feoh class based of july. probably the most exciting part of it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaxpdzwclew&feature=youtu.be this month the feoh base was special for me because i had more than expected amount of fights versus my feoh hero-pretender opponent, and on the 2nd day of class based the fights turned to a friendly competition, as it was always between me and exo. maybe other heroes could post their way of becoming a hero, and add why it was special for them. thanks for everybody who supported me.
gratz, seems u had fun. for me it was second time, when smone strong enough to win me tried to take my hero "goude" did nice job in winning vs me, like 3:5+ check my matches in oly for exact number), so i lost my class based, but i win more other isses and had more fights, so here i am hero once again sry was not recording matches, mby this month
i think that intro effect where it goes from hero selection to first fight was too long, at one point couldn`t understand what was meant to be there. rest material,great fights, close ones also. congrats on your hero.
nice, but to be honest the way to hero is made in open oly. mage class base is 90% lottery during barrier-cancel timeframe.
exactly:d if my char was a necromancer i would name it xardas, but i didn't like that class in l2, it was too op among the mages.