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Letters to Santa

Discussion in '2011 ~ 2017' started by Cheers, Nov 21, 2012.

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  1. Cheers

    Cheers User

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    what have you got to say to santa?

    christmas is approaching once again. the time flies, doesn't it? but oh well...
    so, christmas is approaching and that means only one thing - it is time for the letters to santa!
    it is time to have a look back at the whole year and tell whether you have been nice or naughty, how much good you have done or how much trouble you have caused. what are the moments you are most proud of? why do you think you deserve to get the best gifts?
    speaking of which: this year the winners are going to get real, tangible lineage 2-themed advent calendars! they are going to be sent to the authors of the three most interesting, most heart-warming, most endearing letters.
    santa is looking forward to receiving your letters and his hands are itching to give out presents!

    waste no time - grab a pen (or a keyboard) and write away!

    letters acceptance period: from 21st till 12 p.m. (gmt+0) 28th november. submit your works right in this thread.
    we will then pick the top 10 letters and you will all have a chance to vote for your favourite letter until 12 p.m. (gmt +0) 2nd december, the 3 letters with the most votes will be the winners.
    winners will be defined by the number of 'thanks' that they get. to 'thank' the post that you like, just click 'thanks' button in the bottom left corner of a post (see screenshot below):

    only one 'thank' per user will be accepted.

    winners will need to provide their address via pm to cm cheers so that the calendars could be delivered to their righteous owners.

    the contest starts... now!
    Skitzo and Dutchman like this.
  2. GiuliaSofia

    GiuliaSofia User

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    dear santa, this one was a good year and i can't expect you and gods to make something more for me. i was good on my side and worked hard. i just want you to protect me and my cp and preserve us from quarrels. but if you'll have any time left, take a moment to give some bread to those who are starving, some peace to those who lives in war, a big huuuuug to those who feel lonely. :)

    merry xmas all!
    Razzly and szybki like this.
  3. Teodore

    Teodore User

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    dear santa claus

    my name is sushicutter, i know that this is a funny name but the cute female dwarfs usually have this kind of fanny names.

    for the new year i wish the best for all the "lineage ii" community, the gamers, the game chars and the gms.
    i wish for a long life (ingame & in real life), good luck, fair game, good drops, fast xp, good events and bright mind for all of us.
    i also wish that every one of us will have in mind that after all this is only a game and we have to enjoy all the sides of it without confusing it with the real life.

    for me, as an old good crafter who loves to create items, i wish that the upcoming update, "the glory days", will come soon and it will includes an improved crafting system that will help the prices of the r-grade items to roll-down.

    i think that the last year i was a good girl and i deserve a gift, so as a personal gift for me, i wish to have one or two transformation spell books, especial the "zaken" or another one rare transformation spell book, i love the transformations.

    cya next year santa

    ps/edit: thank you santa for "the glory days" update, the crafting system is not as i thought ... but i think that i can work with it, thank you again.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, 2012
  4. CathedraL

    CathedraL User

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    dear santa,

    first of all i would like you to bring joy and courage to those who are unable to enjoy the things that we do.i think we must feel really lucky to even have a pc to play our favourite game. i want you to take care for all those poor and homeless people that are struggling to survive out there and all those who are suffering from wars, illnesses etc. i just want you to bring joy and good health to people and nothing more. i think i was a good man this year, i am working 9 hours a day and even weekends to help my family financially and mostly make them smile and be proud of me. of course sometimes i am causing trouble to everyone but i am trying to minimize it :p ( for my ex gf i don't show mercy sorry :d) that's all!! for reward, i should have left this up to you to decide but since we ask for presents i would like a blessed valakas necklace for my tyrr.

    p.s: since i don't act like a 10y/o kid, and taking this event seriously, all i write is trully what i believe and i don't pretend things just to win.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 23, 2012
  5. Anichka

    Anichka User

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    dear santa,
    it`s been a while since i wrote u :) u know i have grown up and i kinda forgot about you, for what i sincerely appologize :rolleyes: these days i`m thinking about childhood and how when you are young and worriless you see the world through "pink glasses". :cool: back then you think that anything is possible. and of course this is wonderful :) but when you grow up and face reality, life doesnt seem so "pink" anymore. people forget what really matters and pay attention to unnecessary and pointless things. :( they even get a little mean. i really don`t like this.
    i think i was a good "child" whole year :) i helped my friends, i studied really hard...and a lot more things :) so please this year, instead of giving me any material gifts, make people belive in magic again and be kinder to each other :) to be able to see the beauty in everything and everyone. i think those are the best presents a person can get, instead of something material!
    thank you for your time and your endless help!

    yours anichka :p
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 23, 2012
    wcking, Sagitta, Sagramor and 4 others like this.
  6. Lilith

    Lilith Knight

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    dear santa.

    i am phersefone, i know i was not the best girl in the l2. i pked people and bulled little chars, but i swear they had been worse!!
    i went to all octavis of my clan and all istinas and antharas too, i was good and helped the little clannies to level up. i helped my clan leader with the translations and cleaned the clan hall up.

    i dyed my hair too to several colors, including light pink! to be cuter and more adorable for those newbies i helped so they dont get scared of my cats, ah!! talking about cats! i feed them every every every day with whiskas of the best quality, as i love them and they help me to remove the bas boys and girls of the wars.

    i would like a formal wear and a smexy human warrio (tank if possible) to make a romeo and juliet story only for us.

    so in resume... i maybe was not the best girl in the l2, but i try it hard =^_^=

    yours always

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2012
    MaYrO likes this.
  7. w4rcri3r

    w4rcri3r User

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    dear santa,

    hmmmmmmmm...:( well dear santa i was thinking alot about what i wish for this christmas and since i wasn`t on game for a period of time ,,i had a reason :) my beautiful girlfriend come all the way from usa,california to visit me for 3 months (the happiest time of my life) to romania,she gone back home today and i`m lonely again and i already miss her so bad grrrrr... :( ,, so santa if u can make my wish come true all i want is to make my way to be with her there more easier,this is all i want and hope u will get my letter and make my wish come true :) !!!

    p.s i love u santa but not more then her :p
  8. Mornar

    Mornar User

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    dear santa ,
    forgive me that my writing is ugly,
    if u read this letter that comfirms taht fact that ...
    ... that u can read . so after the basics i have to tell you i was really nice , i mentored a thousand newibe player i was sponsored a lot of , i gave equipment for free for clan menbers , searched mammon and than made a pt room whit his location ( i know mamon and insuma are your cousins ) ,at teh beer event i didnt take even a sap of beer , i sold the items on low prize ( all ) , i didt smashed a pupmkin coz i know that hurts them, i even have only 1 pk poinst and it hapened due to a misake and a magical critical , but i really regret it . now im workin on my support dual class also to give somthin to the community. so santa please show me your kindness , even good if u give me only a brick of coal just somthin , my faith in your exist is fadin, so pls proove me som evidence .
    and if u are in a honest mod pls give us less round immortal shields or more green twilight shields :)
    but the secret will of my hearth is a head gear like aria players had , or somthin cool full helm like that.
    thank u for readni
    sincierly mornar

    ps: my birthday even on dec 6th like u know and like is santas day in hungary .
  9. Kabanito

    Kabanito User

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    dear santa,
    i've got few wishes and they are true,
    i want a fat pocket and a slim girl too,
    but bare in mind just one more thing,
    if you mix it again,
    i won't spare you the suffering.
    i don't need more, and will finish this tale,
    but keep in mind that should you fail,
    your rudolph will die,oh tasty flesh
    so cripsy and crunchy... i bet it's fresh.
    with regards,
    Player1 and Skitzo like this.
  10. Cheers

    Cheers User

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    dear players,

    we've got our... 8 front-runners in this competition instead of 10 as was initially planned. as much as we wanted to have 10 contenders only 8 letters were deemed to be up for voting. some works didn't make it into the final because the format was not appropriate, or because of the content of the letter, etc.
    nevertheless, we have properly enjoyed all of the submitted works and we sincerely thank you for your efforts, you made us laugh, cry, gape in surprise, all those things!

    but now it is time to vote for your favourites! pick the one you like most and "thank" the post.
    3 letters with the biggest number of "thanks" will be winners of the competition.

    please note, that "thanks" received before today (12 p.m. gmt+0, 28th november) will not be counted! only one "thank" per user will be accepted.

    the voting's open! it will end at 12 p.m. (gmt+0) on 2nd december.
  11. Cheers

    Cheers User

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    dear authors,

    here we are with our winners!
    mind you that while counting the votes we did not take into account votes received before the date of voting (12 p.m. gmt+0, 28th november).
    that makes the final 3 look the following way:

    we congratulate our winners and join them in wishing everyone for the magic of christmas time to fill their homes with joy and happiness!

    i'll contact our winners for further instructions.

    thank you all for taking part in this christmasy activity!

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