pov: amethyst - feoh wizard 98 clan: outofcontrol length: 18:55 resolution 1920x1080 (hd) tacklist: evergreen terrace - mad world nephew - va fangool! franz ferdinand - take me out foo fighters - the pretender sabaton - 40 to 1 first fraps i ever record in this server link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ea9qyyvm6pi ( watch in hd ) ps: -.- hero skills.
mby u can try download it from Spoiler www.keepvid.com , but i dont know if it work when video is blocked in your country.
cause they are best buddies. yes we had 115 ppl in cc, true so the question is what happened with ooc zerg? randomdigger not good enough cl and ppl are not happy? :s
he is one of best mages here so i dont feel bad because some good player killed me i killed him too so we are even hehehh i killed u few times too ... and i silenced and feared whole ally noob pro hero skills hehehehhehe ps. u got 1 nice killing blow on ur movie when i am coming .. bam... and u are dead :* ye amethyst is the naciest guy u got in whole ally - so treat him with proper respect. and try act like him - no hating just freindly talk
people just get tired of this game and left it... some of them probably went to new polish server lilith, you can recognize them by adding -pl to nicknames, like mesokpl >.>