, 2019.

  1. 6thsense

    6thsense User

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    6thsense, Sep 27, 2019 | Last edited by a moderator: Oct 7, 2019

    Game features
    The main differences from other versions

    Lineage 2 Essence is distributed via the Free-to-Play system with an in-game store where you can purchase various useful items for the currencies received in the game: Adena and L. coins.

    Also in the game are additional features that allow you to develop your character faster:

    - a system for obtaining additional experience Magic Lamp;

    - hunting automation: skills, items, macros;

    - A system for pumping assistance (enhancing magic, teleportation and objects) from the Guild of Cats;

    - convenient teleportation system;

    - reinforcement of each class, allowing you to effectively hunt alone;

    - A simplified system of quests and career changes;

    - battles with raid bosses in the field.

    Inaccessible content

    At the moment, some content that will appear later on the Lineage 2 Essence servers is not available:

    - participation in the great Olympics and battles for the titles of Heroes;

    - sieges of castles;

    - purchase and ownership of clan houses.

    It will be available later, in the process of developing server life. The launch of the Olympics functional, siege of castles and the possibility of buying clan halls will be announced by separate announcements on the project information platforms.​

    Specialty Stores
    Coin L and Shop L

    When hunting for monsters, there is some chance of obtaining special L Coins, with which you can purchase various useful items in Shop L.

    You can get a certain amount of coins per day, depending on the level of the character. The availability is updated daily at 6:30
    Character Level Available Coins L per Day​
    40 and Below160
    41 and Above300
    - L coins are assigned to the character’s inventory as Adena, and have no weight;

    - L coins cannot be exchanged, thrown away, destroyed, sold in a personal store, sold in a store;

    - store L is available by pressing the store button under the map;
    - to purchase certain items, except for Coins L, you will also need a certain amount of adena;

    - In the store L you can buy various consumables and equipment. For example weapons, scrolls of modifications, supplies. A complete list of available items can be found in the game;

    - The characteristics of some improved artifacts are collected in a separate topic on the forum;

    - L coins can also be used to resurrect a character with the restoration of experience lost at death. The number of coins needed for resurrection depends on the number of resurrections for the current day. The more the character resurrects with the help of coins, the more they will be needed in the future. The first two resurrections are free.​

    Game store

    In addition to Store L, the Lineage 2 Essence has a Game Store. To open it, you must click the special "Shop" button.

    Character upgrade

    Magic lamp

    - in the process of hunting, the character gains experience, and the lamp scale is gradually filled;

    - the fill level of the Magic Lamp can be viewed in the window under the map;

    - when the scale is full, the character will receive the Magic Lamp and will be able to click on the “Start the Game” button to try his luck and receive one of the rewards;
    - in a game of luck, one of four items can drop out, which when used will give the character a certain amount of experience and SP:​
    Red LighExperience Points +100 million, SP +2.7 million
    Purple LighExperience Points +30 000 000, SP +810 000
    Blue LighExperience Points +10 000 000, SP +270 000
    Green LighExperience Points +5 000 000, SP +135 000

    Saiha's favor​


    Saiha's favor is a system that allows you to get additional experience, items and adena when hunting monsters:

    - The Saikhi Favor Scale is displayed on the character selection screen and under the world map in the game.

    - when hunting for monsters, the Saiha Grace scale is consumed.

    - The Saiha Favor Scale can be filled using special items that instantly add Saiha Favor Points.​

    Hunting automation
    For convenience, some gaming features have been automated.
    Skill automation
    For all classes added the ability to automatically use skills that strengthen the character:

    - a skill that can be applied automatically is marked with a special icon in the form of two green arrows in the upper left corner of the icon, as well as in the description of the skill it is mentioned that “The skill is used automatically”;

    - to activate the automatic use of the skill, you need to transfer the skill to the quick access panel and right-click on it;

    - after activation, the skill will be applied automatically in cases where the character does not have the corresponding effect at the moment, or the effect lasts less than 3 seconds.

    Using Supplies

    - some supplies can be used automatically. As well as skills, they are marked with a special icon in the form of two green arrows;

    - in order to use supplies automatically, it is necessary to place an item in a special slot in the automation window and press the “On” button to activate automatic use;

    - at the same time, you can install up to 12 items for automatic use;

    - if the character is in a peaceful zone, the automatic use of supplies ceases to work until the character leaves her.

    Macros and Next Goal Selection

    - in the automation window it is possible to set the automatic selection of the target and the application of an attack on it (if the use of the macro is not installed) or the selected macro;

    - You can select the next melee or ranged target to attack;

    - You can enable automatic selection of items. They do not fall into the inventory immediately, but only after the character runs close enough to the place of loss;

    - to activate, you must select the necessary actions and click on the activation button for automatic use;

    - the automatic target selection function is disabled when teleporting.

    Cats Guild​

    Representatives of the Cat Guild are located in all cities and some hunting areas to help adventure seekers. You can find them near the tent of the Guild of Cats. They move characters to popular hunting zones for free.
    - in the hunting areas near the tents of the Guild of Cats there are only NPC Assistant with Positive Effects and Assistant with Recovery.
    MentorShows a list of recommended areas and moves to hunting areas for free.


    - teleportation to hunting zones is available by pressing the “Teleport” button in the menu above the lower right corner of the screen;
    - when you click on the button in the notification window, a map opens with available points for moving;
    - to move, select the desired zone and left-click to move;

    - You can move from any zone, even if the character is in battle;

    - moving is not available if the character is affected by effects that prevent him from moving (for example, stunning), or if the character is dead.

    The game has a system of special transformations.

    - to use the transformation skills, you will need a certain number of Element Stones, which can be purchased from the NPC Pona (Giran) for special items - "Blade Spirit";

    - the item Spirit of the Blade may fall during the hunt for characters from level 20 who have passed the first change of profession;

    - One Blade Spirit can be received per day, further receipt is possible after 6:30 in the morning of each day.
    Rune system​

    Lineage 2 Essence has a rune system:

    - You can insert several runes into the weapon at once. For example, 2 ordinary runes and 1 special;

    - You can increase the level of the runes using synthesis;

    - You can install or remove runes with the help of blacksmiths in cities;

    - a blacksmith can also exchange two unnecessary runes of the same level and type for one sealed random rune of the same level.

    Ordinary runes

    When installing a regular rune, you can choose one of two possible rune effects. Below are the performance indicators that give the minimum rune and maximum rune.
    Rune of Siegel

    * Siegel Protection: Phys. Defense from +56 to +248.

    * Siegel Health: Max. HP from + 4% to + 28%.
    Rune of Thira

    * Crete. Stun Tyra: With P. Def. Crete. attack with a certain chance stuns the enemy. Polearms required. Stun Chance from + 9% to + 37%.

    * Acceleration of Tire: Atk. Atk. from + 3% to + 11%.
    Rune Odala

    * Odal Focus: Chance of P. Def. Crete. Atk. from +25 to +84.

    * Deadly Strength Odala: The chance of a successful attack on vulnerabilities from + 14% to + 53%.
    Rune Eura

    * Eura Critical Damage: Strength P. Def. Crete. Atk. from +92 to +326.

    * Aura Guidance: Phys. Accuracy is from +2 to +7.6.
    Runa Feo

    * Feo Magic Focus: Chance Mage Crete. Atk. from + 3% to + 17%.

    * Inspiring Theo: Mag. Atk. from +28 to +120.
    Runa Isa

    * Isa's Insight: Atk. Mage from + 3% to + 14%.

    * Easy walking Isa: Speed from +4 to +11.
    Rune Venio

    * Increase Mana Venno: Max. MP from + 4% to + 28%.

    * Lightweight Wenho: Weight limit from +1000 to +7600.
    Rune Algiza

    * Magic Algiz Regeneration: MP recovery bonus from + 6.5% to + 29%.

    * Healing Algiza: The effectiveness of healing skills from +30 to +150.

    Special Runes

    When installing a special rune, only one effect is available, however, starting from level 6 and above, an additional passive effect becomes available. Below are the performance indicators that give the minimum rune and maximum rune.
    Rune Lilith

    * Strength Lilith: The effectiveness of the received treatment and Phys. Atk. from + 1% to + 15%.

    Trigger effect from rune level 6: During a normal attack, restores HP. The amount of HP restored is from 100 to 900.
    Rune Anakim

    * Strength Anakim: The efficiency of MP recovery when using the skill Feeding from +5 to +90, Mage. Atk. from + 1% to + 15%.

    Trigger effect from rune level 6: When using skills, restores MP. It acts only on itself. The amount of restored MP from +75 to +600.

    Raid Bosses

    Queen Ant

    - The location of the raid boss Queen Ant has been changed to the Wall of Argos;


    - Raid boss level changed to 70;

    - The rewards for defeating the boss are updated.


    - Zaken raid boss location changed. He is still on Devil's Island, but not on the ship, but right at the place of teleportation;

    - The raid boss does not teleport or teleport players.

    Field Raid Bosses of 70-75 Levels

    - location of raid bosses of level 70-75 from the Valley of Silence, Plains of Glory and Forgotten Plains zones changed to “Lake Narsill” (Aden, Colosseum).




    - for the mission “Journey of the Wanderer”, the character will receive the Wanderer Mark of l-lV levels. When storing an item in inventory, the HP and MP recovery bonus increases.

    Mission nameCharacter levelMission typeMission viewReward
    Wanderer's journey l20-30Single timeHuntingWanderer Sign I
    Wanderer's journey lI31-40Single timeHuntingWanderer Sign II
    Wanderer's journey lII41-60Single timeHuntingWanderer Sign III
    Wanderer's journey lV61+Single timeHuntingWanderer Sign IV

    Defining Quests


    - upon reaching certain levels the character receives a notification about the opportunity to change the profession to one of the available;

    - at the 20th and 40th levels, to change a profession, you must select one of the professions offered and click the “Class Selection” button. The window for choosing a profession is available by clicking on the button in the form of a medal in the notification panel;

    - at the 76th level, a notification comes about the possibility of changing the profession with the help of the quest, and the character can immediately move to the NPC to start the quest.

    Quest NameCharacter levelTerms of receipt
    No quest, class change by choosing an available profession from the table.20Reaching level 20.
    No quest, class change by choosing an available profession from the table.40Reaching level 40.
    Profession change at level 20 completed.
    Saga of legend76Reaching level 76.
    Completed a profession change at level 40.



    For the characters of the Lineage 2 Essence server, fishing is available:

    - to start the process, you need a fishing rod, bait and floats (optional);

    - fishing is available for characters of level 1 and above;

    - at level 20 and above, you can complete the quest at NPC Pierre (Giran Harbor) and get a free temporary fishing rod for 10 days;


    - You can buy bait for adena from a Member of the Guild of Fishermen in any settlement;

    - to start fishing, you need to arm yourself with a fishing rod and go to any body of water. Next, you should wait until the corresponding icon appears on the screen, activating the process of fishing;

    - while fishing a character can catch a mackerel, fresh mackerel or even a whale. The catch is exchanged for a number of useful items from a Member of the Guild of Anglers. Among the items: temporary agathions, transformation scrolls, SP scrolls;


    - the whale can be exchanged for the goods of the Guild of Anglers, or double-click to get 20 SP.


    Character death and death information


    - at death, the character loses 4% of experience (does not depend on the level);

    - after the death of the character, you can see information about the damage received before death, as well as about lost items.

    Player Killer (PK) System


    For each kill of peaceful characters, a fixed 720 units of karma are accrued, karma itself is washed off quickly enough, and a maximum of only 7000 karma can be obtained.

    - the greatest value of karma is - 7000;

    - when hunting for monsters, karma recovery is fast enough;

    - for killing other characters, karma decreases by 720, regardless of the value of the RK;

    - when a character dies in a chaotic state, objects do not drop out from the hands of another character;

    - when a character dies in a chaotic state, one object may fall from the monster from the character.

    Penalty for wearing items that do not correspond to the level of rank.


    - in the game there is no concept of a penalty for the rank of equipment;

    - A level 1 character can even use S-grade armor without receiving any penalty.

    Clan rewards for activity


    - for entering the game, members of the clan receive a positive effect as a reward: for 4 hours the experience bonus and SP from + 3% to + 20% (1 ~ 4 level of effect);

    - for hunting, clan members receive a positive effect as a reward: for 4 hours, PvE damage from + 5% to + 15% (1 ~ 4 effect level) and PvP damage + 10% (only 4th effect level).

    Drop items on death


    - in case of death from monsters both from the character (and from his inventory) objects may drop out. This applies even to weapons and armor purchased at the Game Store and Store L;

    - You can protect yourself from the drop of items by joining a clan who has learned the passive skill "Clan’s Posthumous Luck Lv.1".


    Translated from our website :

    Part 1 of Essence Version.

    SnoWyz, SK111, Horyon and 4 others like this.
  2. fragus

    fragus User

    Likes Received:
    Good job !

    Thank you !
    6thsense likes this.
  3. 6thsense

    6thsense User

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    You welcome my friend.
    Will be Part 2 with a lot more information.
  4. Horyon

    Horyon User

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  5. SK111

    SK111 Banned

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    Very well done 6th. An astonishing work.
    When you have some spare time could you please translate the part regarding the agathions in l2 essence?
    I do mean the gemini, sagittarius etc ones.
    Thank you in advance
  6. userdeleted

    userdeleted User

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    When I die PK to another player does not drop items? Is it 100% safe?
    When dying to monster can fall?

    If I learn the clan skill, is it 100% safe or just lower the chance?