hey, looking for abit of advice as moving from ncwest servers. on the path to awakening are you still given free equipment up until r grade? also i could only select one server called 'core' is there just that one server to play? sorry if these questions may have been asked before, i can't access much information off my phone. the website doesn't like my phone. thanks
something to consider if you didn't know aswell but adventurer's buffs only last until 85. i can't think of anything else to tell you really, i only transferred a week ago.
not all kind of things going to us, some bugs are specific only for our server or for ncwest server. discussion about it was there: http://boards.lineage2.com/showthread.php?t=260634&page=3
we do not get anything from ncwest so stop guessing at things, their buffer has not changed. all updates we get come from ncsoft korean headquarters, not the lame ncwest company where bots/scripters pay not to be banned. ncwest servers are horrible, poorly managed with staff who protect rmt bots and have twice as many bugs/problems as we have.
"we get updates from ncwest" :'ddddd tomaka gratz, you won post of the day! ncw doesnt even had lindvior pts, they came here to test things so you telling me that we got something from ncw ? naah we get nothing from there innova got patches packages with different bugs to deal with allso for your info, russian version of innova got new patches couple month before ncw
idd :s got couple of other games to play and im doing it constantly (dailies mostly) but im still supporting l2eu and from time to time am in game giving advices and im sometimes mad troller
totaly quote the second part , beside that , if you guys get 2 different patch notes etc...does it mean that every "test" did here is not the same as ncwest? i based some "setups" in naia looking at the experiments in innova...i'm doing well or they're fixed differently? (since in ncwest even formulas , i guess , are bugged :x)
here on innova eu patches are tested thoroughly before they are installed, that is the reason why innova never has server crashes/issues after an update, ncwest generally gets several issues because their testing method ****s. when innova tests their updates and find problems they contact ncwest korea and generally get the new fixes within days. if it's something major then they will delay updating the server until it is fixed, ncwest will just installs an update and pray the server starts. why do you think innova eu waited an extra week after ncwest to update to lindvior, because there were probably some issues that needed to be tested. innova also runs pts systems, something ncwest has not done since goddess of destruction and even that massive update did not have a pts there. ncwest is well known for having server issues such as two or three server crashes a week, or the normal bug of npc's vanishing underground and players not being able to start/finish quests. just browse the ncwest forums, 90% of all posts are negative, from reporting the thousands of bots infesting servers to game breaking bugs such as disappearing npc's; and don't even get started on their game breaking l2store items. personally i have never had any issues playing here, things work as they should, i never have lag (even though i play from the usa) and community is generally a lot friendlier. of course you will no doubt get those few posters here who will say everything negative about innova eu and its player base. i generally ignore such trolls as they apparently have nothing better to do than come here and whine. :d