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Clan war in my own town...

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Kalcis, Jul 10, 2013.

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  1. Kalcis

    Kalcis User

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    hello, everybody. :) it is the simple night i can't sleep and every that kind of night i create a lot of ideas about everything. so now i thought about l2. main topic: politic and communication with clan wars.
    so, there are my suggestions: clans could have more influence to towns, which castle is ruled by relative clan. what influence they could get to their town:
    * authorization to kill clan wars in their own town and don't let buy clan halls to hostile clans. it would be more logical, cuz why i should let my enemies be and make their home in my ruling spot?
    * rule selling clan halls to other clans. then it would be more politics, more negotiation, more fun.
    * guards should belong to clans, which rule their guarding town. they couldn't kill pks if those are masters of that town. also guards should help killing clan wars.
    * clans should get authorization to decide to let or don't let to kill each other, to let people kill pks in clan owning town, and clans should get authorization to hire officialy other people to help deffend a castle.

    so there is few, short suggestions from me. : > sorry for bad english btw. :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 10, 2013
    Norekien likes this.
  2. Norekien

    Norekien User

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    i always though that the 1st idea would be nice, but take in mind that some places are just accessible from only 1 city and the other clan would camp them or so.
    the idea of selling the clan halls i think it's really good, no objections.
    don't kill pks if they're from the same clan that the owner of the city, good idea, but take in mind that it's kinda worthless since you could tp out of that city but don't move from the other one if you're not a healer or a tank.
    guards help to kill cw, i think that it would be enough with the people that would camp there, i think it will only be good to move the shops and don't make it all be in aden, but will be a lot harder to buy items.
    but a totally + to the idea of selling the halls.
  3. Kalcis

    Kalcis User

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    first of all, thanks for support. :)
    second, talking about first suggestion, i thought about that kind problems, so what solution do i see:
    clans, which are fighting each other, could get a compromise: cancel the war, pay money or do some other favours, or just buy some things from npc, for example invisibility or ,,king's of all lineage territory insurance not to be killed". it would be like middleages: lords and vassals, rulers and obendients. and as i said more politics.
    btw, i forgot to talk about offencing the clan war town. so it could be some rules:
    * clan war in hostile town could just to fight back. for example, king's of all lineage territory insurance not to be attacked, except castle siege, cuz it would be a chance to rule a town with honorable fight. as i know, in middleages were some cases when attackers warned their enemies about declaring war, about preparing for a fight, cuz they had knight's honor etc. so in game, we could have a npc/admin ,,king", who would ensure honoring fight.

    * clan war should be less powerfull comparing to guards of the town.

    about killing pks, what you mean saying ,,you couldn't move from other one if you are not a healer or a tank". some info please, i think something i dont know. : >
  4. Norekien

    Norekien User

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    then, the first idea seems good to me :)
    have you ever been pk? you cannot use npcs :p
  5. bigmanx

    bigmanx User

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    good talk, go tell the koreans now.
  6. Babatukas

    Babatukas User

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    thats all fine and dandy, however no one else apart from forum dwellers care. youre not korean so this wont reach the devs ears
  7. Kalcis

    Kalcis User

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    oh, i was a pk once, but i didn't have a lot of problems. so, it could be changed to authorize clans to decide if npc can talk wth pk or no in their own town. either it could be added to dark/light powers, which belong to castles', as i know.

    p.s. so how can i reach koreans? :d i thought admins could give them my suggestion, etc. :d
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 10, 2013
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