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Account Choice

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Xaldarae, Jun 16, 2013.

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  1. Xaldarae

    Xaldarae User

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    hey there,

    i got a question. i own two accounts, one of them is premium. now iam planning to create a healer, as twink char but i cant decide what is faster to level it. create it on the premium account for having the 100% pa benefit or create it on another account to make my wynn (which is on the pa) my mentor (so i will always have mentor guidance if needed) an after 77 powerlevel my healer with the wynn in bloody swamp.

    what do u guys think ia faster? create on pa or plevel it with wynn? :)
  2. Sweetnight

    Sweetnight User

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    my answer would be both premium + powerlevel :) make the new char on non premium account. make your wynn its mentor. level it up to 77. than pay 1 to 3 days pa on the small guy and powerlvl it really fast (depends how much time you have to level it up) :d this is win/win situation. you have mentee coins, the 1 day pa is really cheap :d still even without premium account the powerlvl is fast solution. however, now the vitality before 85 is finishing really fast and a wynn is a really good for powerlevel.
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