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Hey all, i am new here!

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Darma, May 1, 2013.

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  1. Jarno

    Jarno User

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    dear community of innova,

    hello to all!

    i was playing on ncwest (magmeld) with my wife but we got tired of all those rmt/bots/spammers etc, their servers are destroyed day by day so i wanna come to try this server and i have a few questions, so let's begin.

    1) i saw in this topic that there are no op items on store and tbh i am really happy to see this. (i don't want to start playing here and see ppl running in towns with blessed r99++++ items from store and bots in xp places). i assume that we can access the store only ingame right?
    2) when innova opened i saw that there were 2 servers, now it's only 1 ? (core) ?
    3) i wanna start here with my wife but we are playing from 2 (different) pc's at home and we have the same ip. will we have any problem with that or no ?
    4) it's easy to find parties from pt matching below 85 lvl? (for raids etc)
    5) if there is only 1 server, what class is missing from the game? (e.g. on ncwest we were lucking of tanks/healers)
    6) mentor system is working?

    and finally, a dumb question, innova is running glory days right? :p

    i am sure that those questions have already been asked before but atm i am at work so i would appreciate if you guys can answer them.
    when i get home from work i will start downloading the game so we can play.

    i hope this server is good because i've read a few topics on ncwest's forum regarding innova and they were saying that innova is better than ncwest.
    and last but not least, we wanna have fun playing l2, not see bots and rmt destroying the game!

    ps: evolutionary road seems really good!

    cheers all,
    cya ingame :d
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2013
  2. fagercraft

    fagercraft User

    Likes Received:
    1) store is ingame
    2) second server was hunter server made for tournament play, temp server only.
    3) no problems at all. 1 pc = free account + prem acc + prem acc + ... etc
    4) i recently leveled a new toon, raiding starts at lvl40+ with a party here and there, easy to get your own party going thou if you got access to iss buffs.
    lvl60+ more partyes starts
    lvl70+ its only raid parties you lvl with mostely by campin 75+ rbs all day.
    - its really not worth camping any boss unthil you get to 65+.. cruma tower 2 + toi 1+2 is so good xp its not worth standing around at a rb. (althou fotd rb that has a fixxed spawn is worth camping each time up to lvl 70 or so!)
    5) i play as a tank and iss, and got a healer friend. at lvls85-90 id say its
    dd/tank (kartia can be done easy with no tank)

    but when i got to 90+ i got alot more parties (almost as fast as my healer friend) as a tank
    basically healer/iss/tank wont have any problems getting parties, but when i play my dd at lvl85+ its still easy to get kartia etc... heck on odd occasions its dds thats lacking at 85-90 range.
    ps: sry cant speak for 93+, havent played much there to form an opinion
    6) yes

    7) yes, innova lag behind ususally 2-3 weeks after ncwest, since innova runs pts.

    im moved to innova from ncwest, on innova you can play lineage2 as it was meant to be played, like the old days c1-c3 before **** hit the fan on botting (yes farmers you could atleast get pissed of :d )
    ginaki7 and Darma like this.
  3. Jarno

    Jarno User

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    thank you for your fast reply. i appreciate it.
    seems there are no bots and op items here so this is very good.
    also, we will get lindvior 2-3 weeks after ncwest and a pts too. nice.
    i will start playing today then!
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2013
  4. BabyMantis

    BabyMantis User

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    welcome ;)

    ahhh while i was typing just noticed fagercraft was faster xd

    i cam from ncwest server too last year and i really glad i made the move here because i enjoy the game with my friends who came along.

    to answer some of your questions:
    2. there is at the moment only core as eu server but they open recently a polish server called lilith and there is a german site who works on a german client version.
    3. you shouldn't have any problems to play together with ur wife since you play from 2 different pcs :) only when you want to dual box you will need a premium account. https://4gameforum.com/showthread.php?t=14054
    4. there are a lot raid camp parties and lvling to 85 is easy with a good mentor :)
    5. yeah it's the usual tanks and healers and even iss at lvl 90+ i often have issues to find...
    6. the mentoring system works fine :) you will have the mentee certificate in ur warehouse from lvl 1.

    and don't forget to look into this https://4gameforum.com/showthread.php?t=12469 the evolutionary road

    i hope i was able to answer some of the questions.
    hope to see you ingame :)
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2013
    Darma likes this.
  5. Jarno

    Jarno User

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    thank you too babymantis for your reply. lol innova is really better than ncwest, can't wait to start playing in here!
    i've already read about the evolutionary road and it's pretty cool since good game starts after 85.

    MNQS89 and DIUBLITH like this.
  6. ginaki7

    ginaki7 User

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    i am darma's wife and i have 1 question too :p maybe its silly one but i couldnt find any info...can i make a kamael iss as main?or i need to make for example kamael feoh and then sub kamael tyrr and then i will unlock kamael iss?
  7. Zebedin

    Zebedin User

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    hello, enjoy your time on core :)
    bots ? known none, but most ofp layers have toons to enter zaken or go farm mos
    about servers, yeah there was a core and aria on then beging as far as i remember, european ones (players with nick assasin_aria were merged and can change nich through support)
    but now are 3 (eu ger and fresh one pl) that have their own teams i guess

    i watch for example this movie and am glad that i moved to core :p

    i play decent geared healer and i never got 1 shoted from top geared player
    best was being 2 critted by hero archer :d, they ported on parna and i was flagger, got lumi hex +10 archer debuff and got insta gibbed cause didnt cast cleanse ;p
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 5, 2015
  8. BabyMantis

    BabyMantis User

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    welcome to you too :d

    you can only dualsub the iss kamael so you have to make either kamael feoh, yul or the male tyrr feoh... and then sub inspector and dualsub it.
  9. Jarno

    Jarno User

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    one last question, are there dailies 60+? cuz the last time i leveled up a toon (subclass too) was on harmony update and as i've seen on the glory days patch notes they removed those daily or no?
  10. Zebedin

    Zebedin User

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    first you do chain quests till 40 level, ending up with 42 lvl, class, some proffs that can be exchanged for c grade and evolutionary first items

    then you can start chain quests (adventure )

    but i advice you to get mentor + harmony from him and go to cruma tower till 5+
    after this go to toi
    those palces have bossted exp and you can solo there on iss buff

    have matchmaking open so you can jump in to a raid boss party (+6 level per one, depends tho) most of ppls just do chain quests and then just make 85 in 1 day camping on bosses

    so quests exist but noone really do them since you can boost on plain bosses wich is cool ^.^
    http://l2wiki.com/ this can come handy
    you can pm me you nick for academy + free buffs, i cant gfive you mentor tho, im random afk in game ;d
  11. Jarno

    Jarno User

    Likes Received:
    we won't have iss because we are new here.
    i know about quests till 40+, cruma+toi too but i was wondering about 60+ dailies :p

    anyway, thank you for your reply. once i get ingame with my wife i'll pm you :>
  12. Zebedin

    Zebedin User

    Likes Received:
    sure, send me mail on this nick in game
    quests daily are still up ! no worry
    just i forgot in wich places cause i did not make them like 1 year
    /e and they did not get deleted nor changet on current updated (echo +)
    /e2 you not event need iss, clan hall give you free iss buff level 2 (90)
  13. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    to clarify the author was asking about the 2nd server we had at the beginning of innova opening which was not hunter but aria and as zebedin correctly stated this was merged with core. hunter was, as you say, a recently opened server specifically for use with the tournaments and the polish team have indeed opened lilith but the language specific servers are fully localised and require seperate clients to be downloaded to access them.

  14. Jarno

    Jarno User

    Likes Received:
    this :p

    thanks for the clarification. i've logged in today and i saw 0 bots till now and server has enough population as far as i can see.
    players are helping through forum/ingame too, lol this is a different game than ncwest ;p

    thank you all guys for your replies.

    unfortunately someone already has the nickname darma ^^
  15. fagercraft

    fagercraft User

    Likes Received:
    ncwest servers are automated pay 2 win,
    innova servers are manual play with pay 2 xp faster (you get bonus unthil you hit lvl cap basically).
    there are ofcourse some more bonuses by store items, but its mostely time saving you get, not op items obtainable only throu store.
    innova is like ncsoft was back in 2004-2006, but better :)

    also for leveling: get mentor 24/7 (i can provide this for you by having my toon logged 24/7 and mentor you, i get nice adena by doing that :p)
    lvl1:do quest chain lvl1-second class (lvl42 approx)
    lvl42:cruma tower lvl2 left from entrence, second room.
    lvl55: you leave cruma tower 2, get b grade items go toi1
    lvl61: get a grade items, go toi2
    lvl65: camp hellman rb on ingame night time (00:00 spawns), grind toi6 i think its best(any floor with those humanoid wolfs is fine), camp lvl70 rbs
    lvl70: join parties that camp 75-80 rbs, youll get lvl70-76 in one 75 rb if your party gets it alone with mentor/pa!
    lvl80: camp lvl 80+ rbs
    lvl85: enjoy!

    if you need help etc i can probably provide you with help when im online and:
    pve clan: academy (ch gludio) english lvl10 clan
    iss buffs when im playing

    pm me on forums or character nifreya ingame if you need more help then answers here on forums ;)

    welcome to lineage2 innova, how l2 was meant to be played!
  16. Jarno

    Jarno User

    Likes Received:
    wow a detailed reply on how to lvl up !
    indeed here on innova we have 0 lag, no spam bots, no overcrowded places by bots, nothing. just original l2!

    i did my first hellman today and i got from 63 -> 67 lol :p
    actually i am playing with my wife (i am healer and she is a d. elf dagger) so we are xping together. from now on we will start finding pt rooms with rb's lvl 70+ that will help us lvl up easier and faster than daily quests.

    we've already found a mentor too, thanks for your offer ;)

    i'll take your info into consideration.

    thank you very much for your reply ;)
  17. Finality

    Finality User

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    welcome to both of you! ;)
  18. Frick

    Frick User

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    nice another greek couple! καλωσηρθατε-welcome!
  19. Jarno

    Jarno User

    Likes Received:
    good to see you all guys :)

    thanks for the warm welcome :d
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