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Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Snorlax, Jun 25, 2013.

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  1. Snorlax

    Snorlax User

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    hello guys,
    since i want to start playing on this server in september, im wondering if it's possible to catch up to full geared 150 lvl +++ guys to be able to compete? i know it's been over 1,5 year when the server started and i regret not playing since then :( but i would like to try out the newest chronicles, since many people say they ****. actually i watched few pvp movies and its kinda cool compared to 15 sec pvps in older chronicles. need to test it on my own skin. of course im talking about starting with a cp, not solo.

    i've read patch notes of god and it seems there are pretty many instances around there, some daily quests and campaigns. are those quests and campaigns worth a try? i mean: how will i level faster - by grinding or by doing quests? are those instances hard to complete without gear? i mean some noobish, low lvl instances.

    is it hard to level and gear yourself up? how much time would i have to spend on making my character/party able to compete?
    oh and one more question :p the server is running on linvior or w/e its called update, right?


    sorry, didn't see there is a "new to our server" forum. fail
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2013
  2. Nyweris

    Nyweris User

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    lindvior is like new chronicle, so like god 3.0, with 32 classes(heroes) back to the game.
    now is hard to start for newbies as system became hardcore again, but there shouldn't be problem to make 1>85 in 1-2weeks(depends on your play time) and all other lvls 85-90 few weeks, 90-95 month+-, etc. all depends on activity, if buyed pa(strongly recomended, xp+can box 1char) and other boosts as with them it can be insane fast :). you will need 97lvl to start be competitive, ofc vs 99lvls will be hard :)
    Snorlax likes this.
  3. Snorlax

    Snorlax User

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    cool, thanks.
    can you be my mentor? :p
  4. Zebedin

    Zebedin User

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    yes i think nyweris can be your mentor becuase he is always in game...
    he is just to shy to have more padawans
  5. Nyweris

    Nyweris User

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    i never take mentors sry and i never log to game... ok maybe smtimes for 3-4h max...bb and gl
  6. piotress

    piotress User

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    i can mentor you if you want. my dwarf has 1 slot open, pm or mail krissey in-game and if i reply right away it means i am sitting here. :d

    update: no more slots left. :(
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2013
  7. ginaki7

    ginaki7 User

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    hello there and welcome!starting here with a cp is a wonderful idea!since lindvior update they remove evolutionary road(which was giving free armor/ss/jewels/weapons) but since you are used to play on older chronicles and have no experience with god you will obviously not cry like some others did :p the hard part is that you cant have equipment when you need it.lvl up is easy.just follow the chain quest do your daily and the one time quest and gather steel coins.you can buy some cheap c grade staff and farm with this and later put on a grade.if you wanna an s grade weapon i suggest you keep all coins and buy with them an a grade weapon and later upgrade it again with coind into s grade.since you will not be alone you can search or camp rb with your friends and lvl up faster...do your daily and one time quest first and then search for rb.in this way you will take the reward everyday from the quests and gain extra xp from rb you might find.once you and your friends hit 85 things get easier.you will have the low r grade which cover you till you go 90 and maybe more.after 85 you will have:
    - kartia group instance (can make it double if you buy extra pass from store which means double xp)
    - kartia solo instance (can also make it double if you buy extra pass from store which means double xp)
    - soa daily (which give you as reward attribute stone/crystals/ear/ewr/maybe some weapon and xp from mobs as long you hunt to complete quest.you can also make pt xp at soa reptilikon region)
    - soa instance which is placed at the npc who tp you to soa (its a red circle or something which tp you to a place and solo hunt for 30 min taking pretty good xp every 12 hours if i am not mistaken)
    - teredor daily instance which you can do till 91-92
    - swampland daily quest
    and ofc apart from all these you can go pt xp at harnak3 or soa reptilikon or solo xp at swampland and harnak 1-2 floors.later after 87 they say fairies are good xp spot but i dont know i never used it cause i took so much xp from all the above...

    as i see you think starting at september.well whenever to start i will be glad to help advice and guide you when i am online so if ever need something pm cherouvim in game.unfortunately i cant be your mentor cause i leave my pc on only afternoons and weekends but you can always pm psychomantis for mentor.i am sure she always have free slot :p plus if you need a clan to start with clan skills ch and no wars (so you can freely farm at beginning)friendly ppl and willing to help dont hesitate to tell me!sorry for the long post i wish you to enjoy the srv :)

    ps : since you will start with friends i suggest one of you create healer!its important since before 90 its a little hard find healer to do dailies.tank is not that important before 90(only for soa+xp) cause you can do kartia with tyrr.just a friendly advice.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2013
    Snorlax likes this.
  8. Snorlax

    Snorlax User

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    thanks! thats what i was looking for
    actually i started to play yesterday cause i couldnt resist and i have to deal with all the stuff by myself as an ee, hope ill manage to get it done! ill pm you ingame when i encounter any problem. ty
  9. ginaki7

    ginaki7 User

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    sure or if i am not online message me ! i helped another ee some weeks ago too :p gl mate!

    ps: hard part will be till you go 85(although if you camp rb everyone will need healer :p) after 85 everyone will beg you to come to their pt !
  10. Jarno

    Jarno User

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    true. once you hit 85 you will be a must in almost all the parties :>
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