hi guys.i am new and i need some help in my final decision for what class to chose.i play with my husband and mostly afternoons except weekends.on magmeld i had iss and he had archer but we rerolled cause of healer-tank lack.i need a fresh start here and i dont want to be healer and first target again.i was thinking of kamael feoh or dark elf dagger.but i cant decide.i need a class that will be needed in pts and dont wait hours to find pt cause my time is not limitless i dont ask for an op class cause there isnt.i only need some help to decide between feoh and dagger about which class is more efficient at pve and pvp with the less problems and easy/welcome to find pt.my husband will make healer cause he got sick of his tank and since there will be no buff problem i would like to chose an offensive class.so any ideas/proposionals?
to be honest, as feoh you will have a bad time finding parties until level 97. so othell would be better, if those are your only two choices. othell is also quite nice at pvp at higher levels.
do not make feoh, i will agree with ronove this time, go on othel i guess it has better future than feoh and i said it by own experience, it was hard lvl up
hello on core first of all dont you worry about a race, when you manage to get awaken before livindor launch and im sure you will since you are duo and with husband you will be able to choose any class of this archetype f/e human wind rider allso passives and active class skills will be redisigned and when comes to choosing between feoh or othell i must tell you that they are more or less needed in parties in different stages of game. feoh are kinda meh now while othell can hit and run, hide for safe he is atcually best close range dps in game this is open world game, even in instances anythjing could happen, othell is good overall but currently if you want pvp hard you should choose an archer and if you pvm a lot pick wynn allso tyrr is strong in pvp feoh have constant dps while othell can lethal hard and players want him in party (for 90+gog lethal for 95+ orbis for 97+ soh)
well i made dagger but i had some hard time find pt xp apart from kartia.so i rerolled to tank and now isnt that hard to find pt 4hours non stop at harnak yesterday.after all its so easy to find dds.since my husband is healer and i became tank i dont think we will have big problem to xp
true, with such setup (healer + tank) you have core of any pve grp. not too many tanks with brain among low lvls so i wish gl and many ppl will invite you to friend list if you do well ^^
ty very much i am sure we will need some luck its game after all the truth is he was complaining about low lvl tanks playing wrong cause he knows how to play tank.so i made tank and he advise and guide me on tank till i be good enough and i advise him on healer since i was main healer on west . if only we had child we would make it play iss!hahaha just kidding!