they don't fix anything. all game bugs are fixed by nc korea. innova failed that they didn't get any fix from korea and launched the server.
someone said in a post that this started like some fail private server now i agree i expected a little more professionalism from them
so... nothing new about the damage text ? there is something to do in game because it work on innova ru server and in us server, so i'm a little bit disapointed because it's the same game only the way we lauch it is different, it's stange so please tell me i will see my damage soon thx
just my opinion, there are a lot of more important things they are working atm like preparing a new server and solving the login problems then this little bug. i like it too but probably we will have to w8 a little more for it.
stability is important and new server aswell but every player coming here expects genuine l2 without any fault. it's simply original feature.
we have already sent this bug to korea - this is due to korean publishers as we do not modify the game. we also hope they will fix it soon! cheers
there are several bug/mistranslations that are not present on the ncwest client. for example, there are 2 different "rythm of magic". one is correct, the other one should be "rythm of wizard". another thing, in party window vitality sign says "300% bonus xp", it's 200% bonus, or 300% xp, not 300% bonus.
we'd like to inform you that this topic is being closed, since it is inactive, and will be archived at the 1st of the month, as planned. regards .