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Random Post: Experiment of a party of full Feohs

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by TheRandomGuy, Oct 27, 2014.

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  1. Slaiter

    Slaiter Banned

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    Yokat0, ReewOxize, rqxmvKK118 and 5 others like this.
  2. Hax

    Hax User

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    unawakened chars are not capped at 85
    and making 97+ is hella easy and quick
  3. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

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    so screens from core that this is posible. also strange if this is so easy why i didn't saw any single non awakened sk in any dragon?
  4. Skizzo

    Skizzo User

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    did you tried that on this server? because on lindvior update it was capped :p
  5. Yunalesca

    Yunalesca User

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    because 80% of dds on top clan are feohs and daggers. you'd have to reroll everyone to a titan 99 with an sk with it to take 100% benefit out of this buff. (considering it's possible there's no cap) i know it gives m atk, but its not worth the trouble for 30% m atk.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2014
    ReewOxize likes this.
  6. Nadmaster101

    Nadmaster101 User

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    while that is true for pvp that they are top, archers and summoners are more efficient than both in pve. take nothing but feohs into dragons and you will be there for days. daggers are close to archers but still suffer a little bit behind minds eye with br.

    as far as the buff being wasted if you don't have full titan party is false. any tyrr with a blunt will still be great with the the buff just not as good as a titan with frenzy, also summoners in transform with melee pets also benifit from this due to crit rate/pattack increase. normally pets have 450-550 crit rate. with this buff it automatically adds 100 crit rate so that you are criting way more often. so to say that its wasted unless you have just titans is false.

    in the video shown they did a good job, however i don't think this server has a valakas retributer but there are other things that are almost equally as good and it isn't a tauti 2 handed. there are other things that can be done to make this person crit way harder. i was able to do over 250k crit damage in kartia on a 85 titan without br with nothing but a s80 weapon. there are things to make it better however magicians never reveal their secrets.

    p.s. there is no cap, you can level a 99 without awakening it, except for judicator, that is capped at 80.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2014
  7. Yokat0

    Yokat0 User

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  8. Hax

    Hax User

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    yes on this server, i even have one at 87.

    about top pve dps on raids: stacked titan/summoner + sos > stacked archers/daggers > rest
    on aoe ofc a archmage wins all
  9. Yunalesca

    Yunalesca User

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    well wynn is obvious, its used for frintezza either way.

    but if you count the amount of tyrrs and wynns main or dual class, just as i said, youd need most people to rerol (dual or not) since if u ask anyone, why dont u make wynn for pve? "cause its boring", why dont u get tyrr for dragon?"u crazy? i got dagger dude, its better dps, and i wont pay for oe weapon for pve."
    Shorla and MysticLilac like this.
  10. Nadmaster101

    Nadmaster101 User

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    i will agree with you the wynn is boring as heck, but as far as oe weapon for pve why not? did you see the tyrr 1 shot his party members with a single crit? worth it to me granted the conditions for it have to be perfect but being able to one shot people with a crit in mass pvp would be kinda hilarious. as far as rerolling tyrrs idk what game you are playing but i can't move 10 feet in game without running into a tyrr. granted they don't get parties because most people have a negative bias towards them for some unknown reason but there are tons of them in game people just don't like playing with them.

    pve they are a little above average at least in aoe, single target below average minus what we have been talking about.

    aoe pvp they are about average, played right they can be above average but not great, they are now more of a support debuffer, single target pvp they have the pdef of a tank and the hp pool of a god, but what they lack in the damage dealt department they make up for in the staying power and debuff ability, but once again, only if played right and as far as i have seen most here can't play right. i'm 91 and undergeared and have beaten 2 or 3, 99 tyrrs in oly and just laughed.
  11. Relic

    Relic User

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    tyrr's are not dd's they are supports whos main priority is cc to deal dmg you need insane gear which most people wont be able to achieve
  12. Yunalesca

    Yunalesca User

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    it's not "unkown reason". you just need better defensive gear than burst dds to make up for that spot, u need all the stun jewels with the highest m def possible to be able to properly land stuns (aq soul/baium soul/soul frint/istina earring/bless zaken or anthy), since every party has an aditional 40% stun resist from healers, + oly stun resist pots.

    also all tyrrs i see so far that i face anywhere go for skill power trigger, which is fail if u want a pvp cp. another problem lies on the way cps handle their setups. there's almost always a nuker in party, while having crowd control is amazing along with snares, another snare is simply better on most situations while not dangering anyone in party due to it's better acessibility/easyness and stats that decrease m def from wynn/soultaker are much more advantages for any oe+++ nuker.

    you'd need a party with at least 2 daggers to make that tyrr( with provoke +++ break shock) shine a lot, unless this tyrr is severely overgeared that he can perma stun everyone.
    btw it's not just the mentatility of cps to take a tyrr or not..even on pve just about almost tyrr is brainless...go to aoe party without pole, use ogre when they aren't tanking anything, doesnt know what weaknesses are, spends more time worrying about skills than swings for dmg, doesnt care abotu positioning and efforts into killing single targets and not the group at all.

    on my current tyrr, i have the most defensive possible i can have along with the most stun i can land, i simply dont kill..and dont give a **** about killing on pvp..
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