amethyst - feoh wizard 99 clan: blackswans length: 14:55 resolution 1920x1080 (hd) tacklist: rhapsody - troll's in the dark. the prodigy - invaders must die avantasia - another angel down apocalyptica - sacra link: ( watch in hd ) pd: last siege before lindvior!
sieges are so booring on frapz... especially if there is like dat... just few mins of pwning and nothing else...
specially yesterday when he was admiring sindeyka for scamming her own cp member. then saying "not my fault in hb ppl dont know how to earn adena". was epic, same like situation in ego/hipocrysy cp
1st u must to know in which things are u good. lets say as i know u, u are good in slacking so now u must be clan leader, u must implement dkp and set 1000 points for slacking. and than u can enjoy your money. easy? hmm...
ohh it is rly simply! you ask to sell you octavis shirt (pretty nice item in livindor) for good price (1kkk in this case) from your cp member. then in few moments you resell it to dontcry wynn for 2kkk :d gruzzi was admiring her and blaming hb members they cant earn money. there is also another way to earn in your cp. you borrow 6,5kkk for double sa in blessed r99 from the same member and after some time you start to claim it was a "gift" for you : d so learn from best guys! @logy better than when you know from begining you will get nothing. you think i dont know what ppl from old horde clan were saying since all were going to gruzzi and now will to gruzzi and sindeyka. so join ooc ppl, help princesi4ka and gruzzi get blessed epics, they need you!
during this siege only once. during rush on aden to distract ooc : ) gruzzi rhapso didnt work, so only pr left for him...
i see smone lost hero and can't spam ingame so came here with his ******** about how ppl earn adena or itamz... betar tell the story how bs gets cloacks / blesseds etc :d oh w8... its same as u tell stories about grave - just needs to ask allmighty cl and he gives... epic fail troll... p.s. maybe soon u will see movie about this siege too, how bs fails to kill us ><