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Official hero list for 2021

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by NeoTiger, Jan 9, 2021.

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  1. NeoTiger

    NeoTiger Global moderator

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    "Hero list for 2020" has been archived and can be found here.

    January 2021 Heroes:

    TheHorde: 9
    ILanZ - Feoh Mystic Muse
    SyRa - Feoh Soulhound
    Zerk - Sigel Shillien Templar
    Accuser - Tyrr Dreadnought
    iMammallika - Tyrr Grand Khavatari
    Poissie - Wynn Arcana Lord
    Mirix - Wynn Spectral Master
    MsAshley - Yul Sagittarius
    [LEGEND]C6x - Yul Trickster

    GUCCI: 9
    iTokyo - Aeore Eva's Saint
    iMusa - Aeore Shillien Saint
    MrMind - Eviscerator
    Neftys - Iss Dominator
    Katsumi - Iss Sword Muse
    Emazing - Feoh Archmage
    Lao - Sigel Eva's Templar
    Chuna - Sigel Phoenix Knight
    BILLPRINTER - Tyrr Titan

    Revolution: 5
    Migina - Aeore Cardinal
    Pad - Othell Ghost Hunter
    BloodySabbath - Sigel Hell Knight
    ErgoL - Tyrr Duelist
    Serialkillaa - Yul Ghost Sentinel

    WTF25: 4
    ATAMAH - Feoh Storm Screamer
    Lezaria - Sayha's Seer
    delicate - Wynn Elemental Master
    iBAA - Yul Moonlight Sentinel

    DDZ: 2
    zverina - Feoh Soultaker
    Bulus - Iss Doomcryer

    HandofPaagrio: 2
    Gandorf - Othell Adventurer
    KrEmAtOr - Othell Fortune Seeker

    AssassinsS: 1
    xXxDoriAxXx - Iss Spectral Dancer

    RisingStar: 1
    Shower - Iss Hierophant

    TEAM: 1
    LessDramaPls - Tyrr Doombringer

    TreeHouseBandits: 1
    Omnislash - Othell Wind Rider

    7Sins: 1
    ActivatedWin10 - Tyrr Maestro

    Ceremony of Chaos winner: Pad (Revolution clan)

    February 2021 Heroes:

    GUCCI: 10
    iTokyo - Aeore Eva's Saint
    iMusa - Aeore Shillien Saint
    MrMind - Eviscerator
    Neftys - Iss Dominator
    Katsumi - Iss Sword Muse
    Lao - Sigel Eva's Templar
    Chuna - Sigel Phoenix Knight
    Kalki - Tyrr Dreadnought
    circles - Yul Trickster

    Revolution: 7
    Migina - Aeore Cardinal
    SERSEl - Feoh Storm Screamer
    xXxDoriAxXx - Iss Spectral Dancer
    Pad - Othell Ghost Hunter
    Imber - Othell Wind Rider
    ErgoL - Tyrr Duelist
    Serialkillaa - Yul Ghost Sentinel

    DDZ: 3
    AnFigo - Feoh Mystic Muse
    zverina - Feoh Soultaker
    Bulus - Iss Doomcryer

    TheHorde: 3
    Orthrus - Feoh Soulhound
    Zerk - Sigel Shillien Templar
    Poissie - Wynn Arcana Lord

    WTF25: 3
    Lezaria - Sayha's Seer
    delicate - Wynn Elemental Master
    iBAA - Yul Moonlight Sentinel

    DarkLegacy: 2
    NightmareMode - Feoh Archmage
    iAlx - Yul Sagittarius

    HandofPaagrio: 2
    Gandorf - Othell Adventurer
    KrEmAtOr - Othell Fortune Seeker

    Exiliados: 1
    Mirix - Wynn Spectral Master

    LosTemplarios: 1
    BloodySabbath - Sigel Hell Knight

    NinJaB0ys: 1
    iMammallika - Tyrr Grand Khavatari

    RisingStar: 1
    Shower - Iss Hierophant

    TEAM: 1
    LessDramaPls - Tyrr Doombringer

    Myrmidonss: 1
    ActivatedWin10 - Tyrr Maestro

    Ceremony of Chaos winner: Pad (Revolution clan)

    March 2021 Heroes:

    GUCCI: 7
    iTokyo - Aeore Eva's Saint
    iMusa - Aeore Shillien Saint
    MrMind - Eviscerator
    Neftys - Iss Dominator
    Katsumi - Iss Sword Muse
    Lao - Sigel Eva's Templar
    circles - Yul Trickster

    Revolution: 6
    Migina - Aeore Cardinal
    SERSEl - Feoh Storm Screamer
    xXxDoriAxXx - Iss Spectral Dancer
    Pad - Othell Ghost Hunter
    F4de - Sigel Phoenix Knight
    [LEGEND]Serialkillaa - Yul Ghost Sentinel

    DDZ: 5
    AnFigo - Feoh Mystic Muse
    zverina - Feoh Soultaker
    Bulus - Iss Doomcryer
    Demos - Wynn Arcana Lord
    QuickSilver - Yul Sagittarius

    TheHorde: 3
    Zerk - Sigel Shillien Templar
    Torc - Tyrr Duelist
    Broestro - Tyrr Titan

    WTF25: 3
    Lezaria - Sayha's Seer
    delicate - Wynn Elemental Master
    iBAA - Yul Moonlight Sentinel

    Almighty: 2
    NightmareMode - Feoh Archmage
    Pos3id0N - Feoh Soulhound

    HandofPaagrio: 1
    KrEmAtOr - Othell Fortune Seeker

    Cerberus: 1
    Persephoeneia - Wynn Spectral Master

    Complexity: 1
    ActivatedWin10 - Tyrr Maestro

    Ethereum: 1
    Zoldi - Tyrr Doombringer

    LosTemplarios: 1
    BloodySabbath - Sigel Hell Knight

    Sindavathar: 1
    Gandorf - Othell Adventurer

    ShadowOfSoul: 1
    HeartOfDestroyer - Tyrr Dreadnought

    SoulsSociety: 1
    xLucIx - Iss Hierophant

    TEAM: 1
    natas - Tyrr Grand Khavatari

    TreeHouseBandits: 1
    Omnislash - Othell Wind Rider

    Ceremony of Chaos winner: Pad (Revolution clan)

    April 2021 Heroes:

    DDZ: 6
    Kuchkabesna - Eviscerator
    AnFigo - Feoh Mystic Muse
    zverina - Feoh Soultaker
    Bulus - Iss Doomcryer
    HeartOfDestroyer - Tyrr Dreadnought
    Demos - Wynn Arcana Lord

    Revolution: 6
    SERSEl - Feoh Storm Screamer
    Pad - Othell Ghost Hunter
    F4de - Sigel Phoenix Knight
    [LEGEND]Riordian - Tyrr Titan
    Serialkillaa - Yul Ghost Sentinel
    lZeyva - Yul Trickster

    Exiliados: 4
    Darkcrows - Iss Spectral Dancer
    KiritoNoLibra - Iss Sword Muse
    Mirix - Tyrr Doombringer
    Persephoeneia - Wynn Spectral Master

    GUCCI: 4
    iTokyo - Aeore Eva's Saint
    iMusa - Aeore Shillien Saint
    Neftys - Iss Dominator
    Lao - Sigel Eva's Templar

    TheHorde: 3
    Se7enthSin - Aeore Cardinal
    IScream4IceCream - Sigel Hell Knight
    Torc - Tyrr Duelist

    WTF25: 3
    Lezaria - Sayha's Seer
    delicate - Wynn Elemental Master
    iBAA - Yul Moonlight Sentinel

    Almighty: 1
    Pos3id0N - Feoh Soulhound

    Complexity: 1
    ActivatedWin10 - Tyrr Maestro

    HandofPaagrio: 1
    CanlupusArctos - Sigel Shillien Templar

    KeepersOfTheGame: 1
    pRiams - Yul Sagittarius

    NakedForce: 1
    Qrokit - Othell Fortune Seeker

    Reptilians: 1
    Fjaset - Feoh Archmage

    Sindavathar: 1
    HeadRock - Othell Adventurer

    TEAM: 1
    natas - Tyrr Grand Khavatari

    TheBoringClan: 1
    Loper - Iss Hierophant

    TreeHouseBandits: 1
    Omnislash - Othell Wind Rider

    Ceremony of Chaos winner: Pad (Revolution clan)

    May 2021 Heroes:

    TheHorde: 8
    Se7enthSin - Aeore Cardinal
    Poissie - Iss Sword Muse
    Zerk - Sigel Shillien Templar
    iMammallika - Tyrr Doombringer
    Accuser - Tyrr Dreadnought
    Torc - Tyrr Duelist
    Broestro - Tyrr Titan
    [LEGEND]Dissent - Yul Ghost Sentinel

    WTF25: 5
    Twar - Iss Dominator
    Lezaria - Sayha's Seer
    delicate - Wynn Elemental Master
    iBAA - Yul Moonlight Sentinel
    Indigo - Yul Sagittarius

    DDZ: 4
    Kuchkabesna - Eviscerator
    AnFigo - Feoh Mystic Muse
    zverina - Feoh Soultaker
    Bulus - Iss Doomcryer

    GUCCI: 4
    iTokyo - Aeore Eva's Saint
    iMusa - Aeore Shillien Saint
    Lao - Sigel Eva's Templar
    Chuna - Sigel Phoenix Knight

    Exiliados: 3
    Darkcrows - Iss Spectral Dancer
    Ivika - Sigel Hell Knight
    Persephoneia - Wynn Spectral Master

    Revolution: 2
    Pad - Othell Ghost Hunter
    lZeyva - Yul Trickster

    Almighty: 1
    Pos3id0N - Feoh Soulhound

    Complexity: 1
    ActivatedWin10 - Tyrr Maestro

    Darion: 1
    LuCifeRiina - Iss Hierophant

    Inception: 1
    Ayo - Wynn Arcana Lord

    Lilith: 1
    SERSEl - Feoh Storm Screamer

    Myrmidonss: 1
    El3cT - Othell Adventurer

    Reptilians: 1
    Fjaset - Feoh Archmage

    TEAM: 1
    natas - Tyrr Grand Khavatari

    TreeHouseBandits: 1
    Omnislash - Othell Wind Rider

    xSACREDx: 1
    Qrokit - Othell Fortune Seeker

    Ceremony of Chaos winner: No winner.

    June 2021 Heroes:

    TheHorde: 7
    Mustrov - Eviscerator
    Poissie - Iss Sword Muse
    Zerk - Sigel Shillien Templar
    iMammallika - Tyrr Doombringer
    Accuser - Tyrr Dreadnought
    Torc - Tyrr Duelist
    C6x - Tyrr Titan

    WTF25: 6
    Twar - Iss Dominator
    Pad - Othell Ghost Hunter
    Lezaria - Sayha's Seer
    delicate - Wynn Elemental Master
    iBAA - Yul Moonlight Sentinel
    Indigo - Yul Sagittarius

    DDZ: 3
    AnFigo - Feoh Mystic Muse
    Bulus - Iss Doomcryer
    xXxDoriAxXx - Iss Spectral Dancer

    Revolution: 3
    F4de - Sigel Phoenix Knight
    [LEGEND]Serialkillaa - Yul Ghost Sentinel
    lZeyva - Yul Trickster

    Exiliados: 2
    Ivika - Sigel Hell Knight
    Persephoneia - Wynn Spectral Master

    Almighty: 1
    Pos3id0N - Feoh Soulhound

    Complexity: 1
    ActivatedWin10 - Tyrr Maestro

    Darion: 1
    LuCifeRiina - Iss Hierophant

    Inception: 1
    Ayo - Wynn Arcana Lord

    GUCCI: 1
    iTokyo - Aeore Eva's Saint

    Lilith: 1
    SERSEl - Feoh Storm Screamer

    Myrmidonss: 1
    El3cT - Othell Adventurer

    NakedForce: 1
    ANUBIS77 - Feoh Soultaker

    SpecialKids: 1
    GOLDIS - Feoh Archmage

    EvilNation: 1
    Nightsroud - Tyrr Grand Khavatari

    Sindavathar: 1
    Migina - Aeore Cardinal
    ConorMcGregor - Sigel Eva's Templar

    TreeHouseBandits: 1
    Omnislash - Othell Wind Rider

    TwistedMinds: 1
    iPatricia - Aeore Shillien Saint

    xSACREDx: 1
    Qrokit - Othell Fortune Seeker

    Ceremony of Chaos winner: Pad (Revolution clan)

    July 2021 Heroes:

    TheHorde: 8
    DefNotFlaming - Aeore Cardinal
    Sadeas - Feoh Soulhound
    lbeathronl - Sigel Eva's Templar
    GiacobbeZ - Sigel Hell Knight
    iMammallika - Tyrr Doombringer
    Accuser - Tyrr Dreadnought
    Torc - Tyrr Duelist
    [LEGEND]Broestro - Tyrr Titan

    WTF25: 7
    iPatricia - Aeore Shillien Saint
    Twar - Iss Dominator
    Pad - Othell Ghost Hunter
    Lezaria - Sayha's Seer
    delicate - Wynn Elemental Master
    iBAA - Yul Moonlight Sentinel
    Indigo - Yul Sagittarius

    Revolution: 3
    rolexxx - Eviscerator
    xXxDoriAxXx - Iss Spectral Dancer
    lZeyva - Yul Trickster

    DDZ: 2
    AnFigo - Feoh Mystic Muse
    Demos - Wynn Arcana Lord

    GUCCI: 2
    iTokyo - Aeore Eva's Saint
    Chuna - Sigel Phoenix Knight

    HandofPaagrio: 2
    Spiro2x - Iss Doomcryer
    CanlupusArctos - Sigel Shillien Templar

    Sindavathar: 2
    Makczu - Iss Sword Muse
    Serialkillaa - Yul Ghost Sentinel

    Afrolandia: 1
    Persephoneia - Wynn Spectral Master

    AngelsOfHell: 1
    Goudakos - Iss Hierophant

    AntiKarma: 1
    IviPepper - Tyrr Grand Khavatari

    Complexity: 1
    ActivatedWin10 - Tyrr Maestro

    Lilith: 1
    SERSEl - Feoh Storm Screamer

    MagicStar: 1
    Qrokit - Othell Fortune Seeker

    NakedForce: 1
    ANUBIS77 - Feoh Soultaker

    TheEA: 1
    noNoKin - Othell Adventurer

    TreeHouseBandits: 1
    Omnislash - Othell Wind Rider

    No clan: 1
    NightmareMode - Feoh Archmage

    Ceremony of Chaos winner: Pad (Revolution clan)

    August 2021 Heroes:

    TheHorde: 12
    DefNotFlaming - Aeore Cardinal
    Se7enthSin - Aeore Shillien Saint
    Sadeas - Feoh Soulhound
    DomiSt - Iss Hierophant
    Poissie - Iss Sword Muse
    lbeathronl - Sigel Eva's Templar
    GiacobbeZ - Sigel Hell Knight
    iMammallika - Tyrr Doombringer
    Accuser - Tyrr Dreadnought
    Torc - Tyrr Duelist
    Broestro - Tyrr Titan
    iClarke - Wynn Spectral Master

    WTF25: 6
    Twar - Iss Dominator
    Pad - Othell Ghost Hunter
    [LEGEND]Lezaria - Sayha's Seer
    delicate - Wynn Elemental Master
    iBAA - Yul Moonlight Sentinel
    Indigo - Yul Sagittarius

    DDZ: 3
    Kuchkabesna - Eviscerator
    zverina - Feoh Soultaker
    Demos - Wynn Arcana Lord

    Revolution: 3
    xXxDoriAxXx - Iss Spectral Dancer
    F4de - Sigel Phoenix Knight
    lZeyva - Yul Trickster

    GUCCI: 1
    iTokyo - Aeore Eva's Saint

    NakedForce: 1
    ElvenQueen - Feoh Mystic Muse

    Arystokracja: 1
    Bulus - Iss Doomcryer

    Complexity: 1
    ActivatedWin10 - Tyrr Maestro

    DarkLegacy: 1
    CanlupusArctos - Sigel Shillien Templar

    FuriousAngels: 1
    Captive - Tyrr Grand Khavatari

    Lilith: 1
    SERSEl - Feoh Storm Screamer

    MagicStar: 1
    Qrokit - Othell Fortune Seeker

    Sindavathar: 1
    HeadRock - Othell Adventurer
    Serialkillaa - Yul Ghost Sentinel

    Reptilians: 1
    Fjaset - Feoh Archmage

    TreeHouseBandits: 1
    Omnislash - Othell Wind Rider

    Ceremony of Chaos winner: Pad (Revolution clan)

    September 2021 Heroes:

    TheHorde: 9
    iTokyo - Aeore Eva's Saint
    Sadeas - Feoh Soulhound
    Twar - Iss Dominator
    Pad - Othell Ghost Hunter
    lbeathronl - Sigel Eva's Templar
    GiacobbeZ - Sigel Hell Knight
    F4de - Sigel Phoenix Knight
    Torc - Tyrr Duelist
    lZeyva - Yul Trickster

    FirstBlood: 7
    Migina - Aeore Cardinal
    iPatricia - Aeore Shillien Saint
    Goudakos - Iss Hierophant
    Qrokit - Othell Fortune Seeker
    iMammallika - Tyrr Doombringer
    [LEGEND]C6x - Tyrr Titan
    Serialkillaa - Yul Ghost Sentinel

    WTF25: 4
    Lezaria - Sayha's Seer
    delicate - Wynn Elemental Master
    iBAA - Yul Moonlight Sentinel
    Indigo - Yul Sagittarius

    DDZ: 4
    AnFigo - Feoh Mystic Muse
    zverina - Feoh Soultaker
    Tanthy - Tyrr Maestro
    Demos - Wynn Arcana Lord

    Reptilians: 2
    Fjaset - Feoh Archmage
    Akalis - Feoh Storm Screamer

    Afrolandia: 2
    Darkcrows - Iss Spectral Dancer
    Persephoneia - Wynn Spectral Master

    Sublimity: 2
    MrMind - Eviscerator
    Accuser - Tyrr Dreadnought

    Arystokracja: 1
    Bulus - Iss Doomcryer

    DarkLegacy: 1
    CanlupusArctos - Sigel Shillien Templar

    FuriousAngels: 1
    Captive - Tyrr Grand Khavatari

    ParaBellum: 1
    Skint - Othell Adventurer

    TreeHouseBandits: 1
    Omnislash - Othell Wind Rider

    No clan: 1
    D3stinyChild - Iss Sword Muse

    Ceremony of Chaos winner: Pad (WT25 clan)

    October 2021 Heroes:

    TheHorde: 9
    DefNotFlaming - Aeore Cardinal
    iPatricia - Aeore Shillien Saint
    Sadeas - Feoh Soulhound
    Goudakos - Iss Hierophant
    Qrokit - Othell Fortune Seeker
    ConorMcGregor - Sigel Eva's Templar
    iMammallika - Tyrr Doombringer
    C6x - Tyrr Titan
    Serialkillaa - Yul Ghost Sentinel

    WTF25: 7
    Twar - Iss Dominator
    [LEGEND]Pad - Othell Ghost Hunter
    Lezaria - Sayha's Seer
    F4de - Sigel Phoenix Knight
    delicate - Wynn Elemental Master
    iBAA - Yul Moonlight Sentinel
    Indigo - Yul Sagittarius

    Sublimity: 5
    MrMind - Eviscerator
    Poissie - Iss Sword Muse
    Cisarro - Sigel Hell Knight
    Zerk - Sigel Shillien Templar
    Accuser - Tyrr Dreadnought

    RisingStar: 4
    iTokyo - Aeore Eva's Saint
    OhGeezus - Tyrr Maestro
    AnFigo - Feoh Mystic Muse
    Akalis - Feoh Storm Screamer

    DDZ: 2
    AnFigo - Feoh Mystic Muse
    Tanthy - Tyrr Maestro

    Reptilians: 2
    Fjaset - Feoh Archmage
    Akalis - Feoh Storm Screamer

    Afrolandia: 1
    Persephoneia - Wynn Spectral Master

    Arystokracja: 1
    Bulus - Iss Doomcryer

    DarkLegacy: 1
    xXxDoriAxXx - Iss Spectral Dancer

    KittyCats: 1
    Tenda - Feoh Soultaker

    Lethal: 1
    ImperialCat - Wynn Arcana Lord

    OrderOfDeath: 1
    Torc - Tyrr Duelist

    Revolution: 1
    lZeyva - Yul Trickster

    Sindavathar: 1
    HeadRock - Othell Adventurer

    TreeHouseBandits: 1
    Omnislash - Othell Wind Rider

    No clan: 1
    puddle - Tyrr Grand Khavatari

    Ceremony of Chaos winner: SovietUnion (WTF25 clan)

    November 2021 Heroes:

    TheHorde: 6
    Migina - Aeore Cardinal
    iPatricia - Aeore Shillien Saint
    Teferia - Feoh Storm Screamer
    KimKardasia - Iss Hierophant
    iMammallika - Tyrr Doombringer
    Serialkillaa - Yul Ghost Sentinel

    WTF25: 7
    Twar - Iss Dominator
    Pad - Othell Ghost Hunter
    Lezaria - Sayha's Seer
    F4de - Sigel Phoenix Knight
    delicate - Wynn Elemental Master
    iBAA - Yul Moonlight Sentinel
    Indigo - Yul Sagittarius

    Sublimity: 4
    Poissie - Iss Sword Muse
    Cisarro - Sigel Hell Knight
    Zerk - Sigel Shillien Templar
    Accuser - Tyrr Dreadnought

    RisingStar: 4
    iTokyo - Aeore Eva's Saint
    OhGeezus - Tyrr Maestro
    [LEGEND]DeathWish - Tyrr Titan
    lbeatronl - Sigel Eva's Templar

    DDZ: 5
    AnFigo - Feoh Mystic Muse
    Bulus - Iss Doomcryer
    Demos - Wynn Arcana Lord
    Kuchkabesna - Eviscerator
    Tanthy - Tyrr Maestro

    Reptilians: 1
    Fjaset - Feoh Archmage

    KittyCats: 2
    Tenda - Feoh Soultaker
    DarkCloe - Iss Spectral Dancer

    BlackKnights: 1
    Xiangfe - Feoh Soulhound

    Cerberus: 1
    Persephoneia - Wynn Spectral Master

    FuriousAngels: 1
    Captive - Tyrr Grand Khavatari

    Legendz: 1
    silent - Othell Fortune Seeker

    OrderOfDeath: 1
    Torc - Tyrr Duelist

    Revolution: 1
    lZeyva - Yul Trickster

    Sindavathar: 1
    HeadRock - Othell Adventurer

    TreeHouseBandits: 1
    Omnislash - Othell Wind Rider

    Ceremony of Chaos winner: SovietUnion (WTF25 clan)

    December 2021 Heroes:

    Sublimity: 10
    DefNotFlaming - Aeore Cardinal
    iTokyo - Aeore Eva's Saint
    MrMind - Eviscerator
    Twar - Iss Dominator
    Poissie - Iss Sword Muse
    Pad - Othell Ghost Hunter
    F4de - Sigel Phoenix Knight
    Accuser - Tyrr Dreadnought
    OhGeezus - Tyrr Maestro
    SovietUnion - Tyrr Titan

    TheHorde: 5
    iPatricia - Aeore Shillien Saint
    Sadeas - Feoh Archmage
    Teferia - Feoh Storm Screamer
    KimKardasia - Iss Hierophant
    iMammallika - Tyrr Doombringer

    Revolution: 3
    Jkdr - Sayha's Seer
    ConorMcGregor - Sigel Eva's Templar
    [LEGEND]Serialkillaa - Yul Ghost Sentinel

    KittyCats: 4
    Tenda - Feoh Soultaker
    DarkCloe - Iss Spectral Dancer
    ImperialCat - Wynn Arcana Lord
    jumpheal - Wynn Spectral Master

    WTF25: 3
    delicate - Wynn Elemental Master
    iBAA - Yul Moonlight Sentinel
    Indigo - Yul Sagittarius

    OrderOfDeath: 2
    Nimphelos - Sigel Hell Knight
    Torc - Tyrr Duelist

    DDZ: 1
    Bulus - Iss Doomcryer

    DarkLegacy: 1
    CanlupusArctos - Sigel Shillien Templar

    FuriousAngels: 1
    Captive - Tyrr Grand Khavatari

    HeadShot: 1
    Apathey - Feoh Soulhound

    Legendz: 1
    silent - Othell Fortune Seeker

    NakedForce: 1
    ElvenQueen - Feoh Mystic Muse

    GUCCI: 1
    lZeyva - Yul Trickster

    Sindavathar: 1
    HeadRock - Othell Adventurer

    TEAM: 1
    SIrTryHard - Sigel Death Knight

    TreeHouseBandits: 1
    Omnislash - Othell Wind Rider

    Ceremony of Chaos winner: SovietUnion (Sublimity clan)

    Any error ? Please report it.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2021
  2. NeoTiger

    NeoTiger Global moderator

    Likes Received:
    List updated for february heroes.
  3. NeoTiger

    NeoTiger Global moderator

    Likes Received:
    List updated for march heroes.
  4. NeoTiger

    NeoTiger Global moderator

    Likes Received:
    List updated for april heroes.
  5. NeoTiger

    NeoTiger Global moderator

    Likes Received:
    List updated for may heroes.
  6. NeoTiger

    NeoTiger Global moderator

    Likes Received:
    List updated for june heroes.
  7. NeoTiger

    NeoTiger Global moderator

    Likes Received:
    List updated for july heroes. Sorry for delay.
  8. NeoTiger

    NeoTiger Global moderator

    Likes Received:
    List updated for august heroes. Sorry for delay.
  9. NeoTiger

    NeoTiger Global moderator

    Likes Received:
    List updated for september heroes
  10. NeoTiger

    NeoTiger Global moderator

    Likes Received:
    List updated for october heroes. Got no internet since start of the month.
  11. NeoTiger

    NeoTiger Global moderator

    Likes Received:
    List updated for november heroes
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