i recently moves here from magmeld, and brought a lot of friends with me. they lasted about 4 days, awakened, and then stopped logging in. my guess is because they didn't want to level up a new character again :/ anyway, i made a dominator iss, knowing i would have a full clan of equal level characters to do my dailies with. now i am a domi iss, with no clan members, and i cant join random parties for dailies because i buff clan only. are there any decent english speaking clans who are recruiting? i need people my level range in order to do damn near anything.
ppl still comes back/goes off to holyday, so can be still hard for a month... anyway gl, sad for your loss of friendz ><
dominator is best for isses 95+ [they keep all buffs] when livindor just come to server. i have problems with my cp ol [99] [raids with some randoms, farm] so i know what is like xd leveling from 85+ will be hard - better create new acc, new char and after try level this ol to 90 [you can use him on box- istina etc.] or go to big clan with many low levels too ... and this is place to offers from them. after 90 will be much easier [2x iss=2x rapso on kartia etc.] whoo whants ol to clan ??
well, i'll just throw this up here then ;d two to four u.s. players lf clan chiappa > 85 ol iss and near 85 duelist tyrr subclass (noble by tomorrow) tryonis > 87 gs yull and near 85 gh othell subclass (noble) we have 9+ years experience on official servers, myself since c1 and tryonis since open beta. we love pvp and know what we are doing, but may need help with parties and/or gear until we root ourselves in the server. we have been in core for less than a week. please email or pm "chiappa in game ;d
heya, there's any na clan here? i'm comming from ncsoft server (shilen) and thinking about to start playing here eu timezone sux, dunno if i'll find people in 'party matching' at na timezone how's server's population at na timezone?! dead?