still i have close to my name that is norinaki _core, they said to me that worm that to eliminate another pj with the same name pear to avoid duplicity and then to write to the forum in order that they were erasing me _core of my main, for what i request if it is possible that one erases me _core. thank you very much
you will need to create a ticket to support to have this looked into. aria characters that were transfered were given the added _aria to their character names if it was already used by an active core character, as your character has the _core tag it is likely that you were one of the people who fell under this category in which case the support team will request a name change ticket from you as the aria character retained the right to the name due to a core characters inactivity. regards.
actually, characters with the "_core"-suffix are considered inactive and aren't supposed to be renamed upon request. in case you want to change your character's name, you can use the name change service. regards,