i won't tell you best setup because it would be way too expensive :d well. istina necklace is for sure a must. after that, for earrings: antharas>bzaken>orfen vs fighters/general pvp, istina/octavis versus nukers/healers at oly. in general, the rings are not that good for feoh, if you don't count blessed aq+blessed baium and beleth. unless you do epic istina/octavis and you can gather 10 crystals to make octavis/istina wizard-type. eternal rings are fine then, if you can afford the others for more mdef, that can work also.
mental atack (zaken, antharas, blessed frinteza, blessed orfen) and stun atack (for example istina earring). from livindor very important part are upgraded ring for m crit rate and magical crit damage: enchanted istina ring, enchanted octavis ring, blessed aq, blessed baium. for neckl if need better m def istina neckl is fine. valakas could be perfect : d i know most of it will be immpossible to get, however i just answer to your question )))
indeed! i can barely afford the ssr after the update (not speaking about bssr that i used to buy also for pve before lindvior)... how am i suppose to gather several billions playing 2-3 hours a day remains a mistery for me... i will most likely have to use the super-pro tw jewels for still a loooooong time :/ /qq over
you could buy mental+stun protection earring from ceremony and freya's necklace for beginning. this 3 jewels cost ~150kk alltogether.