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1st Contact with L II, some help needed.

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by DireWolf, Aug 13, 2013.

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  1. DireWolf

    DireWolf User

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    i just started downloading the eu l ii for my 1st time, never played west l2 or something, so i am a "perfect" noob to yell at:)

    i need some advices regarding a few things if you have time and knowledge to answer.

    1.a. can i use my skills while moving around? can't play anymore standing still to be able to use my skills especially with ranged classes.

    1.b class choice...yes, i know, boring question, but:

    can an archer use the bow\xbow in melee range? i hate not being able use my skills as ranged class when opponent come close.
    what ranged class is fun and performing good in pvp? maybe all of them but can you explain some differences?(aoe vs st class, survivability vs dps\vs cc tools)
    how are doing mages, summoners, archers in pvp? is there any class i should avoid or one that can be better in pvp(range and melee)?

    are here rogues the op class? if so what counter class are for them?

    i would like a class that can be good in pvp(for this i am choosing l2).

    if i would go a melee class, can i do damage, still survive when charging in enemy lines, or i will be dead before i reach them?(thinking on facing multiple opponents).
    what melee class is fun and performing good in pvp? maybe all of them but can you explain some differences?
    (aoe vs st class, survivability vs dps\vs cc tools)

    can you make a top of classes\"builds"(if this means something in this game) that can perform best in pvp area?

    ps.i am not lazy, i am reading as much i can in forums about classes, but cant assimilate too much in such a short time period, that is why i am making this thread.

    2.can i have the best gear without spending rl money?
    can i find a mentor to help me learn the game?
    how long takes to reach lvl cap playing 6-10 hours\day?
    am i forced to raid for being able to pvp?

    are there pvp options to lvl as i hate questing\grinding(heard is a grinding game, maybe i can do this for a while tho..)?

    thank you for your time reading it , and i hope i'll get some answer too.

    playing mmorpg's for 10 years or longer.(metin, rom, ge, wow, rift, gw1, gw2, tried allods, aion, cabal, aika, pw, neverwinter etc. lots of other f2p asian titles)
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2013
  2. Avalance

    Avalance User

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    first of all welcome to our server and therefore to l2. i wish you a great time here and on top of everything try to enjoy the game :).

    i will try to answer your questions briefly and i hope i will be of some help.

    1a) no. all skills are performed while standing. however, since you put ranged classes as an example, there are skills for ranged classes that either push the enemy away from you, teleport you back-forward (u can call it blink) so you can maintain your distance from the enemy. still, melee classes, on the other hand, can rush on you (warrior classes), pull you to them (tank classes) or teleport behind you ( dagger classes) so that you can't use ur range efficiently.

    1b) as i said before and especially for archers, they can use forward blink and backward blink so if an enemy comes close to you, you can use these skills to get away. about the efficiency of ranged classes vs other classes i am not that experienced to tell you, because simply i don't like ranged classes :) maybe another forum member can give you better advice on this one.

    since i am a warrior class player,thefore melee, in my opinion warrior is the most durable in pvp after tank and the most durable from all damage-dealing classes. so we can speak about a combination of strong melee skills and durability. still, there's no such class as rushing in emeny lines and don't die. this is your party's healer job to keep you alive. about pvp, all melee classes perform equally well but the difference is made by items and class role and experience in fights. you can still look at each class's skills separately and i'm sure you will have an idea of what's going on.

    you can't buy items for rl money. this is a reason for ban. however, you can use rl money through l2 store to buy xp runes which raise your xp earned, sp runes that raises sp ( you need sp to learn your skills at each level) and much more helping stuff.

    of course you can find a mentor as it's great for leveling. there are dozens of "shouts" every day from ppl looking for mentees. definitely you should use this. i can't be precise about reaching cap lvl in these hours. there are daily instances/quests that you can do and the rest is just grind. you can do the calculations yourself after reaching 85 because then the real game starts. ;) i don't need to say that every level needs more time than the previous to earn. you will experience this especially after 95! raiding is an important part of the game as you can do raids to level-up before reaching 85 and after 85 you can do raids both to level up and earn items.

    my advise is to focus more on leveling your character first, find a clan, find a cp, and in general gear yourself first and then you can start to think about pvp. i hope i helped :)

    welcome once more!
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2013
  3. Nyweris

    Nyweris User

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    if you came to this game, u should already know it's the most biggest grind game of all ur mentioned and above... you grind lvl, u grind gear, u grind pvp >< u can say u grind grinding by grind!!!
    thats why this game is mentioned as hardcore.

    anyway if ur strong at will, u will rise ur favorite class, as there is non owning everything... all is about lvl>gear>skill. ofc best damage does archers>tyrs=dagers=mages. but all depends on items and these positions can change easy... best option to play what u like? if you played lots of mmo you should know what u like and how you like killing things... smone else mby can write more about classes and their +-.

    about lvl... 1-85 if u know what u doing 20h+- if you noobie like u can take 40h-+. 85-90 few weeks-+. 90-95=months-+. 95-99=3months-+. game starts at 85 as u choose your real class and start full parties for dungeon bossies, open world quests and open world grind mobs solo(just quests best)/party(best xp).
  4. DireWolf

    DireWolf User

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    thank you for the answers!

    as i see if i want to play this game i need to get prepared for a grindfest...well we'll see how it gets along:)

    as for items with rl money i meant if armors\weapons are sold in cash shop , not from other players. as i see this is not the case witch is good.

    until max lvl, while lvling, can i find here some pvp ottions like instanced battles, war fronts or something like this, or pvp is only open world?
    too bad i need to fight by standing still, could be a game breack for me but i;ll give a try tho.

    ty again, i found out valuable infos already from this answers!

    all the best!
  5. Brofist

    Brofist User

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    there is this ceremony of chaos, it's instanced pvp but you'll probably get your butt handed over to you by lvl 99s. you can still get some reward even if you lose though.
    most of the pvp in l2 happens in open world and on sieges/fortresses. unlike games such as wow or rift, lineage 2 is a sandbox game - most of the pvp content is driven by the player community .you could easily say that this game is as good as is it's community.
  6. Avalance

    Avalance User

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    if you have any other questions pm cathedral in-game... i'll be happy to help :)
  7. Nyweris

    Nyweris User

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    you can easy from 1lvl flag(hit smone with ctrl+skill/attack) and you will become purple, then if other dude hits you back, he becomes purple too. in this way pvp starts and finishes with smone dead. anywya if u see dude running flagged(purple) u can easy try to take him out... but, always remember, if dude is not flagging back, don't attack him till death, as it will give you karma(red), then if you low lvl u are fked up...(hard to remove karma on mobs on low lvls... so be careful till like 76... and pvp is all over the world when u leave ur town, just flag :> 85-99 pvp is in farming spots/clanwars/raidbosses/castlesieges/forteresssieges/pvpspots like near instance in kamael village(lots of flags alwayz^^) but it's 93+ zone.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2013
  8. Bboy Wizard

    Bboy Wizard User

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    easiest 1v1 and olympiad classes : othell rogue, wynn summoner, healer, tyrr warrior (well kitted!)

    easiest mass pvp - yul archer, feoh mage

    easiest 'newb' stompers - yul, feoh, wynn
  9. ginaki7

    ginaki7 User

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    i think most questions have been answered about classes and skills.just try to start on something you like better..as i understand you seem to like range dds.so archer or mage would be ok for you.ofc you nedd to read about pros and cons of its class so you can make a nice decision.if you are not completely stisfied with what you made after testing it at 85 then you can always make a dualsub.normally you can make 3 subs that go 80 lvl and you can raise 1 of them u until 99 lvl like your main.you dont need have 3 subs 80 lvl to do that...your first sub can be your dual class.but that is much later infos.about lvl up depend on everything...time and knowledge mostly like nyweris said.if you buy premium account you will take double xp and you can combine it with xp runes and vitality pots from store.(vitality is the green bar you have in game which refills every wensday or by using pots from store)personally i play 3-4 hours per day max and lot more at weekends.done 1-85 in 19 hours playing non stop with premium mentor and vitallity always filled.reached 90 lvl quite soon after i hit 85.from 94 to 95 took me 1 week and to go from 95 to 96 1 week and little more just cause i was playing al little lazy.so if you play 6-10hours as you say and ask ppl for q on every lvl and got help in game to explain i am sure you will lvl very fast.there are tons of things you need to catch up and learn day by day.i am willing to help you explain you or advice you if you want.others may be willing to do it too.my in game name is cherouvim and when i am in you can ask me anything you want.i can try explain you all those things i learned after 3 years and all those i will learn in future :) so welcome good luck and have fun
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