(24/08 — 31/08) Limited offer: Angeling's Treasure

Discussion in 'Shop Updates' started by RO_Imp, Aug 23, 2022.

  1. RO_Imp

    RO_Imp Innova Group

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    Until 31.08 and for only €0.99 the individual price of the box or in bundled packs with gifts in the 4game Launcher, you can get the Angeling's Treasure.
    Who brought you this gift from heavenly height?
    An Angeling floating in radiant light.

    Open the box and receive one of the following items:

    Wings of Lucifer

    These wings were once brighter than day.
    Now their darkness brings fear and dismay.

    Class: Costume
    Location: Garment
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 1
    Jobs: All

    Sword Wings

    A mechanical wings feathered with sharp blades.
    These are clearly not made for flying.

    Class: Costume
    Location: Garment
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 1
    Jobs: All

    Ancient Hero Sign
    An ancient symbol of a forgotten order.
    When you touch it, you hear the sounds of a battle horn and the echoes of a distant battle.

    Weight: 0
    Learn more about the Ancient weapon: https://eu.4gameforum.com/threads/687700/

    Seraph Ear Wings

    Each seraph must have six wings.
    Two wings on the lower back, two behind the shoulders... and two on the ears!

    Class: Costume
    Location: Middle
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 1
    Jobs: All

    Ghost Wings

    It is said that angels also have their own ghosts.
    Ordinary ghosts are tied to unfinished earthly affairs, and angelic ones are tied to heavenly ones.

    Class: Costume
    Location: Garment
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 1
    Jobs: All

    Sleepy Cherub

    This little cherub fell from the sky right on your head!
    Let him sleep and rest, please!

    Class: Costume
    Location: Upper
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 1
    Jobs: All

    Ancient Hero Boots
    Judging by the style and decorations, these boots are at least five hundred years old.
    And they look just like new, which is amazing.

    Max HP +500, Max SP +50.
    [For every 3 refine levels]
    Max HP +2%, Max SP +1%
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    Fixed Cast Time -0.3 sec.
    [If refine lv is 12 or higher]
    Fixed Cast Time -0.5 sec.
    [If refine lv is 14 or higher]
    Skill delay -5%.
    [If refine lv is 15 or higher]
    There are no additions to the characteristics

    Set bonuses:
    Runic Katana
    Dragon Slayer
    Trident of Undine
    Blade of Light
    Bow of Narcissus
    Tide Conch
    Thorn Whip
    Hand of Death
    Steel Flower
    Winged Sword
    Scarlet Dragon's Bow
    Rusty Dragon's Wand
    Wand of the Purple Orb
    Shadow Eater
    Ice Guardian
    Big Badaboom
    Sword of Blue Fire
    Slate Sword
    All-Holy Book
    Mace of the Righteous
    Iron Claw
    Claws of the Bifrost
    Four Mirrors
    Sharp Wind
    Demon's Shot
    Crimson Rose
    Master of Souls
    Big Game Trophy
    Guttling Gun
    Meow Meow Foxtail

    Class: shoes
    Defense: 15
    Weight: 60
    Required Level: 1
    Jobs: All

    White Ear Wings

    A decorative extensions similar to wings on the heads of Mistresses of Shelter.

    Class: Costume
    Location: Middle
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 1
    Jobs: All
    Black Ear Wings

    A decorative extensions similar to wings on the heads of Mistresses of Shelter.

    Class: Costume
    Location: Middle
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 1
    Jobs: All

    Winged Headphones

    Light, uplifting melodies always sound from these headphones.
    This music lends wings!

    Class: Costume
    Location: Upper, Middle
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 1
    Jobs: All

    Ancient Bravery Jewel
    Account bound.
    A precious stone that shines from within with a clear scarlet light.
    When you touch it, you feel yourself filled with courage.

    Used for the Ancient weapons enchantment. https://eu.4gameforum.com/threads/687700/
    Weight: 0

    Ancient Wisdom Jewel
    Account bound.
    A precious stone that shines from within with a clear scarlet light.
    When you touch it, you feel yourself filled with courage.

    Used for the Ancient weapons enchantment. https://eu.4gameforum.com/threads/687700/
    Weight: 0