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Coming from NCWest and wondering if its worth starting here

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Vango, Jul 29, 2013.

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  1. Vango

    Vango User

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    hello everyone. after a year and a half playing on ncwest finally ive decided to quit. the reasons for this decision were a lot. before listing them i want to make clear im asking if the things are any better here and if its worth starting here.
    -90% of the server used automated programs, everywhere u see bots and lv 99 players (i mean damn! ive been playing from 1.5 year and im still 97! people playing for 2 months are 99 wtf!)
    -u cant pvp at all! last siege all our skills were interrupted i mean how is that even possible? cancel even nobless?? the cheating was strong with them!
    -its pay2win, from l2store u could buy all sorts of things to make you stronger
    -crazy lag (i dont know if the location i am makes any difference, im gmt +1 europe)
    -credit card players, you can literally buy as much adena as u like as long as youre a rich guy
    -game has been screwed! no drops anymore from instances like fortuna spezion or istina. very very low drop rate. farming doesnt even give adena places which gave u 10k adena per mob now give only 300.
    -(a bit silly question but here it goes) is the community any good? ncwest community was horrible (not all of course ive made some great friends) but most people were arrogant pricks just because they were "pros" lol!
    -inexistent gm, only contact with a real gm about the problems was a forum manager.
    -how is the xp here? takes as that much as ncwest to lv up? playing only for 4% a day?
    -dead server (magmeld) u literally had to wait an hour to get people for instances
    -no chance of being a hero in the shadows of these freaks with xxxxx, credit card and cheats!

    this is all for now :) if i remember anything else ill write it too :p sorry for the long thread but it was nessecery for me and i hope someone will reply :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 6, 2014
    lenelee likes this.
  2. Sweetnight

    Sweetnight User

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    can say here is pretty much opposite of what you're expeiensing in ncwest. it worth starting here and enjoy lineage 2 again. for months we are trying to lure legits from there, here. to answer your questions one by one:
    - there is almost no chance to meet a bot on core. if you meet one it is rare thing, and after you report it to support team - surprise, it is banned. after lindvior on our server appeared some rmt msg, ignore them. they are lower here, and scam. reporting them to same team has same result as bots, they got ban.
    - you can pvp nornally on core. no scripts, only real players, who are playing with their hands.
    - it is not pay to win. you can check the store, when you log in. some of the items are tradable in game, which is really nice, because some people, who don't like (or don't have) to spend real money for game, can buy them with adena.
    - after i moved from naia, here, i can play on avarage details even on siege (and no, it is not cuz there are less people there.. here there is just no lag, made by scripts).
    - i don't know any credit card players, but eh well may be they can buy some things we can, i can't really answer that to be fair.
    - lindvior screwed up drops. this can't be helped. however, due to the lack of bots here, our adena drop is normal.
    - the community is great. there are some ******s, as everywhere, but majority is friendly and really nice.
    - you can find gms in game. you can't always see them, but this doesn't mean they don't exhist :d
    - the xp is normal as any retail - x 1. however, if you buy a preamium account, you're leveling up x 2 faster. also crossroads is a nice place for xp, and as you can buy rune xp in game, i myself was making 10%/day with dailies + cs.
    - core is not dead, no matter how many people would want it to be. it is active, and you can find party for anything. if you don't see it in party matching, make one yourself, you'll see how fast it will get full.
    - there is always a chance here to become a hero, if you are good at it, and may be join the right cp :d good luck with that :d
    hope you enjoy the game here, give a chance to the server, and lure more friends here, you won't regret it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 6, 2014
  3. Jarno

    Jarno User

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    we know that already. many players came here from ncwest (including me). the good thing is that here you won't find bots and overcrowded places. (well there might be a few of them on low lvls - before awakening - but they are getting ban if you report them).

    indeed, i am playing from greece and i don't have lag. on ncwest i used to have almost 1 sec lag but here, nothing at all.

    well this is happening here too (not like ncwest btw), this is the lindvior pack made by nckorea and we have a little bit lower drops. but at least we have.

    sweetnight has answered this.

    you can find/contact gm's via support and forum, they are ingame too, banning rmts and botters.

    same as sweetnight. if you buy pa for example, 1 month, you'll take very good xp. (1 month = 8.99 euro) . xp is way too easy with pa. you can find parties at all levels and playing with real players, not with bots. if you are not working or going school etc, you will lvl up in no time :p seriously ^^

    i was playing on magmeld too and i quitted my 95 lvl tank due to this. xxxxx, cheaters, etc :)

    welcome on core server!
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 6, 2014
  4. ginaki7

    ginaki7 User

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    hello there!i will answer to you as i did to all the other players who opened the same topic us you.(but no problem i will answer hundred more if it needs).well i left magmeld for the same reasons healer 95 there and no reason to play.i started here and i have no lag at all,drops are facked up a little due to korea update not cause innova or west,here there arent bots or if there are they are so much less you wont even notice them(havent seen any so far),ppl i dont think use programms to pvp,93 lvl ppl in oly or 95 can beat 99 lvl chars,if you just create a lvl 1 char you will see store has no such items like sshirts and blessed scrolls and antharas or pay2participate in events or anything else like west,gms are pretty active here and they ban bots or spambots for adena(which are much more less than west and probly just scammers than real money traders) and last but not least xp is far better here cause you can buy runes if you want or pots for normal prices not like west or just use a premium account for 10euro per month or any other price according the days you wanna buy.(personally i pay 10 per month cause i dont know if next month i will play or if i will go trip or anything else happen) to give you a simple example i used runes and pots to keep up vit and had premium + mentor before lindvior and did 1-85 in 19 hours non stop(checked on musium statistics before they remove it)and i play less than 2 months 4 hours per day (except weekends when i may play a lot more or not at all) and some days i may not log at all cause i also have personal life and i am 95 already while on west took me much much longer(93-95 a lot longer cause i had quitted for 8 months before i give second chance to west and then give up for good).have nothing more to say just 1 last thing:bots always existed and always will exist that is how l2 is but here you dont even notice them.simply much better than west and more alive than magmeld.just take into consideraton that its europe timezones for the majority of players and its also summer so dont get disappointed if you dont find ppl for some days...(for example i will leave for 2 weeks and some others already left for vacation.)hope you join us and like it here.wish you the best and anything else you need feel free to pm . welcome :d
  5. Aminiryku

    Aminiryku User

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    just not worth, ofc depends if you like to play 1-3h / day to try make daily.

    and now tell me im wrong like i wasnt here from begining of server.
  6. Alarion

    Alarion User

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    i tell you: you are wrong. ok?
  7. A1S2D3

    A1S2D3 User

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    people spend here more time looking for party when actually playing , waste of time...
  8. Anagoria

    Anagoria User

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    you spend more time writing nonsense on this forum ... that's waste of time
  9. Jarno

    Jarno User

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    in rush hours you find pt in no time. late at night it might take a little bit longer to find, but there are always parties and remember, it's summer and not all players are sitting on their pc's :>
  10. qre8ive

    qre8ive User

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    ncwest is just a joke. if they would ban all the bots, they would have to merge servers. server population on servers like shilen is really bad.

    i don't get why people, who don't bot, still join there. in the end you just pvp vs 95% automated players with gear that's farmed by bots.
  11. Vango

    Vango User

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    as it seems from the plentyfull replies i got i guess its a nice server :) except 1 reply but u cant sattisfy all apparently :p i decided to join you, hit me up with a mail if you need a good friend :) aaand i guess ill be lonely the first few days :p ign: albanianhero
  12. Sweetnight

    Sweetnight User

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    you're right, it is illegal. join an academy to not die of bordom :p you'll get even reward about it. look on recruitment threads some clans , which announce reward for academy and pm the leaders. gl. and yeah i know the feeling, i left 97 heal with 95 wynn dual on naia. never regret it however i started all over and now have iss enchanter 97 with heal 91 dual.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 6, 2014
  13. KSERW

    KSERW User

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    so much lies. game is returning in the old days. old days= hard drops + craft. so plz leave propaganda and lies.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2014
  14. ginaki7

    ginaki7 User

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    even if you are right(which i believe you are right up to a point) i dont see any dwarfs in aden crafting twilights seraph or eternal :/ the other days i wanted to check craft for some parts but noone was crafting...
  15. Alarion

    Alarion User

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    they will start sooner or later, when bounds items supplies finish...
  16. ginaki7

    ginaki7 User

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    well i hope so cause now you get one drop which there isnt in auction and the person who got it put it in extraordinary price...so your choises are : either buy it in w/e price they put it ,or wait until more of this item drop so price go down , or wait until you get the drop or craft it...personally i tried craft cause prices were too high in auction but no luck find a crafter with the item i wanted so i bought it :/ alarion hope you are right...
  17. Alarion

    Alarion User

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    our healer from my cp got lvled crafter is prety close to 99. ofc matter to find recipes etc. wil ltake some time however she is not in rush, still a lot of ppl dropping scrols and unbind bound items or still got some undi. suplies from previous updates. imho matter of max 1-2 months, specially after hollidays activity will increase and more ppl will need to some items.
  18. qre8ive

    qre8ive User

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    don't you think it's a co-incidence they first lower the global adena drop drastically and then all of a sudden start selling something to increase the drop? .... ncwest is really a joke that no matter what change they make, it's controlled by bots. now they only figured a way so they can earn money from adena sellers since they're kinda forced to buy the drop increase...

    as far as crafting i only see people complain about the rarity of certain recipes.... seems hard to get certain ones causing all crafting to stall.
  19. Hax

    Hax User

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    yes, its very hard to get the "combi" recipes for these "wires" and stuff, especially at higher lvls.
    they drop terribly as full drops, are needed in bigger amounts sometimes and the recipes to make them from 2 basic mats are too rare to evne get.
  20. Razzly

    Razzly Banned

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    the problem lies somewhere else. in old chronicles recipes wasnt so expensive to sell in grocery. check the price of recipes dropped in spicula instance - blessed ones. these are around 15kk per each.

    also r95 , r99 keymats are 3-6kk per each... noone would like to sell it at ah while its good enough at grocery...
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