here you can find all the god experiments that have been carried out up to date sorted out in accordance with their topics. you can also access the lists of all the experiments on one topic by clicking on the corresponding tags in yumi's and tully's posts. here they are: [skills] [item modification] [chests] [other items] [quests and drop] [stats] [other game mechanics aspects]
skills experiment 6: augmentation and the chance of acquiring active and passive skills experiment 9 pvp damage skill enchantment experiment 10: marks and exile vs. mental resistance (summoners' myths p.1) experiment 13 tyrr warrior's str and skill critical rate experiment 14 iss enchanter's debuff land rate experiment 16 the influence of dex/str on othell rogue's skills experiment 25 dual class skills experiment 27 root chance experiment 28 the attribute system experiment 30 epic jewelry and stun land rate experiment 31 tyrr warrior’s giant punch and knockdown success rate experiment 32 enchanting erase impact (cost) experiment 33 lightning disarm land rate experiment 34: tyrr warrior skill enchantment for pvp and pve experiment 36 the avenging cubic test experiment 37 stun rate – tyrr warrior’s hurricane rush and eruption experiment 38: skill mastery success rate and str experiment 42 critical damage increase experiment 52 the hair accessories test
item modification experiment 3: the relogin myth experiment 6: augmentation and the chance of acquiring active and passive skills experiment 11 summoners' myths p.2 experiment 15 enchanting weapons to +20 experiment 19 weapon type and enchantment success rate experiment 22 comparing s- and r-grade weapon enchantment success rate experiment 23 dual weapons damage rate (swords and blunt weapons) experiment 28 the attribute system experiment 39: enchantment bonuses increase experiment 46 jewelry enchantment success rate experiment 48 pvp/pve enhancement experiment 50 healing power experiment 56 talismans experiment 59 rare soul crystals and pvp damage experiment 60 pvp bonuses from belts experiment 61 armor enchantment bonuses
chests experiment 1 balthus knights - antharas expedition experiment 5: defining the chances of obtaining items from treasure chests experiment 12 awakened hero's olympiad treasure box experiment 24 the chances of obtaining items from a pendant pack experiment 41 mentor's surprise chest experiment 55 retrieve the stolen taxes - rewards experiment 57 items from hero's treasure boxes
other items experiment 7: buying dyes from mysterious dye merchant experiment 11 summoners' myths p.2 experiment 23 dual weapons damage rate (swords and blunt weapons) experiment 30 epic jewelry and stun land rate experiment 56 checking unidentified items
quests and drop experiment 18 liberating the spirits experiment 20 duty of the survivor (solo vs party) experiment 21 drop rate depending on mob color experiment 29 common and extreme tauti drop experiment 35: drop and vitality experiment 40 overhit and drop chances experiment 44 chance of receiving quest items experiment 51 legendary tales: chances of encountering a particular raid boss experiment 53 finishing off raid bosses
stats experiment 2 tank's str and criticals frequency experiment 8: aeore healer’s wit/int and magic critical rate experiment 10: marks and exile vs. mental resistance (summoners' myths p.1) experiment 13 tyrr warrior's str and skill critical rate experiment 14 iss enchanter's debuff land rate experiment 16 the influence of dex/str on othell rogue's skills experiment 17 men and mental resistance experiment 26: con and shield block rate experiment 33 lightning disarm land rate experiment 38: skill mastery success rate and str experiment 43 othell rogue: single vs dual daggers damage experiment 47 p.def. and damage received experiment 52 the hair accessories test
other game mechanics aspects experiment 3: the relogin myth experiment 4 the cursed weapon myth experiment 11 summoners' myths p.2 experiment 45 crafting normal and blessed items experiment 54 altitude and chance of evasion experiment 58 back/front: shield block rate