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Experiment 10 Weapon Grade Influence on the Damage

Discussion in 'Archived experiments' started by Tully, Jun 26, 2013.

  1. Tully

    Tully Experimenter Moderator

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    tags: [stats]
    we all know: a weapon grade
    is important to update
    to go further in the game.
    though the damage is the same.
    what? you didn't know this one?
    see the test – its kinda fun.​

    experiment 10: weapon grade influence on the damage​

    purpose: to check the influence of weapon grades on the damage inflicted by these weapons.


    attacking: feoh wizard, lvl 99
    target: aeore healer, lvl 99

    attacking character's equipment:

    [​IMG] magic dark eternal set

    [​IMG] homunkulus' sword (grade c)

    [​IMG] sword of valhalla (grade b)

    [​IMG] vesper caster (grade s80)

    [​IMG] blessed amaranthine caster (grade r99)

    target character's equipment:
    magic bound dark eternal set


    a feoh wizard attacked an aeore healer with 2 skills [​IMG] elemental spike (lvl.8) and [​IMG] death mass unleash hell (lvl.1). for the purpose of accurateness damage variation was ignored. in the first part of the experiment we compared a vesper caster (s80) with a blessed amaranthine caster (r99). r-grade weapons have additional bonuses when enchanted to +4 and more, therefore we tested a +4 blessed amaranthine caster (r99) first. we searched for an equivalent with the same m. atk. and it turned out to be a +25 vesper caster.

    as a blessed amaranthine caster (r99) has one more bonus, i.e. additional damage in pvp, we decided to choose a pvp-type vesper caster accordingly, in the first part of the experiment we compared 3 items: +25 vesper caster (s80), +25 vesper caster - pvp (s80) and +4 blessed amaranthine caster (r99). test results are represented in the table.

    weaponelemental spike (lv.8). damageelemental spike (lv.8). crit. damagedeath mass unleash hell (lv.1). damagedeath mass unleash hell (lv.1). crit. damage+25 vesper caster (s80) - m.attack 422314066401240025345+25 vesper caster (s80) pvp - m.attack 422346172901367127294+4 blessed amaranthine caster (r99) - m.attack 422346176711367128294

    as we see in the table, the critical damage of a blessed amaranthine caster (r99) is higher than one of a +25 vesper caster (s80) - pvp. this is caused by the additional bonus by enchanting a weapon higher than +4 increasing critical attack, when normal attack remains unchanged.

    in order to confirm our results, we held another experiment and compared low-grade weapons: a +5 homunkulus' sword (c) and a sword of valhalla (b).

    weaponelemental spike (lv.8). damageelemental spike (lv.8). crit. damagedeath mass unleash hell (lv.1). damagedeath mass unleash hell (lv.1). crit. damage+5 homunkulus' sword (c) - m.attack 1221803394071227122sword of valhalla (b) - m.attack 1221803394071227122
    conclusion: the weapon grade doesn't influence final damage inflicted on the target.
    eleria, Clould, Da1amar and 1 other person like this.
  2. eleria

    eleria User

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    hahaha i always thought grade affected damage, this proves it doesn't. thanks for the experiment !