scammers fedelhog scammer istina: sonoss scammer istina:
this is why i don't get one thing... on our server people are doing things wierd at least random once. on naia i was having my cp and a random party, that i was starting for octavis. after the epic, we were selling all the drop (including epics) and the money we share equal. this way all was taking their part and since we are not scammers, all people from party got mail with money once it is sold. i find this way much more normal than redrop... and having money you can collect and buy what you need...
such type of prof could be provided everytime, good job, it's like u knew he gonna scam :d anyway, unlucky p.s. as much as i know cdvm aka charlie villamerielis is in oldboyz aka rg, do u have youre box in shadows? or is it spy? shadows is box clan too? oo
i consider it the best way to do such instances too but unfortunately i don't have a cp to do that i record every istina/octavis that i do ^^ and about the character, the owner of obby is working/vacation so i'm doing the instances for him :d
anyway, in sonoss video you can also see how the healer, versaci uses single celestial on sonoss so i think that you can also take him the list. nvm i think it was party cel.
i don't know why ncsoft just don't add the roll system like in aion to this game,they've basicly taken half of aion's other ideas and added them here
its still a game owned by ncsoft,what ever changes are made are made by ncsoft and sent to innova so yea if something was to change then ncsoft would have to do it.