to be in topic ... is scam allowed? yes, it is. buffing rb? be happy that they modified restore life ...
buffing raids old bug of game they still dont decide its bug or game mechanic but i know only one think ******* greedy ******* ppl abused it todays so much
buffing raid bosses is not a bug. it's a feature which exists in the game by design. and for this reason there are no penalties for making use of this feature. as it was correctly stated in this thread, you are putting yourself under certain risk while buffing raids, since you are getting flagged after these actions.
omg im getting so much in risk for buffing rb with my alt char that wont even delevel below 85....what a great penality....give me a break pls...:d its true is game mechanic since game was created...koreans aprove it.. its how they say..dont hate the playes hate the game...