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Problem with daily quest.

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Lynnkk, Aug 6, 2013.

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  1. Lynnkk

    Lynnkk User

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    well in first stance sorry for my bad english, i hope people understand me in this post.

    now my problem is the next, the point of daily quest is do this quest every day, not? well i started with one character and the "daily quest" according to the tutorial was a "one time quest" (for example, sakum's impact, the tutorial says this is a daily quest but just can do 1 time) but the biggest problem is the next, my character lvl 60 could do the next daily quest

    divinity protector - location: valley of saint
    wainting for the summer - location: frozen labyrinth

    but the npc, doesn't give me this quest and this problem happened before, but with normal quests, for example

    whisper of dreams - part 1 (npc manakia in giran) i saw this quest with "world info" in the map, like the daily quest, i went to manakia and i saw the scroll over him (the image that npc with had a quest for you ) but like the adventurer guides, doesn't give me the quest.
  2. piotress

    piotress User

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    if your level is higher than the maximum level required for the quest then you cannot get it. most quests in this game have a minimum and maximum level unless stated otherwise.

    my guess is that it is either a one time quest or you are too high level.

    i have never had problems with quests.
  3. Lynnkk

    Lynnkk User

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    maybe if this happens in daily quest (i mean, if one daily quest requires level 20-25 and the next day i try to do it in lvl 30, you have reason) but when i try to do "whisper of dreams" i had the lvl appropiate even when i had one level more than required i tried again but nothing (i saw the lvl in "world info" and internet and the npc has the image to quest for me) and now i'm lvl 60 and npc just dont give me a 60 daily quest
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