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About server Core

Discussion in 'Activity' started by CM Fragola, Jun 29, 2018.

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  1. Fragola

    Fragola User

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    Welcome to Core - unique European officially licensed Lineage 2 server.

    Is this EU Official server?
    Yes, Core is an official server, developed by NCsoft (Korea) and served by Innova Co. S.à r.l.
    Server started on December 23, 2011.
    We hold an exclusive license to publish L2 in Europe, we receive updates and patches directly from the Korean office and we pay royalties to the rights owners.

    What are the rates?
    Many people ask about the rates, but at the official server there's no such thing, it's the X, original EXP, SP, drop and spoil setting, rebalanced from update to update.

    The server is free to play with L2Store.
    Premium account is 8.99 euro.
    You can check the current contents of L2Store on our wiki page: https://l2wiki.com/Game_Shop

    Where can I find info about drop, spoil, and everything?
    Official and most complete source of info is our l2wiki: https://l2wiki.com/
    L2wiki is our platform, that takes drop/spoil information directly from the game files and is edited by our QA specialists and editors.

    Most of the changes and fixes are listed in the official patchnotes:
    Infinite Oddysey: https://eu.4game.com/lineage2/play/odyssey/
    Hymn of Soul: https://eu.4game.com/lineage2/play/soulhymn/
    Helios: https://eu.4game.com/lineage2/play/helios/
    Grand Crusade: https://eu.4game.com/lineage2/play/grandcrusade/
    Salvation: https://eu.4game.com/lineage2/play/salvation/
    Orfen: https://eu.4gameforum.com/threads/658447/

    The current update is Orfen:
    Orfen patchnotes: https://eu.4gameforum.com/threads/658447/
    Orfen Update FAQ: https://eu.4gameforum.com/threads/658465/

    The rest of the minor changes in between the updates are listed in the maintenance notes: https://eu.4gameforum.com/threads/3349/

    How can I find a group to play?
    L2 isn't a solo game, you'll be more efficient if you play in a group.

    You can use:​
    1. Recruitment Hall: https://eu.4gameforum.com/forums/396/
    2. Clan search or group search in the game.
    3. LF clan/LF Group channel in Discord.
    Don't be shy and socialize.

    How do I get support?
    The official support page is here: http://eu.4gamesupport.com

    You can also ask for tech help on the forum: https://eu.4gameforum.com/forums/463/
    Cool guides from the players are here: https://eu.4gameforum.com/forums/414/
    And for friendly player's advice about the game here: https://eu.4gameforum.com/forums/391/
    Class discussion is here: https://eu.4gameforum.com/forums/398/

    What are Innova and 4game?
    4game is an online game-publishing platform developed by Innova Co. S.à r.l. to provide gaming services in CIS and Europe.
    Innova Co S.à.r.l is granted by NCSOFT Corp. the exclusive right to publish, distribute and transmit Lineage II in CIS and Europe.​
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2018
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