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NEWS Server issue is known

Discussion in '2020' started by Artchem, Apr 23, 2020.

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  1. Artchem

    Artchem Community manager

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    Dear players!

    Thank you for promptly reporting server issues to the team. It allows us to be more updated in real-time. The team knows about issues on the blue server and together with Korean partners we are developing ways of solving. Sadly, this process is not fast, and this сould take time.

    You must know we are doing everything we can to accelerate the process so you can enjoy the comfortable game as fast as possible.

    Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
  2. Artchem

    Artchem Community manager

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    Dear players!

    We would like to provide you with more details about the situation on the servers, to explain, what is going on, what we are doing right now and what we are planning to do in the near future.

    First of all, why we do have lags on the Lineage II Essence - this version of the game imposes a heavier load than the Lineage II. We are currently working on hardware and software resource optimization and we are also discussing with the partners the possible ways of solving the problem, but that might need additional development from NCSoft. Unfortunately, the result is not guaranteed, so such actions cannot be done at a fast clip, we need time for the problem investigation and testing the different solutions.

    Secondly, the home isolation tendency had a positive effect on the servers' online, which has also increased the load on the equipment. At the moment, the only server of the Lineage II Essence version in all the regions, which has bigger online than Blue server, is Scarlet (that is also suffering from the lag problems). We are preparing for the transfer from the Blue server to the Red one. We have already received the scripts from our partners yesterday, so now we need the time for QA, possible bug fixing and preparations on the platform. Moreover, we've asked our partners to send us the patch that will permit to kick the dead characters after some time of inactivity (as it now works in Russian version).
    Furthermore, we have requested free resurrection and now we are waiting for the answer of our partners.

    And finally, we will prepare the compensation, but it will be provided after the moment the lag problem is solved.

    P.S.: we saw the ideas about second window entry restriction, but we don't reckon it to be a good measure to solve the current problem, as it will have a negative effect on the gameplay.
    remusn, Jibarox, kaleugamerr and 6 others like this.
  3. Artchem

    Artchem Community manager

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    Dear players!

    A new channel - #issuelogs - has been created in L2 Essence Discord. We ask you to help us in order to accelerate the process of issue solving. Please, use this channel to inform the team about server stability problems as the following example:

    • Server name,
    • your character name,
    • time of the issue start,
    • a short description of the issue,
    • time of the issue end.

    For example:
    Your message #1:
    Your message #2:
    If someone from your server has already informed about the issue, please, don't duplicate information.

    All off-topics or comments which are no following the example will be removed. Please, use the #general channel for discussions.

    We appreciate your cooperation.

    Join the discord channel.
    remusn likes this.
  4. Artchem

    Artchem Community manager

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    Dear friends!

    As you know, we are working alongside the game dev team on the solving of the Blue server stability issue. Therefore it has been decided to turn off the Orc Fortress Siege indefinitely on the Blue server. It's necessary to research some factors and be convinced that the siege is not the issue reason.

    It's possible that the Orc Fortress Siege will be turned off on the Red server in the future, too.

    Please, keep us informed and continue to write your feedback on the discord channel (#issuelogs).

    We apologize for the caused inconveniences.
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