dear members, here comes a series of vlogs that will be coming up here from time to time and it'll start with this april video that is appearing here with a slight delay but you can still enjoy it please welcome, a new member of our team that will be video-updating you, captain moebius:
what happened with the original green room? that was a bit more calming as a background (e.g.
some info you could address next vlog: - lindvior pts, will we have it? (would be also nice if gm organized a lindvior raid on the pts like they do on korea) - dimensional sieges, any plans to make them happen? maybe with the russians servers? - any planed scripted event? - heroes, what will happen with the launch of the lindvior update? regards,
the latest vlog! some news and some more news this time =) i look awful and really dumb. but i guess it doesn't really matter, 'cos the news are good news =) links: experimentarium requests lindvior promo website pts: how to access lindvior raid i am lineage 2 yours,
this is very entertaining and is it just me or is captain not how you pictured him/her? the avatar does not match the person...hottttt!
whats going on!!!! where are the new blogs :d edit: awwwwwww, i just only found out that captainmoebius is already leaving us